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Everything posted by sungod

  1. I see some posters (usually retired and financially secure with no children of school age) keep banging the drum that opening up is too risky. Living in their own bubble they fail to understand economies and people's livelihoods have been decimated, school children have been deprived of an education. We have vaccines so its time to move on.
  2. Perhaps we are no longer in a wave, and this is normal. Not suggesting Covid19 and flu are the same, but as a comparison when looking at these figures (not sure about the website, but they claim to use WHO data) in 2018 Flu and pneumonia caused 44,549 deaths, divided on a daily basis is 122 deaths per day. https://www.worldlifeexpectancy.com/thailand-influenza-pneumonia Maybe we are at the living with it stage?
  3. Yes, UK a total success. Only spent 37 billion so far, that's what you call value for money! https://committees.parliament.uk/committee/127/public-accounts-committee/news/150988/unimaginable-cost-of-test-trace-failed-to-deliver-central-promise-of-averting-another-lockdown/
  4. I always tell the Dr just to write the meds on the certificate, and I will get them outside, they usually understand. On the odd occasion they dont, just I just refuse them at the point of payment.
  5. But that doesn't mean there isn't a decent hospital in Pattaya as the other poster was moaning about. I've found the level of health care good. Cant say my health insurance has ever complained over a bill, for any larger procedures you need to clear it prior anyway. If Thailand was expensive for medical care, why would people fly here for treatment? People typically moan about the things that may not be accessible to them for one reason or the other, rubbish them to justify to themselves at least why they are going somewhere else. Private hospitals and International Schools are 2 prime examples. If people are satisfied with the service they are getting elsewhere, then good luck to them. Doesn't mean the more expensive options are not up to scratch, that's just silly speak.
  6. I wasn't quoting him, I was quoting you. I'm not the one with difficulties !!!! ????
  7. If you want to be closer to town (Pattaya), but still 'live in Thailand' try Naklua. It still has its charm and a little more character than Benidorm, Jomtien. However if you like your fish and chips and other farangs then Jomtien is fine.......
  8. You hear that a lot about the hospitals in Pattaya, normally the people who say that dont have insurance or enough money to pay for it.
  9. Before I would go down the surgery route, I'd recommend you check these guys out. (physio) Sergey is a very knowledgeable guy. https://www.facebook.com/motionwellnesspattaya/ Sorted out my back (long history of lower back problems) and also a minor shoulder injury. Plenty of friends have been there too, all happy. If memory serves me correct its about 700 THB a session.
  10. If you have recently been boosted I would have thought the breakthrough would have been more likely with Omicron than Delta. I had a friend in the UK who felt bad for 12 days, still tested positive for 22 on an ATK! It affects different people in different ways. But I can imagine you are feeling low thinking why me? Hang in there, you will be fine soon.
  11. Couldn't agree more, I think the term is 'outreach' . In the UK it would be backed up with a free cup of tea, a biscuit and a chance for a chat! I dont believe it's solely vaccine hesitancy in the elderly, they dont see major issues in their community so they dont think it will happen to them and therefore traveling some distance to sit in a queue does not appeal. But as you say, if you turn up on their doorstop then they many would accept.
  12. For starters the booster campaign is very slow, I see complaints daily of people not having access to it here in Pattaya. Yesterday on Facebook people were complaining that the 500 doses that Bangkok Pattaya Hospital had were booked before it was advertised. Many elderly I know have not had a booster yet, but they are administering doses to healthy kids.
  13. But that's exactly what it is, a pre season friendly. Brilliant, thanks for explaining that to 'Trigger' ????
  14. What did Merkel do about it? Became energy dependent on Russia, invested in Nordstream 2 and neglected to spend 2% of its GDP on it armed forces as a commitment to NATO. look where that got us. Her other major achievement was to open Europe to anyyone from Africa/ middle east. Mainly men who if they remained would be persecuted and killed, but apparently OK for the families they left behind. Brave men indeed. What we are seeing now is a real refugee crisis, men sending their families off to safety and then join up to fight the Russian invaders. The women and children dont want to leave, but have to. They would relish the chance to return to Ukraine if/when the situation allows. Merkel's refugees just want to strip our welfare systems dry.
  15. There is no THC, or at least very low levels so no one will be getting 'high.' All to do with medical cannabis.
  16. Easier ones may be better for you actually, you dont seem to have the correct grasp of the ones you are 'attempting' to use.
  17. Obviously causing you a lot of interest, that's the 2nd time you have told us this morning!
  18. Personally I prefer not to identify, but an interesting topic none the less as once things open up I'm looking forward to getting back into my ball gown on a weekend.
  19. 2 major International Schools in Pattaya stated a couple of weeks back that kids who had contacted covid within 3 months no longer have to isolate if a close contact of a positive case due to the levels of natural immunity they have. This was with the blessing of the Chonburi health department. Certainly starting to move in the right direction.
  20. Not sure the 8 of them I saw trying to all squeeze in a small massage shop with only 2 girls working in would agree to that.
  21. Why,do you think it will be a little too hot for you petal?
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