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Everything posted by sungod

  1. Definitely not an EV, they'd still be trying to put it out.
  2. Yet they want to criminalise weed again.......they've no idea.
  3. I took a look too, but all the car air purifiers I saw were negative ion ones. If you search negative ion air purifier its one of those subjects where 50% say they are safe, and the other 50% say they are not. So what to breath in?????
  4. Not Pattaya, but Bangkok- this guy is worth the travel. https://www.bumrungrad.com/doctors/Panya-Wongpatimachai
  5. lets not measure wealth on the purchasing power of a tin of Ayam Baked beans....
  6. I had exactly the same issue. I reached out to mobile2you with Lazada messaging, they directed me to their line account. They said they no longer sell them on Lazada or Shoppee but I could buy direct from them for 2790 which is exactly what I did. Quick delivery, a hour to register online with DTAC, I now have another year.
  7. I dont think the snake was cold this time of year.....
  8. Next to nothing insurgency on that side of the coast.
  9. No idea, they dont seem the brightest lot as apparently they had it away with a mattress last time......what a load of BS
  10. I dont have a luxury house, but my carport looks better than that dump.
  11. I think you will be fine with your 'special mask' on Bob.
  12. Certainly looks like a sh1thole to me too.
  13. 12 at Lovell school near Wongamat when I posted, 8 at the moment.
  14. You can cast direct from the chrome browser on your PC too.
  15. Not sure how you would measure wealth in relation to baked beans? However I do prefer to live a little rather than survive and worry about the price of a tin of beans. As long as you got enough for a few changs and a legover I'm sure life is good. Right, I'm off to Siamburies, Branston baked beans are 69 baht a tin!
  16. The day I cant afford a tin of baked beans..........
  17. They cant even find a way to collect a 500 baht speeding ticket here.....Thats with a car plate number and an address. I think you should be OK.
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