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Everything posted by sungod

  1. Must be, its too coherent for Gamma Goblin, or whatever its name is.
  2. Not sure what universe you live in but the UK spends 8 million pounds a day on housing immigrants., 3 billion a year. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/cost-hotels-migrants-small-boats-home-office-b2414237.html
  3. Didn't I read somewhere the NHS asks men if they are pregnant? The silliness seems to be contagious.
  4. Good point, people underestimate this method. Those buyers going down this route will expect a reasonable discount as they know you wont be paying 5% agent fees.
  5. I'll send you a name separately, but my experience is that they will push initially then lose interest and it becomes another listing as newer ones come in. You really need to keep on the agent's case, also list with multiple agents.
  6. They insisted my wife print off more stuff she didn't need at extortionate rates, it was under the guise of 'helping her.' They said it never happened, I told them to check their CCTV, it went all the way back to London and eventually VFS paid up and made a grovelling apology.
  7. you wouldnt notice them amongst all the Arabs, Indian Sub continent, eastern Europeans.
  8. But its fine for you to sit on here and expect everyone to listen to yours? Once you work out you dont need to be the centre of attention, your issues will improve.
  9. sungod


    Don't stop there,I think old men who wear white socks to just under their knees are objectionable, old men with white socks and sandals/flip flops are be persona non grata.
  10. Make it visa free for most of the world and complain crime goes up.
  11. sungod


    OMG, another old fuddy duddy living in the stone age.
  12. I didn't read it that way. I can do CPR, however if a qualified professional were there it only makes sense they take charge.
  13. sungod


    Bored old men with nothing else to do.
  14. sungod


    Your head is up your own ....
  15. I've never worked that one out with scruffy mutts sprawled out on the floor.
  16. sungod


    Is he not?
  17. sungod


    To be fair that's the stereotypical view of him, watch a couple of documentaries about him and you may change your view. He has an incredible drive to do well and always encourages youngest to work hard and fulfill their potential. He's an ambassador for the sport. Oh, he also took his turn in the queue to pay his respects to the late Queen when others used their status and pushed to the front. You dont need to hold a degree to be clever or a role model. I'm just highlighting the poster's ignorance over tattoos and 'mutton heads' Only 'mutton heads' would make statements like that.........
  18. Jackanory Bob..... I used to like your posts as they were amusing, now just total cr@p.
  19. sungod


    David Beckham is one of the biggest role models for young kids/footballers there is, and such a decent person. Is he a mutton head, doesn't have a good job?
  20. I didn’t understand your reply and wasn’t being rude. But you do actually seem a little delicate petal in hindsight
  21. Call your provider, they sometimes throttle the international traffic, I've had it with AIS before and all is fine after a little moan 🙂
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