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Posts posted by northernjohn

  1. FYI still working on a solution to edit the OP but will update the map as soon as I can.

    I have updated the OP by request allowing for off-site changes he can make.

    Link to his dynamic site here - Click here for latest route/time info for the Chiang Mai air-con local bus!

    Tywais thanks for the link.

    Based on the information there I would never plan on using it. As the bulk of the letter says it might already have changed. I suppose you might call them if you speak Thai.

  2. I just ordered an office chair from Bangkok: the Herman Miller Aeron ergonomic office chair. I spend a good deal of time (probably much more than others) sitting in front of my computer, and I am determined to invest in the very best chair available. Others have different priorities and different budgets. Just my thoughts.

    Is it leather or cloth. I despise leather and the phony substitutes in this climate.

  3. They are all over the place, just tell them what you want.

    Not entirely true. I tried that and he proceeded to shave my neck with a straight edge razor and NO shave cream.

    Did you explain clearly and in detail what you wanted in Thai before you sat down? Did he clearly agree to it all?

    Aren't there any universally accepted rules while cutting hair. I'm looking for a barber who will know how to professionally cut hair with a contract

    I have not traveled the world over but a contract to cut hair professionally. Personally I just go to a place that cuts my hair like I like it. Could care less if it is done professionally I am only interested in the final product.

    I think you would have to pay extra for the massage. I have had them spend maybe 30 seconds on my shoulders. That was it.

  4. were and what is this FARONG land is it a new place,be interesting to know.

    I refer to the area around KSG and the Maya. I have been told that the Thais are more and more in the Nimmanhemin area. But generally speaking it is the areas where they can walk to the malls along the road to the Zoo. Also a lot of nice restaurants both Thai and Western close by.

    As Nancy says there is a lot of Thais living in them but there are a lot more Thais living in Chiang Mai. Yes I live in a tourist area. That is why it does not have malls I can walk to unless I feel 20 years younger.

    I figure I could walk to the nearest one in about two hours with a few breaks on the way then see a movie so I could rest up.

  5. Agreed..... that revamp is the best use of a small space I've seen thus far.

    Maybe my gf should have kept her hs4 condo after all.

    HS4 is an older complex but with the revamped gym and swimming pool it's still a nice spot.

    And it's a great location. You can walk to everything you need in life. And if you can't walk to something, you can figure out a creative way to avoid using a motorcycle or personal car. For example, when it's time for your annual visa extension, you simply make arrangements with OS Thai Visa, office on one of the Nimman sois, and they'll give you a ride out to the Imm. office!

    It's a good location for "living green".

    Downtown Farong land.

  6. I try to get to a movie every week and to be honest I don't see that happening. For the most part I go to the Major theaters and very few people go to the counter. Most have cards. There is an attendant there at all times to help you with the card machine.

    Promenada has no cards and hardly any one there. I have yet to wait there to get a ticket. Not sure about the Maya. I had trouble at KSG but I don't ever go there any more.

  7. Coming out of the driveway at the Sirphat hospital cross the street and I believe it is the second pharmacy. They have wheel chairs, walkers and what not there. Also C pac machines. The Machines come in two sizes one that puts out 5 or 6 liters per minute and one that puts out 100 liters per minute. I have had mine for about 8 years. I had it repaired by them. They send it to Bangkok. Just take the machine in to them and they package it and handle all the shipping.

    You might have to ask them for one as they keep them in the box.

  8. Would this be the Chiang Mai that is overwhelmed with Chinese, Backpackers, Digital Nomads,hordes of ever complaining expats and smoke ?

    A wise person would give it a miss !

    Why don't you come visit us and find out the truth?

    You can't compare it to Singapore, that's like 3rd world to first world. Comparison to Bangkok would be fair.

    Lived in SG for 9 years, don't really miss it, a bit, ok, but it was efficient, clean, green and people were usually friendly as any other Asians.

    First you say you can't compare it then you do.facepalm.gif

  9. I first came to Chiang Mai 10 years ago and loved it. Eventually I retired got rid of my house and all my possessions and moved here for good.

