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Everything posted by Aussieroaming

  1. Well that's one way to park the Benz. Bet you can't park like that in your Toyota she says.
  2. Why not do the bust because it's the right thing to do...why state that the bust is in response to a request from the senior RTP and the PM. It makes one wonder if the bust might have been orchestrated to appease the "bosses". It wouldn't surprise me of the blonde gang were carrying a batch of yabba which was intended to make certain police look good.
  3. I'm sure that the poor fella will be offered a job trucking yabba over the border if he asks....those drug scumbags are always on the lookout for desperate buggers to act as mules for them.
  4. Woops, sorry about that, I didn't mean to shoot you in the balls with a shotgun.
  5. I worked O/S with a retirement visa for a number of years on either FI/FO rosters or staying in the work country but maintaining my Thai Visa. Had all of my money sent to my Thai Bank Account and no issue with Thai Tax as long as you are out of Thailand for more than 180 days in the tax year. Of course I was responsible for paying taxes in the work host country.
  6. We all know the answer to the recent flare up......Lemon Nasal Spray.
  7. Well done Thailand, once again you prove your xenophobic attitude to foreign nationals. Cracking down on foreign illegals ahead of an international event, why not do your job everyday. We all agree that foreigners who break laws should be punished accordingly. If the Immigration Police made more effort to chase these foreigners down as and when they do break laws then there wouldn't be a need for special crack downs before APEC conferences. How about a crackdown on brown shirted RTP criminals, there are plenty to choose from, based on recent media reports. Then Thailand can show case to the world how corrupt the police force here is.
  8. The international delegates enter into the alternate reality, where Prayut pretends that the Junta never existed and Prawit keeps time on his borrowed "stolen" Rolex. Protestors keep out
  9. I have never seen Thai on Farang personally, but I have seen random farang on farang while I was walking down the street with my then 8 year old daughter. Having said that, I don't go out socializing at night, so I might be in a "boring bubble".
  10. I dislike the whole "woke" BS topic. This insidious rubbish seems to have bred and propagated during the last decade. It is non binary gender confusing, neo facist, feministic, Trans inducing, snot gobbling garbage. Bring back the 70's and 80's.
  11. Keep up with the real news will ya. Thailand has developed lemon nasal spray to smash the Covid Virus.
  12. Oxygen thieves couldn't assess whether their a s s was on fire.
  13. Put together with the other "covid cures" developed in Thailand over the last 2 years then I suspect that Thailand will be a shoe in for a few Nobel Prizes shortly and a couple of Darwin Awards just to put some cream on top.
  14. How many 33 year old Chinese males have that much coin to spend outside of China without there being risk of nefarious activity. I would say that he was likely paying of dirty RTP cops and either the payments stopped or he got caught by someone outside of his sphere of influence.
  15. RIP...what a disgusting media headline showing absolutely no respect for her. Total and utter scum to refer to her as pretty face corpse.
  16. Between bitcoin and the SET I am down about 300k USD at the moment, so no I think I will limp along and hope that I might at least get back to parity at some point. Luckily I had a fair amount stashed away in fixed term, which while not earning anything was at least shielded from these losses and we also own our condo in BKK. However, I am still even considering going back to work for another contract to make back the losses again, just in case the losses are permanent. I'm under 60, so shouldn't be sitting idle anyway. Ahhh the dramas of life.
  17. Indonesian Muslims vary wildly in regards to how dedicated they are to their faith and how they deal with it. I found that when I was working in sulawezi province that there were quite a lot of very moderate Muslims, lot's of males that drank alcohol like troopers and had a normal life whilst the muslim ladies didn't mind socializing" at all. In Sulawezi it was the people with "Christian or catholic" religion that were more conservative. Elfitri being the exception of course when all the Muslims would behave for the month. Likewise when I worked in Sumatra the Muslim ladies were quite upfront in regards to wanting and initiating "relationship encouters" with us foreigners. The catholic ladies were snoozing while the Muslim ladies were cruising.
  18. Looks like the Chinese gangs have become well established over the last few years. Setting the new casino up in preparation for Chinese tourism resurgence after their lockdowns.
  19. He forgot to mention limiting the use of heaters in Chiang Mai this winter.
  20. Grubby, greedy tosser. What was that movie name "kill bill" I think it was called.
  21. Anyone overstaying visasmostly realize that they are breaking the law, so take a chance and suck it up if caught I think.
  22. I had a rigged meter from Swampy to my condo a couple of years ago. I was traveling to the airport regularly and I caught a taxi home and the meter ticking over outrageously fast. I wasn't even half way home on the expressway, which was my normal way home when the meter exceeded my normal total fare home. So I tapped old mate on the shoulder pointed to the meter and told him to stop the nonsense or I wouldn't pay. Then he reached under the dash on the right hand side and pressed a button, low and behold the meter rate went back to normal. When I got home the fare was still more than twice the normal rate so I paid him a normal fare and gave him a mouthful. He just shrugged and drove off because the security guard came over to help me with my bags, so yes it can happen, though that was my only negative experience. I rarely catch taxi's anymore because I drive but I found taxi drivers around Saphan Kwai and Lad Prao to be very honest and always use meters.
  23. I've got a number of tattoo's and these days I would be glad to have never gotten any of them. They have never enhanced my mood, never made me more handsome, never helped me find a job, haven't endeared me to other people nor have they ever made my life any easier. I like all of the tattoo's when I got them but that novelty is short lived and wears off. Some people like the tattoo's on me, those that don't like them have never mentioned them but there must be haters out there. Just think carefully before you get them, as they are hard to erase once they are inked on your skin.
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