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Posts posted by northernjohn

  1. Maybe it is just me but any permanent establishment with every thing 59 baht would make me very suspicious.

    It is just you.

    Apparently not the OP is talking about Samurai Kitchen. Every one else including you is talking about another one that is more costly.

  2. Perhaps their ideal tourist is not going to come in big numbers just because they try and overcharge Chinese tourists and close bars early.

    I am sure different people in the government have different ideas about what the ideal tourist is, but if you look at the benefits of the Thailand Elite program, it’s golf, spas, and discounts at upscale shopping malls, not discount coupons for the local bars.

    If you look at the price of the better resorts and hotels, many have a starting price of 10-20,000 baht/day and 30-50,000 baht/day accommodation is certainly not a rarity.

    This segment vastly outspend the bus filled with Chinese tourists or the group of backpackers, and they are rarely a hassle for their surroundings.

    So my money would be on this segment being what Thailand would prefer to attract.

    And the amount this benefits small Thai businesses is sod all.

    But it's great for the crooked "officials" who own the upmarket resorts and hotels.

    I agree. I like the small places where the staff will BS with me, work permitting, and the owner checks to see if everything is OK. They're the ones getting killed in the "new and improved" Thailand. With them go a lot of jobs--small businesses employ a lot more people than the high end places in Thailand.

    I myself have no need for them. How ever it does burn my but to see Thailand trying to price itself out of the average families budget for touring. There are many families that would come to Thailand if there was more modestly priced resorts and in the city's modestly priced places for them to seek entertainment or just a conversation.

  3. As an aside, I've been to the Vana Nava water park in Hua Hin and it's really good.

    It's also the first water park I've ever been to, so take this for what it's worth.

    But some really spectacular attractions there.

    Well I have seen two waterparks in Canada. This one makes them look like a

    putting green compared to a PGA golf course.

  4. Have used them off and on for many years both here and in Canada. Not much success. this last time it did help me with my neuropathy. Also the wife went for the first time and she has been hospitalized three times for a constant dizziness. It worked like a charm for her. Can't say as I remember any real pain inserting the needles but they did for me hook up electrodes then turn them up until I tell them no more. The wife just got a few needles in her head no electricity.

  5. First, THANK YOU to everyone for helping me with the above good advice.

    However, I do not need any further suggestions.

    It is too much trouble for me to go find a Songtao, then worry about getting my electronic equipment and desk all scratched up and dented by a well meaning driver who has no experience.

    PLUS, I do not speak Thai, and cannot communicate, and who knows what hassle it would be.

    So, as the wise commentor above suggested,

    I am just going to call John tomorrow, and let his company Chiangmai removals take care of it.

    I am too tired from my walking in the hot sun to want any more exercise, anyway.

    I used John's service before, and as I noted above, and that time I was really happy to have a Farang manage it.

    When I moved last time, I had a LOT more stuff, also some good furniture, and the staff he hires are careful, and extremely polite, which I like.

    Some people I hired before seemed sort of put-out that I had hired them, even though I paid them too much.

    Just before Songkran holiday, I contacted one of the staff at Chiangmai removals, and they delivered the cartons I have now. I thought I might just buy the cartons, and then move them one after the other.

    But even if I HAD a hand truck, probably I still would not want to walk up and down the street with everyone looking at this Farang as he pulled 18 cartons up and down the hill here.

    This thought was really stressing me out!

    So, that is that.

    Big relief.

    AND, again, Thank you for your fast suggestions.

    Someday, I might try a Songtao, but this is NOT the time to try it now!


    Sounds like you have had a lot of experience at moving before. This is nothing new to you.

  6. I have read of people arriving at immigration at 3am and 4am.

    I decided not to 'reply' to those posters, as I don't wish to get into a flame war.

    Besides, I'm irritated by the method, not the individual choice to participate in the earlybird madness. If it floats your boat, go for it!

