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Posts posted by northernjohn

  1. Have been to Promenada several times for extensions, in my experience it does not work as well as the former service at the airport.

    The final indignity today was the record on my papers showed me having paid the fee of 1,900 baht, I had actually paid 2,000 earlier in the day without any receipt, they disputed, I had no proof, but I have found Thais bow to visitors who make a fuss, they just reached into the money box and handed over 100 baht.

    Although the whole processing is a shambles compared to the way things are done in the rest of Thailand, I did get into conversation with other applicants who informed me that using agents is the only option if you need your application to be processed smoothly. From what I have observed in the many hours I have spent there, that definitely is the case. The body language between the uniformed officers and the agents says it all. For those who object to using agents they may be overlooking the fact that all the staff are Thais and we applicants are not Thais.


    the paper work is in order and they will not have to listen to a string of excuses as to why you didn't make copies from your passport or what ever. Also the agents are easily processed they know what is needed and have it ready.

  2. I see bribery as part of the South East Asia experience and a sensible way to avoid paperwork and hassle. Who would you rather support; a policeman's family or a faceless system? It's an easy choice to make.

    Can't say as I am rite but isn't the policemen out doing the traffic work fairly low on a wage scale plus they have to buy their guns and uniforms. If they would raise the tax a bit they could probably pay them a decent salary and pay their clothes and guns. Not sure on that. I know at the higher levels they make good money.

    Not sure about that either. I have heard it said that they have to pay to get the promotions. Not saying it is wrong it is just different than what they do back home.

  3. But the fact that you were so surprised that you felt you had to write about it suggests that you might think most are.....

    On the contrary, I get a bit tired of reading all about it on here.

    Mr K has had 2 tickets and 1 parking ticket, all well deserved, none of the times was there any mention of money being paid directly to the policeman, ticket book pulled out and directions to the police station where it has to be paid on all 3 occasions, 1 ticket I was on the back, the parking ticket we got to the bike as the officer was pulling his ticket book out of his pocket. He's never offered to pay directly, I always wonder if that's the difference between him and the people who say they pay the officer their 200 baht or whatever. None of the people we know, a very wide group, have been asked to pay directly either. We discuss this subject regularly. One of our friends complains that one of his tickets was unfair, perhaps it was perhaps not, but it was a ticket, not a request for money.

    The only time I've heard about anyone paying a bribe to a policeman is on this board. Internet strangers. None of the people I know who tell first hand stories of being copped for doing something wrong have ever - or would ever - pay a bribe. And none of us have ever been asked to.

    So, what is the difference between my group of friends and those who say they pay? Serious question. What is the difference? Why have none of us ever been asked to pay directly?

    I was riding in a vehicle with a friend of mine. He got pulled over for no seat belt. The officer did not ask for any money just took the two hundred baht my friend had in his hand low enough in the car so no one else could see it.

  4. Many times I wobbled my way home late at night 3-4 am past a traffic checkpoint where, had they have had the inclination, the cops could have pulled me to one side for being 'under the influence' and given me a hard time, yet they never did. Like in most countries, the cops will tend to use their discretion in dealing with cases.

    I would not chance that these days .They now have equipment to check your alcohol level .Usually no mercy shown ,

    Should never be mercy for drinking drivers. As far as honest police go only an Idiot would think there was none. For some reason many of the Thai posters feel the need to post like they were all bad.

  5. ​ "The Philippines has a very small tourist industry compared to Thailand .Violence by Philippine on Philippine does not get reported World wide .Its far more dangerous than Thailand ,but if you want to keep your head in the sand up to you .I have not even mentioned the kidnapping of Westerners for money by the rebels in certain areas .Heads get cut off if no payment is made ."

    There has been more people murdered on the tiny island of Koh Tao in the last 4 or 5 years than have had their heads chopped off by Abu Sayyaf in the whole of the Philippines 7,000+ islands.Say it anyway you like but Thailand is the number one destination in the World for Australians to die it is far,far more dangerous than the Philippines and all statistics will back this up.Just go on the Bangkok Post/Phuket News and Phuket Gazette and you will see foreigners murdered every single day of the week in Thailand!

    This just does not happen in the Philippines,even the Filipinos will tell you "We don't murder foreigners here!"

    Mind telling us all how long you have been in Thailand with your

    vast knowledge of how bad it is and why do you stay?

  6. Have not been to the Philippines and am not really interested in them other than maybe a few weeks holiday.

    How ever Thailand suits me just fine. The complaints about the air quality are more in line with the health of the person giving them. Many love it here but the air is to bad for them during the smoky season so they go south for a month or two. But they come back here to Chiang Mai. Also the complaints are partly because of the aging population becoming more sensitive than when they first came here.

