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Everything posted by Aussieroaming

  1. I recently paid (last month) 1500 baht for 4 fillings and teeth descale plus 4000 baht for a front tooth ceramic veneer to give you an indication. Service wasn't as polished as some places but it was survivable.
  2. My wife and I don't have any debts and we own our home and vehicle but we still have to pay for insurances, juristic fees, licenses and Food etcetera. I am more concerned about the losses I made on the stockmarket and crypto???? recently. The inflation rates should be a concern for everyone because it shows us how little control we have over "normality" in general.
  3. The yatchs should be scuttled so that some other billionaire doesn't get to enjoy them because the other billionaires are probably thieves as well. Am I jealous.....yes I am.
  4. If he knew her age then he should have been castrated with a rusty blade before jailing. The point, did he know. The madames got a sentence suitable and I hope they enjoy being a madame in the big house.
  5. Jack boots to the fore. Imagine any other decent country that randomly closes a street and searches every person. You might see this at a rave or music festival but not in a street. Patted down and searched by the brown shirts, who themselves are far from "clean" as an organization.
  6. Luckily his Volvo tank protected him and his daughter until they could escape. Very happy to see that this isn't a story about people being seriously burned.
  7. This happens daily, all over Thailand. Why is this even a story?
  8. Most likely it will come back to money leading issues, drugs or a fem fatale.
  9. Ahh the family resort city of Pattaya, crown jewel of the TAT. When you look at a map that shows the number of water courses draining into the sea in that region, it is no wonder that major flooding occurs there. The only way to resolve the major flooding in Pattaya would be to construct flood levees to essentially divert the excess water runoff around Pattaya. A very expensive civil earthworks project.
  10. Thailand would be one of the worse places in the world to traverse anywhere in a wheelchair. Here in Bangkok I saw a disabled person not in the slow lane trying to wheel himself along in traffic with scooters and cars ripping around him because there was no pedestrian access suitable for his chair. My major BigC complex access point is two sets of stairs for access to the main building with no ramps for either wheelchair or baby thingmabobs. And many pedestrian walkways get blocked by structures which completely block any wheelchair access. Disability people are a forgotten group in Thailand, mainly hidden away due to lack of mobility opportunities.
  11. Of course Prayut isn't worried. He never travels without his Lemon Nasal Spray, developed in Thailand for Thai people to smash covid. Tried and tested during clinical trials on uhhhm, nobody really important.
  12. We hear this same snot adnauseum, when will this hub nonsense ever end. Thailand is the hub of road carnage and death and that's it, I would love if all of their vehicles became electric, how blissful would that be if like me you live in a poxy city.
  13. I bought 4 books about a month ago and haven't even picked them up yet. I read on my Samsung Tablet from a website which has thousands of novels for free, many are top writers including Steven King, Koontz, Straub etcetera. Website is called largepdf.com by the way.
  14. Thai business class is pretty average, last time I flew them from LHR was on a one way ticket that cost me £2800 during the pandemic. I have flown all of the major mid eastern airlines between here and LHR in business and they are all better value that Thai. I really like the new Oman Air business class seat set up. Your problem if you want to fly during or near Xmas is that it's a prime time anyway and add into that the shenanigans between Ukraine and Russia pushing up fuel costs allegedly making bargain flights in business hard to get. I flew business on Singapore Airlines at exactly this time last year for 68K baht return and that ticket this year is about 4 times that price I think. Even when I bought that ticket it was amazingly cheap.
  15. Good, it keeps the dust and particulates down.
  16. Australia is damned expensive for international students. Prices vary from institution to institution and also differ between college and University. Also accommodation and living expenses would be burdensome too, as you can imagin. Rents are off the chart at present due to the housing boom. However study in Australia is a good pathway to a permanent job and residential visa. Many of my former university classmates obtained their residency after completing their degree way back in the day. And Australian payrates are good in my opinion. In my particular field (construction and mining) the yearly payrates were better in Australia than America, Canada or the UK for similar positions.
  17. I get my 12 month statement from Kasikorn immediately when I ask, as in its processed upon the request. No cost to me because of the account type I use. CW always wanted the 12 month statement in my own applications.
  18. Also, if you have a valid IDP then why not get it mailed to you?
  19. I'd be more worried about not being insured if you are seriously injured in a vehicle accident and do not have a valid licence. Medical expenses will bankrupt you, forget the 1000 baht petty cash.
  20. I guess you are old enough to decide for yourself whether you want to fit in or become the office misfit. Just be aware that one day you might need the assistance of the co-workers that you are alienating. Nothing worse than having a crisis and finding out that there is nobody covering your back.
  21. He has obviously stuffed his bank accounts as full as possible if he is getting "tired". He has been diagnosed with sticky fingers.
  22. Too many nipples on the female dog I suppose....it might have freaked him out. Doggone silly man.
  23. 5000 baht....the victim certainly held himself in low financial esteem.
  24. Prayut stole the country when his Junta deposed the legally elected Thai government in 2014, so this lady is correct. Prayut committed a criminal act when he led that Junta and he has never been held accountable for this. Whether the Junta was justified in his eyes or not is irrelevant and if the judicial system here had any balls then they would bring him to justice, but of course that will never happen when military rule illegally over rides democracy. Subsequent faux elections do not mitigate against the original crime of sedition that was carried out.
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