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Posts posted by northernjohn

  1. Looks like the Chinese will in the near future (starting late next month) only be coming by plane, as they should be, and getting on tour buses once they're here.

    You mean just like you get on a tour bus once you arrive? wink.png

    Most people travel independently so they'd just grab a taxi, songthaew, or rent a car.

    (which, incidentally, is why a ban on cars is silly when you can just rent one.)

    Agreed it is silly. Also it is silly going into China.

    I wonder how many of the complainers would even travel to China and tour around there in their own car if they could.

    I am surprised even upset the government is wasting time over such a trivial matter.

  2. Reciprocity.

    Why isn't our Happiness Government telling the Chicoms to either open up to Thai-registered vehicles or close the border to them coming here? Period.

    Why? This is a winning situation for Thailand. The Friendship Bridge in Chiang Khong and the Lao highway were specifically built to increase trade and tourism from China. The Chinese traveling here buy car are generally well to do and not cheap package tourists. They are spending a lot of cash. Many if not most of the cars are luxury class vehicles. I saw a Bentley Continental at Rim Ping with Chinese plates. Chinese are pouring in by the thousands and spending cash, the Thais can't leave and spend there tourist dollars in China. Win/Win for Thailand.

    Before this topic goes in crazy directions; The OP question was "What route are they taking". Asked and answered. smile.png

    was behind that Bentley last night,with a jag xj6 behind me,must be some money in that china.

    Beijing now has more billionaires than New York. what is really interesting to me is that with that kind of money they are willing to make the drive rather than just fly in and rent a vehicle with a local driver here.

  3. I believe it's everybody's choice to wear one or not (that's my 'small, unobtrusive government is best' part of me talking), but with that said, I personally wear one and think that people who don't are idiots. The deceased 402.gif made their choices, and who knows, maybe other injuries other than head injuries would have killed them too.

    Wear helmets! It's not a fashion statement here on the second most dangerous road in the world. ermm.gif

    I just read an article where Thailand was the 15th most dangerous in the world.

    Many African countries ahead of them and a few South America ones.

    One other thing that tends to make Thailand dangerous along with lax traffic control and long times many times for medical help is tourists who come to Thailand and think they can ride a motorbike here just like they do back home.

    They tend to think because they are a good rider back home they will be OK here. Where as that is not the fact.

    Here the first thing you have to be is very very alert.

  4. Never understand why Thai and a lot of foreigners not wear a helmet.

    They only wear in areas where they think there might bye a police check point.

    If the government brought in heavy fines and impounded bikes for 48 hrs, AND the police did their job, the message MIGHT get across.

    Our so called police states such as the USA, Australia, UK, Western Europe, are very tough on helmetless bikers, and it must save a lot of grief.

    We are called 'police states' by the ignorant, because blacked out car windows are not allowed, using a phone while driving gets a hefty fine, seat belts save lives, as does reckless driving, drunk driving and so on.

    Thailand will continue to have one of the world's worst traffic fatalities without proper legislation and professional policing. Maybe less concern about beach umbrellas and more on the country's killing fields - the roads.

    The United States does not make them compulsory. Most of the states do but not all of them.

    If the government brought in heavy fines and impounded bikes for 48 hrs, AND the police did their job, the message MIGHT get across.

    You are quite correct. The old line of doing there job wore out years ago. The penalties you mention for sure would do it. There are enough honest cops out there that it would catch on faster than it is.

    It could be as easy as back home they would take your license for 24 hours and not let you move the vehicle from where it was.

  5. Loads of them around, but not for dating.

    S. Korea is very strict.

    They all hang out together and report 'naughty' behaviour to their homes.

    They like to send their kids to school in CM, so you''l often get mum here with the kids, and dad working back home to pay for it.

    I have no first hand knowledge of it.

    But my friend taught English there for 6 years and to hear him tell it there was a whole lot of running around.

    He never had a problem getting a girl.

  6. Carl's JR; dry and tasteless, I'm not sure if it's even beef. Definitely appropriate for this thread.

    One I do miss (and it's kind of a burger - that's not a burger) is Arby's.....There aren't a lot of them - but when ever I had/found one a Big Montana + 1 regular smothered in Arby's sauce & seasoned salt (some had it) always seemed to hit the

    spot.....Sometimes they were 5 for $5 & I'd take some home/hotel.....

    I'm not sure if they are in other countries.....

    One of the tests for me is the taste of food after it's no longer warm....Good food usually keeps it's promise & taste....

    A few years ago their was a man named Spanky in Chiang Mai who prided himself on being able to copy Arby's "burgers" (which are actually roast beef sandwiches) . His restaurant didn't last long though, powers that be didn't like roast beef apparently.

    Rumor was that was not all he was selling.

  7. ..................................... temples become bazaars, there is nothing traditional at all. .................

    Temples in virtually EVERY culture have traditionally been the center of commerce, not just Thai.

    In the early days the bazaar was always set up either inside or outside against the temple walls.

    Only in later history did the markets move to the protection of the castle walls.

    There is an excuse and explanation for everything. That's why Jehova gave us the internet biggrin.png

    You should have used it before you posted.tongue.png

  8. As I am neither religious, a kid or suicidal I view Songkran very dimly and can't wait for it to be over.

    One could argue that it shouldn't be viewed any differently to my own New Year 'holiday' and on the surface that's true. I enjoy going out eating and drinking during the two weeks that make up Christmas and New Year, but it has never given me an excuse to inconvenience others who are not 'getting into the holiday spirit' nor put myself or other people in danger.

    Thankfully, the route I walk between home & work looks deserted today and hopfully will continue to be over the next few days.

    I hope not. I hope it is similar to Tha Pai Gate.

