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Everything posted by Aussieroaming

  1. The wild west, amazing that they don't have public lynching as well. Innocent bystanders dodging bullets flying as the muppets shoot at each other. But I am glad that the crim was stopped.
  2. Let's see how well Bangsue Station transitions to a full scale train and MRT/BTS hub and whether the local areas benefit at all from increased numbers of people in transit.
  3. Same thing happens every day here on every supposed marked crossing. It is indicative of the lack of care and general indifference to other people. I can see one crossing from my condo, directly adjacent to a large hospital and I have lost count of the number of times I have seen people being carted off injured after trying to cross over during the last 4 or 5 years. They installed traffic lights at the crossing a few months ago and at the same time removed some bollards, now it's a motocy shortcut because there are no bollards to deter them. So pedestrians now have motocys cutting in front of them on the walk path as well as the other a s s hole traffic that still doesn't stop.
  4. I love bike riding, would have been some interesting side events there showing off bikes I suspect. Lucky people.
  5. Paholyothin Rd is already a race track, so what is wrong with one more boy racer doing laps.
  6. I'm sure that the killer knew that any confrontation in the jungle was likely to end violently.
  7. He will probably get let out on parole in order to repeat his offences again and again. Should just terminate his interest in sex by neutering him with a meat cleaver.
  8. Everyone kitted out with PPE to fight the fire, which is good to see. I assume those yellow crocs are the fire retardant model.
  9. Well they can always step back over the Russian border and protest to their own people about the injustice of the Russian Army Beaurocracy. I'm sure that the Ukrainians who are freezing to death in their own homes because of Russian bombardment won't stop the Russian invaders from leaving.
  10. Seems to be a few "deaths of unknown causes" lately in Bangkok. I'm sure that the coroner will clear things up with an autopsy (note: sarcasm). RIP.
  11. Russia being one of the few countries in the world that issue Thai's with visa on arrival, it is no wonder that Thailand feels some allegiance to them. Not many other countries trust the "Thai Tourist" not to become a grey ghosts. As the Ukraine versus Russia.....let us hope that for Ukraines sake that peace and sovereignty for Ukraine are restored quickly.
  12. The Aystralian Embassy....care factor for its citizens overseas, zero. She will be told to follow DFAT instructions, even if she is mentally incapable.
  13. Thr RTP should have a banner...."This crackdown was sponsored by the Taxi Mafia"
  14. Illegal to install the exhausts but seemingly legal to sell them to the public. I hear these tossers every night ripping up and down the road outside our condo and the problem had definitely gotten worse in my area over the last 5 years, which I put down to the evolution of fast food delivery companies.
  15. I've seen some taxis that are so decrepit that I was amazed that they were even on the road.
  16. I have had plenty of drive comparisons between Ford and Toyota Twin Cab 4 x 4's, albeit Ford couriers, not the ranger. The ford's always had issues with windows and doors jamming up after a while on 4 x 4 dirt roads, as well as <deleted> suspension. But the raptor might be better I guess. I would never own a Ford again.
  17. The Immigration Police should have just laid out a trail of smoked herrings and lured him out that way, much easier than using the animal poles on a 74 year old.
  18. If you can see through the pollution and pm2.5 haze that is.
  19. Plenty of big condo developments in my area that must be similar if not bigger in total floor space that don't have a public access road, as described in the article. I am assuming that a "publicly available side access" clause cannot be satisfied by building between a frontage road and a public rear soi.
  20. I have never carried my passport in BKK, though we all have to take our passport with us when we travel or do business where a passport is a required document. I have never been stopped and asked for my passport by the RTP.
  21. RIP, not a nice way to go, hopefully it was quick though.
  22. It doesn't look like night fell to me, based on the photo. Maybe it was an early knock off day for the "surf lifesavers". Surf lifesaving should be on the Thai Volounteer Visa list for appropriately trained foreign lifesavers. That, some fresh training of local lifesavers and some more donated equipment would be very handy indeed, especially in Phuket.
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