    Having said that, this is a classic response to a dysfunctional system!

    What if everybody swallowed their fear of 'missing out' -on what exactly? A 'deli' number!

    Show up at 8am or thereafter, and force the authorities to concede that this method is unworkable, instead of working with the dysfunction.

    I am about to do my 3rd report. I will never get there before 7am and if it means going back the next day (never had to, and always finished by 1pm latest with passport in hand) then so be it. By that I mean if they ask me to come back at 3pm, I will come back the next day. No skin off my nose, and I have better use of my time than lose an entire day, rather make it two morning segments.

    I will also try the Airport, as my bank letter is out that way anyway, and report back on whether that's still a going concern

    I agree with the comment that the crowd fear feeds on itself to where people arrive earlier and earlier and they don't really need to. When I did my retirement extension in January, I got my documents together and came out 44 days ahead of the expiration of my extension. I wasn't even sure that you could get an extension that far in advance; I came just to check out the situation. I arrived at 8:45 am, after the Immigration officials had already started to check documents for others in the queue, some of whom had been waiting since 3 am! Low and behold, I was given a queue ticket and was actually seen before lunch, with my passport returned before 2 pm.

    Actually, I was kind of disappointed. I had looked forwarded to being told I was too late, to come back tomorrow and seeing how many decided to give up and go to G4T. No one did that day. At least if they got there by 8:45 am. The system worked exactly as it was suppose to.

    I believe it is 45 days before the due date to extend. You cherry picked one days experience the day before and the day after could have been very different.

    Seems like the system is working how ever some times you don't get in to file until 3:30 in the afternoon that is how the system works you wait in line and the higher the number the longer you wait. It is just that people have finely realized the futility of posting the time it takes.

    As to no one going to G4T I think people that go there are like me and don't bother to stand in the line for a couple of hours. When I did mine I went in about 1:30 in the afternoon.

    I keep checking hoping to hear news of progress with the on line appointment system. I don't know if this is a no news is good news or some thing we hope doesn't happen like scrapping the idea. I know the consulates had met in some manner and presented a very good idea to immigration. Nothing since.sad.png

    • Like 1
  7. guys !

    Enjoy the nights in the north !

    You dont need an AC as the nights are cold,

    just open your windows and enjoy the clean fresh air there !!

    I don't think my wife would like it in Northern Alaska.

    On the topic I know nothing.

    I do have a machine I can use as a nebulizer. It is supposed to be better than a puffer.

    As I say I know nothing about it. It was just a part of the concentrator I bought. I get the capsules from my doctor. Don't even know if I need them just use them about once a month.

  8. but they could not do it because they had no liquid Nitrgon gas. He had to go to Ram.

    I highly recommend Bangkok Hospital Chiang Mai. Excellent care and response any time including weekends/holidays in emergency case.

    Yes ,but only if cost is of no consequence .( insurance will cover it )

    It cost my friend 600 baht to go there and have a dermatologist tell him he needed a couple of splotches removed.

    But they could not do it as they didn't have the liquid gas needed to do it.

    He had to go to the Ram.

  9. Can't argue with that point don't think Thailand is any different from any other country

    Every country has a legal limit where you can stay

    I am happy to call this home by my definition

    I lived in one country for thirty years. Another country for 34 years.

    I have been here off and on for ten years pretty much solid for 5 years.

    Call it what people want to me it is the only place I have ever felt like calling home.

    For me a home is where my heart is. My heart does not need paper to feel.

    I admit I am a guest.

    However I feel like and have been shown nothing to disprove it that I am welcome forever.

    I am not going to get into the what if's that is a silly game. I don't know any one who stands by their door in case Michal Anthony comes to the door with a tax free check for $1,000,000 That would be a positive and people prefer to play the if game in the negative.


    Now that I think of it the negative thinkers give me more reasons to feel secure with their Thailand wants my money attitude.

