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Everything posted by Aussieroaming

  1. He will be devastated but essentially anyone without a swastika will still be fair game for his racist rants.
  2. A Swede disguised as a turnip. Forget the tattoo's, his outfit is the real crime.
  3. I guess that eyeballing the potential criminals before pulling the trigger didn't enter their minds. The well oiled brown machine strikes again.
  4. Tramadol is too strong for OTC I think, based on my experience with it. I liked the old days when you could get panadeine Forte OTC, much better for general pain relief.
  5. Actually Thailand should force the Chinese to buy properties in the capital as a means of punishment. Not so much as laundering money but more like throwing it down the gurgler.
  6. I walk regularly near one those crossings and the number of bikes and vehicles that run the barrier after the lights start flashing and the bells go off never ceases to amaze me.
  7. Don't drink and drive, unless you've got a good excuse like being an RTP officer or military officer.
  8. Student visas and volunteer visas seem to be pretty well abused along with the plethora of Covid extensions that were granted. It would be easier just to issue younger people a long term visa as long as they have funds.
  9. Merry Xmas and enjoy the windfall.
  10. Thailand, always looking for handouts. Guess what Thailand, when you take handouts you aren't in a partnership you are a beggar.
  11. Depends where you are in Bangkok. There is ( was) a big stall at Mixt Shopping Mall ( near Chatuchak Market) that sells cheap cheap drinking glassware of various types. I wasn't looking for wine glasses but they certainly sold various drinking glass types of glassware at 10 - 20 baht price range.
  12. No dramas, if it is damaged beyond repair you can contact your embassy here in Thailand and get an emergency travel document to get you home.
  13. What's the gifts, free 30 day visa extentions or something. The Russians get a free box of Ukrainian made tissues to wipe away the tears of defeat.
  14. He is obviously mixed up in some form of organized crime if he needs guns for self defence when he is traveling.
  15. I'll bet that he still has a crust or two salted away.
  16. Sin and Porn, now that is a combination that has a certain serendipity.
  17. I wonder if he has a history of seizures. Probably shouldn't be behind the wheel at all.
  18. I have watched most Thai based content producers but I lost interest in most of them as their week to week content becomes a bit stale. But I appreciate their efforts to entertain, as it must be hard to come up with fresh content. I never watch any vlogs that show "paid promotion" because I find it very disingenuous for a vlogger to suddenly proport to use and love some random product when in reality they probably never used the product in their life until they were paid to promote it e.g. "I use Shark VPN for all of my internet needs because it is sooooo great". That example is the type of statement that would be considered by me as a lie, not a true and honest promotional statement. I do watch a few Thai based producers because I genuinely think that they seem like nice people and I am interested in their general life and well being. But I think the worst vloggers by far are the ones who come to Thailand for a month or two, have no idea about Thailand and produce a few weeks of content identical to the content that a vlogging backpacker the month before generated. Each week someone else "discovers" another Thai hidden gem that has been "discovered" and vlogged to death numerous times in the preceding weeks. Or they tell the audience that a certain market is the biggest or the best or the cheapest in Thailand, when they clearly have no idea of the truth of any of those claims.
  19. All of their names clearly listed in order to simplify the future contracts on each of their lives for robbing the Chinese Mafia.
  20. No pulse infers "dead", so how was she rescued?
  21. Taking responsibility isn't a national strength. It's most likely that someone on the vessel sold the life vests to make a quick buck. As for the vessel sinking...who forgot to close the scuttle valves.
  22. That gambling will fuel next year's spate of gambling debt executions and beatings as I am sure that many will have borrowed money that they can't repay, hoping for a magic win.
  23. He got the broom out, lifted the carpet and neatly swept the slave labor complaints under the rug. Job done, photo op time now.
  24. Never heard of Ganga art myself, maybe it's a generational thing.
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