    As has been mentioned the traffic is worse. Surprised to hear you say it is cleaner than Singapore. The rest of it so what. Three more big malls with theaters. Still lots and lots of places to get good Thai food or Western food. I also enjoy the food carts.

    Chinese tourists so what I was a tourist the first times I came and I really don't think any one cared about my nationality.

    As for the night life I am told it is good if you know where to go. But I am not a night person any how so personally for me it is OK. I have been considering revisiting a lot of the places I first went to. They probably haven't changed but I now have a different pair of eyes to see them with.

    I don't enjoy the smog season but it is not that much of the year. I also don't like my inability to master the language. If I may offer a suggestion just keep saying the words you can say over and over and you will find it easier to pronounce newer words. I often time have a problem with a word so I ask the wife to say it slowly while I watch her mouth. I have learned to count in Thai and find that a big help in getting around. The really hard part for me is hearing what they are saying when they are talking about some thing that I could understand if I had the time to put the words together.

  10. You need to spend a few months homeless sleeping on a cardboard box then ,to realize how fortunate you are .

    All I know is that I lived in a 35 m2 flat in Europe for a couple of months while my place was being renovated and I honestly thought I would go insane. It was like a prison cell to me.

    Only if you're slightly bonkers. Most of us can appreciate how fortunate we are without resorting to homelessness to kickstart that process. My place is a fair amount bigger than that... and it's still too small for me and there's only me to consider in that. I am more fortunate than the 45sqm home dweller and less fortunate than the 5000sqm home dweller. Not difficult to appreciate either of those things.

    Ignore the nay Sayers. If you are going to live in some place the most important part is the location. Many people live very comfortable in 45 sq. meter studios. Part of the problem for many people is they are down deep afraid of people and only feel safe with lots of room around them. I once read a post by a guy who said what if you meet some one in the hall. Obviously a fear of people. Some one for a nice house on a good size lot. Nothing wrong with that. I fail to see why they need to denigrate some one who does not need what they need.

    Could be they need outside looks to make up for their insecurities. (flame away)

    You are apparently going to have to measure one for yourself. 45 sq. meters is basically a rectangle shape with a bathroom that would have to be measured in. Also it might include the balcony.

    When in doubt always accuse others of "insecurities" a term so vague as to have no meaning. I like people. I even like sharing a house with someone who wants to spend time naked with me. I just like space in my home too. This is because I'm a human being rather than a rabbit. Rabbits live happily in boxes because they have no possessions, no money and not an awful lot of needs beyond carrots and water. People live in boxes when they are in roughly the same position as the rabbit and it's rarely a matter of choice but rather one of means.


    Comparing a 45 sq. meter to a rabbit warren.thumbsup.gif

    To each their own for my self the location is far more important.

  11. How is 45 sqm huge? It's a box not a home.

    All I know is that I lived in a 35 m2 flat in Europe for a couple of months while my place was being renovated and I honestly thought I would go insane. It was like a prison cell to me.

    You need to spend a few months homeless sleeping on a cardboard box then ,to realize how fortunate you are .

    Only if you're slightly bonkers. Most of us can appreciate how fortunate we are without resorting to homelessness to kickstart that process. My place is a fair amount bigger than that... and it's still too small for me and there's only me to consider in that. I am more fortunate than the 45sqm home dweller and less fortunate than the 5000sqm home dweller. Not difficult to appreciate either of those things.

    Ignore the nay Sayers. If you are going to live in some place the most important part is the location. Many people live very comfortable in 45 sq. meter studios. Part of the problem for many people is they are down deep afraid of people and only feel safe with lots of room around them. I once read a post by a guy who said what if you meet some one in the hall. Obviously a fear of people. Some one for a nice house on a good size lot. Nothing wrong with that. I fail to see why they need to denigrate some one who does not need what they need.

    Could be they need outside looks to make up for their insecurities. (flame away)

    You are apparently going to have to measure one for yourself. 45 sq. meters is basically a rectangle shape with a bathroom that would have to be measured in. Also it might include the balcony.

