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Everything posted by sungod

  1. 64 million dollar question indeed. But what are the other destinations, what they are offering and what are the travelers wanting? It's all subjective.
  2. You complained about the insurance scam, I pointed out its 650 baht, minuscule. All the stuff you have moaned about above re paperwork has absolutely nothing to do with with your original post, happy to debate with you but you should really stop moving the goalposts
  3. its peanuts. I just did a quote with roojai, 650 baht. If that the difference between coming or not I would suggest you cant afford to come in the first place. and right, everyone used to turn up with their own insurance, thats why there was a go fund me everyday with a hard luck story
  4. So you think people should just turn up, and if they get sick expect someone else to pay?
  5. That's good ???? Used to be train spotting in the old days.
  6. Someone needs to proof read these articles before they are put out, they dont read right, very amateur.
  7. The guy writing this may need to add a journalism course to his bucket list, these 'articles' read more like normal posts from anybody else on the forum to me.
  8. And the Thai's who usually like to go abroad but are traveling domestically at the moment?
  9. I kind of understand, but it really distorts figures, and in this case quite negatively.
  10. Thanks, based on those stats if 2 shots prevent 85% of deaths, saying 90 odd % of those who died did not have a booster is meaningless. If someone is not vaccinated then by default they have not had a booster. You cant lump figures like that together.
  11. Waste of time concentrating efforts on a group of people who are wholly unaffected by covid, even more so as they have already had 2 shots. They should be making better efforts to tackle the reasons why the old and vulnerable have not yet had a booster, the group who make up the largest amount of deaths and serious hospitalisations.
  12. If you walk your dogs in public, you may want to consider carrying a 'walking stick'. To be honest, it can be stressful at times if you come a cross a pack of soi dogs.
  13. Not just the scammers, the incessant cold calling by automated systems trying to sell you sh*t you dont want.
  14. A couple of years ago, a fella from NI killed a girl he picked up from Tree Town, out of his nut on something.
  15. How credible is the HRC with members such as Saudi (chop people up in your consulate) Arabia, and the Islamic Republic of (its ok to kill your wife as she made you look bad) Pakistan ?
  16. Let's go the whole hog, compulsory medical insurance for any foreigner, yearly medical. fitness tests. Anyone who fails gets booted out. Sounds fair? .................
  17. I was hoping the article would be giving an explanation rather than dragging up the old questions people have been asking for years. Many of these daily articles just seem to be regurgitated news.
  18. You can do a walk in at Royal Garden in Pattaya I believe. Not too far down the road. Or coming from Sri Racha to Pattaya, the temple on the right side just after the 36 junction has a covid vaccination sign up too.
  19. I dont think they will miss you to be honest, but put your money where your mouth is and make a few thousand baht donation to charity instead. Lolling down the liver...... and other such classics........
  20. Getting married is the easy bit, being married...........................................
  21. Let me know when you are up for a beer, you sound a barrel of laughs!!!
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