    Visa's art not a problem they are a one day a year item. The thing is to know what is needed and have it all with you. The first one can be problematical if you are not good with paperwork. Or and I don't know if it can be done now you can get a retirement Visa at the Thai Embassy in PI there. I got mine at a conciliate in Vancouver.

    It often requires getting there and waiting very early in the morning. As early as 3:00 in the morning. Not a problem many a collage student would get there and hold a spot for you until you get there at around 8:00 or you can use an agent. They ask you to report in every 90 days. You can mail it in or go on line. I laugh at the people who think it is really a problem. My wife has a ten year tourist Visa in the states and MUST leave the country every 6 months. That means she has to have a Visa for Canada or Mexico unless she comes home. OK if you live on the border but air fare is not cheap there.

    Traffic is not good here but that is a common thing as the population grows and more and more people purchase vehicles. As for the poverty and safety I have never heard that they are OK in PI How ever I know that they are not that bad here in Chiang Mai. We do have some very poor people but they are not all over and for safety I have no problem here in Thailand. Take precautions that one would any where in the world. Only not as needed here in Thailand.

    Language can be a problem and If you are like me you will make lots of mistakes but if you laugh at your self you will get a long fine. It is a completely different culture that is part of the appeal to me. The one really big downer is they drive on the wrong side of the road most of the time.

    Not sure what the medical is like in PI but here we have very good medical and not that expensive. For instance 2 and 1/2 years ago I paid 181,000 baht for a hip replacement. That was an all in price.

  7. We went up with the brother in law and came back on the bus. This was many years ago and I remember reading in Lonely Planet that many used the southern route as the northern route though shorter many got car sick on it. My wife did and we came back the southern route.

    You might have to go to the bus station and enquire about the bus service. For a mini Van if they have a service I would imagine a travel agent could help you.

  8. Topsipp,

    I have not been a sufficiently great contributor to presume to welcome you, but welcome anyway!

    What I'm trying to remind myself all the time is what Neilrob put rather bluntly; lots of information, fully developed, is available by using the search function of this forum. I just recently, for example, reviewed choices for dentistry services. Didn't have to ask the question, for which - had I started a new thread - not a few members (old timers young and old) would have chastised me. And yes, often closely phrased queries on Google or other search engines may pay with specifics.

    Anyway, if you know the location of Airport Mall and go SSW on 108 (Hang Dong Rd.) past the Lotus/Tesco (big signs), you'll soon discover a tall building on the left. Lately they have mounted huge signs on it (visible coming north as well) with that 'geriatric' word. *Actually, latest information is that they're accepting folks over 50 yrs/age until their patients multiply.

    By the way, a "pinned" subject above on our forum subject listings will reveal suggested medical resources.

    CMX thanks for the welcome and your input but I am curious to know why members, old timers or newbies feel they have the right to "chastise" anyone. This is an open forum of equals is it not?

    Apparently not in the minds of some people.

    It is a forum set up to pass information on as well as experience. Such as BarnicaleBob has done.

    Besides there was one topic when a poster referred him to an already existing post on the same thing. It had over 1,400 posts on it.

    Welcome to Thai Visa.

  9. Can you buy Dubbin here? I have to admit I haven't looked for it but I'm sure you can get something similar. Perhaps one of the shops specialising in leather - there is one somewhere between the Imperial Mae Ping and Chiang Mai Gate, opposite side of the road from the moat, I can't remember exactly where but closer to CM Gate than the hotel. I think they do made to order, if they don't clean and Dubbin themselves they would either sell it or be able to direct you to somewhere.

    Mr K has a pair of Rockport walking boots, not hiking, not dress, just boots, now stored in England for when we visit as he has no need for them here. He's had them for 23 years, they cost AU$400 in a 50% off sale - they've been re-soled 4 times (at between $100- $150 a pop) and he cleaned them thoroughly and applied Dubbin 3 or 4 times a year since he got them and wore them and wore them and wore them. They still look like new, except they probably need re-soling again - definitely worth looking after.

    That has to be amongst the best (expensive but totally worth it) bargains we've ever snagged.

    I think it is between the Imperial Mae Ping hotel and the South East corner of the moat. As you say on the opposite side of the road.

  10. I did my retirement extension a couple of weeks ago,first time at Promenada,and first time

    without an appointment,(think we know the reason that was canned),anyway got there soon,

    was 3 rd in queue,first was a Burmese sitter,paid to get there early and keep place for an agent.

    second a Japanese gentleman,you don't have to sit on the stool in the queue,you can put a bag,

    bottle of water,or if your German maybe a towel,so you can wander off, recline car seat and try

    to have a nap.