  12. Doesn't look like you are going to get an answer here. You might want to try the agent you are buying them from.

    Or maybe they have an office that could supply you with the information. Would not hold my breath on that but worth a try.

    I think the 45 sq. meters includes the balcony.

  13. Assist Thai Visa advised me that they would not give me a receipt for my passport when they needed it for a few days. They said they had never lost one and that was their reason for refusing to give a receipt. Did not make sense to me, what do you think?

    Interesting. I used the service next door to immigration last December to renew my Non O and they didn't have to keep my passport. When I went it, they copied what they needed and returned the passport to me. No need for a receipt. When I went back to see the immigration officer, I presented my passport, was stamped and back on the road in less than 30 minutes. Seems that having to keep your passport may be more for their convenience than any other reason.

    Just my experience.


    More and more it is looking like the place next to Immigration is the place to go.

    I fail to see why any service would need to keep your passport. Just photocopy what is needed in it and you can bring the passport with you when you go in to immigration to be photographed.

    Sounds like the service next door is the only one aware of this fact.

    If it is a complicated thing photocopy every page. They should have a photocopier on the premises. If they haven't I would question there professionalism.

  14. The biggest?

    Do tell.


    Ya I got a laugh out of that. He asks if any one has heard or other bars being fined and automatically People claim there are bars being fined. Not one single name mentioned.

    Perfect opportunity to slyly bash the Police.thumbsup.gif

    Is it even possible for you to make a post without the claps, ROFLs and thumbs up?wai.gif

    I didn't mention the name of a bar because although I have no reason to doubt the guy that told me, I don't know that it is absolutely true, (it's possible that he heard it from someone else, which doesn't mean it isn't true) which is exactly why I asked if anyone had first hand experience.

    My other motive was to give a warning to barowners that might be streaming EPL that there is a possibility that they could be facing problems.

    Nobody in Thailand needs to invent reasons to bash the police, slyly or not.

    Yes it is possible.

    Is it possible for you to let me post how I feel about it?

  15. Clearly the tests were not "all OK" and blood in the urine is easily detected by a urine analysis undertaken as a matter of routine during any health "check"
    IF he had Haematuria (the non crude term for "blood in the p*ss") he would have been advised that further investigation was warranted.
    His choice was to accept the advice or reject it
    The Haematuria would not have simply disappeared by seeking a "check" at a different hospital.

    Well you are welcome to your opinion. I am just relating the facts.

    You seem to have first hand knowledge apparently he is telling you more than he is telling me.

    As I said I didn't realize he was an alcoholic maybe that is why the confusion. they often have different stories for different people.

  16. Bangkok Hospital is going to finish up A White Elephant

    I don't know how you can say that Bangkok Hospital is "going to finish up a White Elephant"? I was there today for my quarterly visit with Dr. Apichart (reitred cardiology professor from CMU) to review my various cardiac related issues. Every time I go, the place is a little busier, but yet it's not "too busy". As always, I was seen promptly at my appointed time and wasn't rushed during my consultation.

    None of this nonsense about coming at the time of your appointment and then being handed a queue number like is happening at CM Ram these days -- and has always been standard practice at Sripat.

    Bangkok Hospital is running a "special" now on their health check-up packages. For example, their Advanced Male Checkup that's normally 30,500 baht is on sale for 10,900 baht


    You have to purchase a voucher before April 8th, but you can wait to use the service until the end of July. Many other services are on special offer, too.

    The desk in the lobby where they explain and sell the various packages on special looked fairly busy this morning.

    A friend of mine went there and had all kinds of exams. What you say is true. But to get good results he had to go to the Ram. He won't go back to the Bangkok again. He is more interested in his health than in looks.

    What "good results " were being sought ?

    Did the signs of the alcoholic liver disease disappear when "tested" at the Ram ?

    Please be precise and state what is meant by "good results" as apposed to (allegedly) "bad" results ...........................

    Sorry about that the tests all said he was OK. But he still had blood in his piss.

    I didn't know he was an alcoholic. I know since he had to put his wife in a home with 24 hour care he has drank a little more.

    But I didn't know it was that bad.

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