  10. Grand Canyon is the place where all the drownings happen.

    I predict trouble, dead Chinese, dead Koreans, dead children.

    Maybe they should add a zip line, it would at least vary the cause of deaths.

    As is to the best of my knowledge there is no supervision there now. A water park will bring in supervision.

    My understanding is it is not a canyon just an old rock quarry.

  11. They will absolutely not put a dog down.

    I know Dr Orn usa personally and she is adamant.

    I think it`s a matter of how sick the dog is. Let the OP try and see what happens.

    You are correct My friend tried and it still left the dog breathing. Last night on the phone I could hear the dog whinnying constantly in the back ground this morning he was given two of the pills and continued to cry. My friend took him back to the vet and as I type now is putting him down. Yesterday my friend had seen this vet along with five other vets who all would not put him down.

    The poor man is a wreck. He now has one left that is 16 and has been with the other one all his life.

  12. I used to live in mountain front condo which is along the same stretch and paid about 200-300 baht to town

    Going there once / twice weekly was not expensive in that way for me

    My suggestion to getting a stable driver is to head to the Kad Sue Kway Shopping mall / Bed Hotel / Ibis Hotel where there are taxis / tuk tuks

    Take a pick on a reliable one and get his number for future rides

    I believe the condo mgt should normally have some there as well

    Good ideas. thought most condos out of the way had telephone numbers for the occasional person who needs a ride.

  13. This is a dread for anyone owning a dog getting on in years.

    I hope your friend is successful and if so please post the outcome.

    You are very correct in what you say. Many older people are very attached to their animals.

    My friend found a solution. Another friend of are's has some super strong pain killers. It is eating my friend alive.

    He has told me that he will be calling me quite a bit tomorrow.

    I was going to ask the Mods to shut this down but I decided maybe it will help some people plan ahead.

  14. I have a friend who has a small dog one of those people carry around.

    It is 17 years old, blind, deaf, has a brain tumor and has had two strokes and he can not find a vet to put it down.

    Can any one help him. I don't think he is able to do it himself. Maybe he was hoping it would g into a coma or some thing.

  15. Mail came back today, that is a turnaround time of 12 days. 3B stamp is enough for normal mail on the return.

    Included the slip and a blank TM47 form, no other notice.

    On the backside a list of names of policemen responsible for the area smile.png.

    You sent it in on April 1 and received it back on April 12. What date does your 90 day START on?

    Due date was 11th, it was stamped on the 4th, new date is 2nd July.

    That is correct for the due date. Sounds more like a problem with the mail.

  16. I would highly recommend my former driver who now drives a minibus for rent

    Good guy speak English, new minibus

    Call Papa 0801253708

    Thanks for the recommendation.

    We called this guy and booked him.

    For anyone else looking, we hired them for three days, travelling around the CM district. On the first day we had "Papa" then one of his brothers. Both of them were very pleasant and more importantly both were good drivers, keeping at appropriate speeds and distances and not reacting to any bad driving by others. Cost was 1,800 THB / day plus diesel, which I thought was reasonable. Apparently they have twelve vans driven by two generations of their family. Both of the vans that we traveled in were clean, looked new and seemed well maintained.

    Thanks for relating your good experience. Probably pissed a few people off.thumbsup.gif

    you just go and enjoy your 'safe' minibus trip and enjoy your smug little smile whilst you view the road through your rose coloured glasses

    Well there is one you have pissed off. clap2.gif


  17. Mail came back today, that is a turnaround time of 12 days. 3B stamp is enough for normal mail on the return.

    Included the slip and a blank TM47 form, no other notice.

    On the backside a list of names of policemen responsible for the area smile.png.

    You sent it in on April 1 and received it back on April 12. What date does your 90 day START on?

  18. I would highly recommend my former driver who now drives a minibus for rent

    Good guy speak English, new minibus

    Call Papa 0801253708

    Thanks for the recommendation.

    We called this guy and booked him.