    The agent arrived at around 8,with client in tow to relieve the Burmese sitter,the coffee shop had

    also reserved a couple of places for 90 day clients by placing old bags on first 2 stools,and later

    couple young girls down the line keeping a place for some Japanese that arrived about 7.30,so

    there seem to be money making opportunities to be made, resulting from the chaos there.

    After 8 they started to hand tickets out ,first for 90 days and tourists,the retirement extensions

    who had been there first were done last,into the office,first extension called 8.45,then the

    Japanese guy,he need extra copies,and also talked the lady officer to do his 90 day report

    for him,so it was about 9.30 before I was called,only took a few minutes,told to come back

    at 2.00 to pick up passport.

    Back to office 2.00,passport not back from the airport where they are sent for big boss to sign,

    around 2.30 they arrived,collected passport,got re entry ticket, 15 mins later had the stamp and

    on my way home, thankful this is only one a year,no way, I would use an agent,would never pay

    anyone to do something I could easily do myself,Ok took a bit time,but met other people,and it

    was not a hardship ,and saved 4K (4GS) or 7K agents,plus whatever they charge for re entry.

    I cannot see things improving anytime soon,like I said there are money making opportunities

    to be made from the chaos there.

    regards Worgeordie

    I did mine for the first time with an agent this year. I used the one there G4T 3,000 baht. Previously I have done it by myself and whole heartedly agree with you about meeting interesting people there. I also take a book to read. This year I just couldn't get myself up to going there early as I normally stay up late. Maybe next year I will do it personally rather than the agent. Mine is an extension for retirement. Retired means I have lots of time. I don't have to be any where if I do it is easy enough to schedule around it. After all you can come in 45 days early.

    The one thing they can do is have the staff out front learn what is required so as the fellow in front of you would already of had the copies. I don't know for sure but I imagine the photocopier shop is open before immigration. Also I suppose if he had the paper work rite and she didn't have to go to another desk doing the 90 day would have been OK as it just takes a signature and a date. That is a grudging OK.

  11. I want to live here too. I use the profits in better markets to pay the rent in this one.

    Assuming you prefer a house over a condo, wouldn’t you want a house built to your exact specifications? That is hard to find on the rental market.

    Ah, there's the rub. I'd prefer never to live in a house for as long as I live. Then there's also the fact that I really couldn't care less about the space itself either - as long as it's clean and of a decent size with nice amenities nearby; I don't mind about layouts etc.

    I live in a digital world. My PC, Kindle, Camera, Phone and various forms of storage media, a couple of mice, etc. are all I own. You don't need a custom designed space to park a suitcase.

    I totally agree with you. I am of an age where I do not need all the luxury's people seem to need. I have had most of them already. Why any one would want to own a piece of property is beyond me unless it is for investment. If that is the case there are places all over the world they can buy. Here if they want a home of their own they can lease the land for 30 years. Not a lot of people live in the same house for 30 years. Many of the ones who have retired here such as myself probably won't make another 30 years.

    I have to admit I am a lucky man. I have 3 kids and they have all told me not to worry about them. They will be OK. I have some money invested with power of attorney given to one of my sons for when I die to give to my Thai wife who bottom line would be taken care of by her kids.

    Now some one tell me what good a Thai citizenship with it's passport would do for me that I need. I have no problem paying for the Visa's in other countries that don't charge you if you have a Thai passport. The requirements for me being retired here on a retirement Visa are simple. Possibility of costing me some time which I obviously have being retired or just parting with an extra 3,000 baht to an agent.

  12. I use https://thailand.kinokuniya.com/t/books/english-books

    They have a huge range of titles and the books arrive by courier usually within a week of ordering, Occasionally they have deals on free shipping but currently you only get the free shipping option on orders over 3,000 baht so it might be worth doing a bulk order if you want to save some money. I have found their customer service and delivery exceptionally good.

    The search function is a bit rubbish on their site so if you are looking for a specific book use the advanced search and grab the isbn from Amazon to find it.

    On the bright side - they have the book I'm looking for! clap2.gif

    On the down side - it's out of stock... dry.png

    If they ever get it back in, it's cheaper than Amazon and the shipping is free! Thanks for this link. Good stuff. thumbsup.gif

    I had heard Amazon will not ship to Thailand now. Another was that they would using the site in England. Like I said a rumor.

  13. Kindle cuts shipping costs thumbsup.gif

    Kindle's good for most light reading, and I do buy Kindle books, but I prefer old-fashioned paper books for my 'go to' resource library. Easier on the eyes and easier to peruse in my own humble opinion. "Old school?" Yep!

    clap2.gif I hear you. I have a Kindle and have had it for two years. I still find myself occasionally trying to turn a page.cheesy.gif Old habits die hard. As you say thwere are some books I will never get rid of.

