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Everything posted by bbi1

  1. Lucky for them. In covert undercover gear. So hopefully their wifes & gfs won't see photos of them having a good time out and about.
  2. You seem to know a lot about what's happening with the navy boys. Do you have some secret crush on hot navy boys and are stalking their every move since their arrival?
  3. What happened with the previous talk that visa exempt was to be changed to 90 days visa exempt for all those 30 day visa exempt passport countries?
  4. Surprised you even got an answer from the Sydney office. They've always ignored any emails sent to them in the past. Never got a response back from them.
  5. METV - 750 Qatari Riyal is about $314 Aussie Dollars. So basically an increase of 5% only. No need for anyone here to get their panties in a twist over a 5% price increase, if that's all true.
  6. No need to get your panties in a twist. Time to take a chill pill. Why you so upset and care so much?
  7. Since when have METV become no longer available? This is brand new news to me!!
  8. How can we all get Russian passports so we can avoid this visa fee increase? 😁
  9. Rubbish. They increased the visa prices maybe 6-7 years ago, at least they did for the tourist visas in Australia.
  10. We all know of the stories from the past of them banging hookers in Pattaya and other locations around the world. A young man stuck on a ship with tons of other dudes at sea for long period of time, then they come to Disneyland with women everywhere, they have some free time for R&R so they make the most of it before they get locked up on the ship again with a bunch of dudes again. Not to mention the peer pressure from their mates.
  11. No they didn't, that's an absolute lie. METV was and still is $300. It's been like that for a number of many years already. SETV was and still is $60. It's been like that for a number of many years already too.
  12. Makes you wonder how stupid these wifes/gfs of navy must be. Everyone knows whenever they go to a foreign country most of them end up banging hookers and getting some pregnant. Why the hell would any smart woman marry or become a gf to someone in the military?
  13. Retirement age for me is in the late 30's. Retirement age is different for every single person.
  14. Yep, I've got no problems in that department when a hot girl is involved.
  15. If you take the 200 baht minibus option, is there a long wait involved until they get enough passengers to completely fill up the minibus?
  16. Yep. Lots of kite flying on the beach for the next few days. Hope people don't get the wrong idea of which kite to fly.
  17. bbi1

    Illegal Parking

    Lots of cars park on the beach side of Beach Rd, in fact a massive line of cars do that. And we all know it's illegal to park on that side of the road, causing traffic congestion. Why aren't the cops locking those vehicles and towing them away?
  18. What's that song again? In the Navy.......YMCA 😄😄
  19. Did it give you a stiffy?
  20. Jesus, just what we all need......NOT
  21. I'm not in BKK for quite a number of years already but ask me about the clubs in Pattaya in the past year and I've got you covered on where to go.
  22. It's probably all those cocktail cars on the footpaths on lower Sukhukvit. Once the clubs close, those still are open.
  23. There was the firetrap absolute craphole opposite Spicy club that was apparently owned by the cops. I think it was called Swing. Is that craphole still around?
  24. My condo bill is between 400 & 500 baht/month too, but I don't use the aircon, only the fan. Who needs to even use the aircon at this time of the year? Just use the fan and open the doors & windows if needed.
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