    For anyone else looking, we hired them for three days, travelling around the CM district. On the first day we had "Papa" then one of his brothers. Both of them were very pleasant and more importantly both were good drivers, keeping at appropriate speeds and distances and not reacting to any bad driving by others. Cost was 1,800 THB / day plus diesel, which I thought was reasonable. Apparently they have twelve vans driven by two generations of their family. Both of the vans that we traveled in were clean, looked new and seemed well maintained.

    Thanks for relating your good experience. Probably pissed a few people off.thumbsup.gif

  19. The common consensus while I was growing up in New York that the worst drivers were Chinese and from New Jersey

    The common consensus can be completely insane.

    There was a common consensus about things in the Jim Crow South. There was a common consensus on people in 1930's Germany. It goes on.

    What you can say is that when people drive in a town they don't know, mistakes are made. That applies just as much to holidaymakers from Bangkok. Or Western backpackers on mopeds, for that matter.

    Correct. I always stop in the middle of a busy intersection when I'm driving in a town for the first time.

    Perhaps they're stopping for the red light, something Thais seem to think is optional.

    I had to laugh at that. I was in the vehicle with my son in law driving. The pedestrian light turned red and who ever crossed the street. As soon as they had crossed the street the three vehicles that had stopped stayed stopped until the light turned green. I couldn't believe it. It just didn't feel rite.cheesy.gif

  20. Use Chinese money in Burma? Or in China? Did you enter China, John, or stay in Burma?

    If you know, can a traveler obtain a Chinese visa in CM, cross over to Burma at Mae Sot on a 14 day stamp (or Burma visa, also obtainable in CM), travel thru Burma to Mong La, cross the Chinese border at Daluozhen and continue thru China? Would be nice to visit Xishuangbanna, a world wildlife hot spot.

    Had to use Chinese money even though it was in Burma. I imagine you could get a Visa at the Chinese Consulate here in Chiang Mai. Not sure you would have to check it.

    I was not feeling well and passed up a chance to go into China on a motorbike over some trails.

  21. Interesting report, LivingLOS.

    There are 4 Thai-Myanmar international crossings, the main one where most tourists cross is Mae Sot-Myawady. There is a new two-way road allowing everyday travel there. The other three are Phu Nam Ron/Htee Khee in Kanchanaburi province, Ranong/Kawthoung and of course Mae Sai/Tachilek in Chiang Rai province.

    The Mae Sai-Tachilek crossing allows overland travel as far as Mong La on the Chinese border, with or without a visa. In the latter case you get a 14-day pass purchaseable at the border for US$10 but must return the same way you came. If entering on a visa, you can stay the maximum length permitted (28 days for a tourist visa and 70 days for a business visa) but must either get a permit and driver for an expensive drive across the Shan to Taunggyi, or for about 1/10 of the price or less, you can fly to nearby Heho or Mandalay and continue your overland travels from there, exiting at another border. I've never heard of the Tachilek to Keng Tung road being one way, when did you last travel that way?

    The Mae Hong Son crossing near Khun Yuam is supposed to be upgraded to international status soon.

    That would probably become the nearest and most accessible one to Chiang Mai once that happens, but in the meantime, Mae Sot is probably the best crossing, though it depends where you wanna go, for what purpose and how long. If just a visa run, Mae Sai is the closest but they are quite strict about one day crossings unless you already have a Thai visa. Mae Sot is strict too but not as strict. However, with a Myanmar visa you don't have to worry in either case.

    "The Mae Sai-Tachilek crossing allows overland travel as far as Mong La on the Chinese border,"

    Take plenty of Chinese money. They wouldn't take my Thai or Burmese money. I had enough Chinese money for the trip but I had not planned on a deposit for the hotel keys. They refused my Thai and Burmese money but fortunately I had a $100 American bill. On the way I had a hard time getting them to take my Burmese money they wanted Thai. Maybe it was the one hotel we stayes at going in and coming out.

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