  9. it can be fun for kids - it's not all fatties and boobs!

    (from last year)

    For me, that's what Songkran is all about - watching the little ones have fun. On our walk yesterday we came across a giant paddling pool with about 12 kids aged between 5 and 10. We spent about 15 minutes with them. Allowing them (particularly the younger ones) get us then getting them back. I was going to jump into the pool with them but thought better of it. We had great fun. And about 20 farang couples just walked on by and totally ignored the squealing kids.

    I suppose it would be no good if we were all the same.

    We as Farongs have different takes on it. For a Thai it is a holiday for all of them. My grand daughters came all the way in from San Kampong to Thai Pai gate to enjoy the festivities then back home in a three bedroom home situated on a small lot in a subdivision 23 family members had a great time.

    to a Thai and it is their country we are in it is like New Years to us back home only more of a holiday because the family's get together, Yes I reralize we have the perpetual Thai bashers with a list of what is wrong.

    Can you imagine what it was like in their home countries?sad.png So bad they are driven to have to live here with all it's faults.sad.png

    I may not partake in it to the point FolkGuitar does but I do enjoy the little I do partake in and massively enjoy seeing the Thai's enjoying their holidays particularly the family gatherings.



  10. You've probably thought of this already, but wouldn't it be advisable to get Mr. K to a doctor to advise about his sinus problems? I know I feel much better this time of year if I keep taking a once-a-day antihistamine tablet. I can breath much easier, nose isn't as congested and eyes aren't sore. Also helps to have electrostatic air filters in the house.

    Lifelong problems, 3 operations and he went to the top bloke in Australia for ENT who did the last surgery, telling him before hand that it would be of limited use. I got the name of the doctor to visit here in CM - I forget the name but sounds a bit like rat. Can't convince him to go, he's seen too many doctors over the years and can't be bothered going along to hear the same old thing. At least the last surgery he had in Melbourne (2007) with the best ENT doctor in town stopped the daily nosebleeds. We were once going 'over the hill' the road on the Pennines between Manchester and Barnsley, when we hit the highest spot on the road and his nose started bleeding. When it's at it's worst, he looks like someone has punched him in the face - bridge of his nose swollen and black and black under his eyes. I can't imagine how much suffering he's had over his life - his first surgery was when he was 9.

    If I can't find a non refrigerated solution then I'm prepared to put up with it rather than make his suffering worse. I'm going to experiment with some of those blue ice bricks in front of a fan. Won't cost much if it doesn't work and will make me very happy if it does.

    Medical science has come a long way in 9 years. Time to give them a try again.

  11. Wouldnt have a "Thai" massage if it was free ! Potentially very dangerous, those that I have seen and encountered clearly have no understanding of human anatomy or regard for the persons health.

    If you wouldnt have one , how is that you have seen and encountered?

    Your post is a bit dramatic but also partly true. These therapists are not practitioners (maybe 3 in 100 have an understanding of anatomy) and yes I agree most have no clue about how to deal with someones sciatica, or tennis elbow or leg muscle pain from yesterdays mountain climb.

    I have had hundreds of massages as you would expect, testing them out for one. Thai massage requires by far the most skill, it is the cheapest, the hardest to perform and the customer has to be prepared for some pain if they are not used to it.

    Try going to a cheap shop and asking for Thai, no one wants to do it because they dont know how....they want the oil job,better paid and the easiest way to get that "last 3 minutes"

    If a customers does not speak up and say they have a promprem here or here, then thats their promprem therapists are not magician with magic fingers; like a doctor they should act on symptoms and a conversation of where it hurts.

    The first sign of trouble, always; is your body indicating PAIN, thats your defence. if you go through pain just to show off and be brave and then realise two days later you cannot walk, then who is the numpty for not opening their mouth when its getting painful.

    potentiually dangerous??? i think not....unless you allow it to be,

    Lot of different opinions here. My wife has a certificate saying she has over 372 hours of training. Does that make her a professional? I like what you said about some of them hanging around waiting for a job. My wife no longer works as I take care of all her needs yet she will spend time at a couple of the spa's just visiting. They are also a very sociable lot who enjoy talking.

    I was seeing a professional massage therapist in Canada who had two years of schooling. She told me it took her a year to be able to palpitate where the muscles needed it. They with training can tell. If you want a real massage it is going to be a little on the painful side.

    I once made the mistake at the Blind massage in the old city in what is Loi Kroh east of the moat. They asked me if I wanted a gentle one or a medium one. I said medium. Never make that mistake again.

  12. Thanks for the info @Bob. This looks like a great option if need arises, also easy (and fast) to access for us "Southerners". It belongs to CMU, so that should explain the affordable price level.

    Let's hope it will not get run over by the not-so-in-need and consequently suffers the same demise as the health insurance for foreigners 2 years ago.

    According to the other thread on this topic (which should be incorporated with this one) The ultimate goal is to make it for 60 and over. They are taking them at 40 now and still have room so I don't look forward to them being over run. Just slowly able to attain their goal of Geriatric 60+.

    It makes sense to have a place where older people can go as they will be suffering far more from many things than a 40 year old.


    Forgot to mention sadly not only are they more prone to different diseases but we are more fragile.

  13. I am very sure you will get some suggestions. Just remember some people prefer it a little different than you do. They will be good but not always the way you prefer it.

    I would suggest you approach one who you know does it just rite for you and speak to them about it.

    Just a suggestion.

  14. Good topic. Can someone tell please inform me where I can get a decent burger in CM. thanks

    Well you are going to hear a lot of different places. But McDonalds seems to sell the most so I would have to say the consensus is they are the place to goo. Myself I would rather go to Burger King.

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