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Everything posted by sungod

  1. Really no need to use bold lettering to try and prove a point after you have already shown your ignorance . You come across as one of those who is never wrong, did it hurt your ego? Let's quote your own words, 'As I understand it, we can't just go to get a police clearance certificate by ourselves. Our Thai employer must do it, right? ' Answer- You can do it on your own. End of. Bye.
  2. You really have no idea what you are talking about, I've walked in and done it myself, as have many others on here. You ask for advice as you say you dont know, then argue with those who have done it and are trying to help you. I wont bother the next time you ask for something.
  3. You can do it yourself, walk in to Special Branch at RTP HQ @ Bangkok with your passport. https://pcscenter.sbpolice.go.th/en
  4. Very low kms for the age. Suggest you pop in to a Nissan dealership (if its been serviced there) and see what they have the kms at.
  5. I am puzzled too, did they get a house each (the husband and the boyfriend) , or is he insinuating the husband now has a boyfriend? I guess anything goes up in the jungle....I must be living a sheltered life down here in Pattaya. Thought I'd seen it all!
  6. An attempt of humor/sarcasm that was obviously lost on you.
  7. I thought it strange they were at the back and left it to the guy in t shirt and flip flops to knock the door.
  8. Brought to you from the internationally renowned https://thailandtravelessentials.com/do-you-need-to-carry-a-passport-in-thailand/ 'his top ten tips' Hilarious........
  9. A little over the top to say the least ???? I'm amazed how some of you manage to get out the house in the morning on your own.....
  10. There is none, he is just making it up. The law is to carry a form of official ID. Even the cops are split on what is acceptable. Never been locked up because I have not got a passport ????????
  11. Use my DL here, passport copy on the phone.The police will accept that. If you cant fix stupid, how do you personally get on in life?
  12. Always keep some UHT stocks for contingency.
  13. Go for it, you wont get into trouble, the worst is that they let you on your flight. your choice.
  14. I have not used skype for a while, but 0800 numbers used to be free, my credit didn't go down. Times do change ofcourse
  15. Hope it works, every major traffic jam I come across has a cop directing traffic.
  16. Got a car on my drive with Bangkok plates, registered at an address in Chonburi.
  17. Ok, I'll rephrase, no one in their right mind is going to sell you a car......... You've already admitted you know nothing of the process as you said you used an agent. You really have nothing to offer on this thread.
  18. You must have bought cars of the most gullible people in the world. I've told you how the process works for the other 99.99%, so please don't tell me I am wrong ????
  19. Once in your name, no real need to transfer from BKK to Chonburi. Can renew tax regardless. Perhaps something I am not aware off, but I think you will find that's the case.
  20. Sorry, no one is going to sell you a car, wait for the book to be in your name without any money in the bank. Transfer papers signed together, money in the bank at the same time is the way it should work.
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