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Everything posted by sungod

  1. From a source we cannot quote on here, Siriraj issued a clarification that the situation in the public side was normal and controllable, they have not added any COVID beds as they did at the peak. Just a little more context.
  2. Actually not Siriraj hospital, it's SiPH the private side. Not sure how many beds they have but certainly no where near the number of the public side. It does need to be put in perspective IMHO.
  3. But the article does say you are more likely to die or be hospitalized with repeat infection, that was my point. The other article said symptoms generally decrease with repeated infection. It contradicts.
  4. Interesting, the other article you led us to seems to contradict this 'Dr Yong added that the term novid is real but people who have never been infected will slowly decrease. It is also possible to get infected with Covid two to three times but symptoms generally decrease with repeated infection.'
  5. Who is deflecting science? Stop twisting my words. I am merely stating the fact that I know lots of people who have all had COVID, but none of them is claiming to be suffering from long COVID. I apologies if that's not what you want to hear. Or would it make you feel better if I said I only know 2 people in the world and they are both suffering from Long COVID, as thats what you want to hear?
  6. Been here 30 years, Bangkok and Pattaya. Know alot of people with 2 kids at 2 schools and different sports clubs. Not all of us live sheltered lives around the lake.
  7. Flu is a threat also, but we dont have it rammed down our throats every day like covid. Putting things in perspective is only what many are asking for, not the continued mass hysteria.
  8. Surprising given everyone I know has had covid at least once, and no one is claiming to be suffering from 'long Covid.'
  9. Fart in the bath and pretend its a Jacuzzi
  10. No worries, I make allowances for those who have obvious mental disabilities.
  11. How many times you going to keep using that quote, do try to come up with something original for a change. You are boring us now.
  12. the one above my question, on Sri Ayuthaya The only one I can think of there is Amnuay Silpa, and I wouldnt describe that as International in the expat sense.
  13. At that age I would not be too bothered about the top schools unless money is no object. 600,000 baht for play dough lessons is rather steep. Find a good school close to where you live would be my priority. You can move them to better schools later, its what I did (albeit not Bangkok) and at no detriment to their education.
  14. Often when I get a bolt bike, the driver has a jacket on covering his orange waistcoat.
  15. Yes, the time has expired for making outgoing calls. You should be able to top up with as little as 20 baht which will give you another 30 days. Your balance will then be 340. Its based on time periods as well as credit.
  16. I did this before in person at Police HQ Bangkok, only wanted to see my current passport.
  17. Just like the coronation street party, but different.
  18. In my son's school classes are full and not all the kids got vaccinated. Not insinuating anything, just saying......
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