Look how much formwork was sitting up there, maybe there was not enough foundation supports or the foundations weren't sunk and stabilized deep enough. I assume it collapsed during a concrete slab pour to extend the first floor slab if there were already other slabs formed that may have crushed the other worker.
Anyway speculation aside, RIP.
Prices seem to have gone up across the board and most of them much higher than the BS official inflation rate. Prices of rental properties will start rising as more Russians keep coming to hide out. That has already happened in the near Russian ex soviet countries like Georgia and Kazakhstan, where Russian migration has caused a rental housing shortage.
Just explain to your children that not all teachers are intelligent and that they should only believe scientific facts that have been peer reviewed and documented in scientific journals.
All and every scientific fact that is ever established are written up in white papers and are then peer-reviewed and published in scientific journals long before they ever get published in educational texts. I doubt that a "flat earth" white paper has ever been peer reviewed and published in a recognized scientific journal.
It is never to early to get children to self educate.
What a joke. You can stand on any sidewalk in Thailand and watch the traffic amd you see regular law breaking. I did a trial run on one road in the Dusit area and the longest I could count to without seeing a traffic violation was 40 seconds. That was just me passing the time one day while I was walking.
The RTP are generally lazy and corrupt and turn a blind eye to any violations that occur unless there is the potential for personal economic gain or unless the bosses set up a media circus police blitz event. There may be exceptions to my statement but I believe it to be largely correct. This is borne out by the regular media exposure of "dirty cops".
300 people missing would have meant a very empty flight leaving. The air hostesses would have been stoked to have an empty plane and an easy outbound flight.
I'm sure that backstabbing has been the order of the day. Prawit the halfwit sleeps with one eye open. Prawit can't reach for the top job unless Prayut is pushed out.
I live in the middle of inner suburban Bqngkok and there are male roosters here as well. One crowed for about 2 years and then suddenly everything went quiet, so maybe he was terminated with prejudice.
Marijuana is a precursor drug to heavier drugs. I have seen the progression from one to the other many times with people I knew. Luckily for me I tried grass once and hated it and never touched a drug again. These children need to be educated not to take drugs.
And yes, alcohol isn't much better and creates all sorts of issues.
Any country that offers visa on arrival for Thai's is going to be a preferred destination. Another survey question should have been "effect of ease of visa process on travel destination".
The RTP have stated many times that sex workers don't exist in Pattaya, therefore these girls and transgenders should sue the RTP for defamation if they are arrested.
Bangkok...lipstick on a pig. Regardless of the gloss it is still a pig. It is a massive urban sprawl, with poor road networks, noise and vehicle pollution, decayed and neglected neighborhoods and way too many people per square metre.