  14. Company owners usually find it hard to fulfill the work permit and visa extension criteria for 3 continuous years.

    There may be a few, but it's very rare. If it were easy, I would have gone the 'bogus company' citizenship route already. Create a shell company, employ 4 Thai family members on minimum wage, employ myself, etc., doesn't work.

    If it were easy, I would have gone the International school teacher route (I'm a registered high school teacher in the Uk for Math and Science), but nobody would employ me on anything other than rolling contracts, so no go.

    A lot of the company owners I know appear to be on tourist visas, or visa runners.

    Maybe you know some who can fulfill the requirements, more likely they are lying about their VISA and WP.

    So lots of people think it's possible for a man, but none of you have managed to do it?

    Just one person claiming PR (and that person female?).

    Maybe the reason is because, it's not as possible as you would like to think for men.

    Unless you are a foreign woman married to a Thai man, which is a lot easier.

    You are all mixed up with all your information.

    I am a PR holder and I am a male.

    According to the Police Special Division here in CM there are about 500 PR holders in Chiang Mai. Based on them having to renew their stamp on their red book every 5 years.

    (some could have left the country or passed away)

    This discussion is about Citizenship.

    I know that at least one person has been approved last year because I went to talk to BORA (interior Ministry) a few months ago and they showed me his application had been approved.

    I am assuming that there may be more as hundreds of applications were on file as Special Branches in Chiang Mai.

    I am hoping that on of these hundreds of applications reads Thai Visa and is able to update us on his or her progress.

    I have heard on Thai Visa that they only approve at the most 100 citizenships a year and have been known to go through some years with out giving any out. Also I have heard that it involves a great deal of money.

    That is for PR, maximum of 100 per country per year. Only Chinese and Indians ever reach the maximum 100 per year.

    There is no maximum for Citizenship.

    As far as costs, for PR there are no extra costs involved if you do everything yourself.

    For Citizenship, I have heard that tea money is involved in some cases. A friend of mine that got citizenship paid 1 million Baht many years ago. Don't know what the cituation is like now.

    Well basically the question was about citizenship and quickly dissolved into other nonsense. As I said I heard it on Thai Visa and if you look at the answers to the question the OP asked you will understand why I was wrong. Very unreliable sources.

  15. I will use G4T Company that is next to Immigration at the Promenade in Chiang Mia

    Much cheaper very fast and very easy

    Trouble is that G4T isn't really a full service visa agency. You're paying for them to jump the queue for you at Imm. Prom

    and ONLY at Imm. Prom. won't do the OP any good since he's looking for a marriage extension. That service isn't performed

    at Imm. Prom. Sorry. Last I heard, G4T wasn't capable of jumping the queue at Imm. Airport.

    Thanks I did not know that

    But if what you say is true that is endorsement of G4T since they have Juice to jump lines they know their where around

    G4T does not claim to be a full service agency so they can charge less. For the services they do offer. Marriage extensions is not one of them.

  16. Heading towards Hang Dong from the airport mall you will pass a Tesco Lotus. Keep going and you will come to a spot in the road where they have removed all the trees in the center of the road and it looks like blocked out a U turn. It is on the left hand side of the road right across the street from Dr Morgan's office.

  17. Where does it say that company owners are not eligible? May I ask where you got your info from?

    Company owners usually find it hard to fulfill the work permit and visa extension criteria for 3 continuous years.

    There may be a few, but it's very rare. If it were easy, I would have gone the 'bogus company' citizenship route already. Create a shell company, employ 4 Thai family members on minimum wage, employ myself, etc., doesn't work.

    If it were easy, I would have gone the International school teacher route (I'm a registered high school teacher in the Uk for Math and Science), but nobody would employ me on anything other than rolling contracts, so no go.

    A lot of the company owners I know appear to be on tourist visas, or visa runners.

    Maybe you know some who can fulfill the requirements, more likely they are lying about their VISA and WP.

    So lots of people think it's possible for a man, but none of you have managed to do it?

    Just one person claiming PR (and that person female?).

    Maybe the reason is because, it's not as possible as you would like to think for men.

    Unless you are a foreign woman married to a Thai man, which is a lot easier.

    You are all mixed up with all your information.

    I am a PR holder and I am a male.

    According to the Police Special Division here in CM there are about 500 PR holders in Chiang Mai. Based on them having to renew their stamp on their red book every 5 years.

    (some could have left the country or passed away)

    This discussion is about Citizenship.

    I know that at least one person has been approved last year because I went to talk to BORA (interior Ministry) a few months ago and they showed me his application had been approved.

    I am assuming that there may be more as hundreds of applications were on file as Special Branches in Chiang Mai.

    I am hoping that on of these hundreds of applications reads Thai Visa and is able to update us on his or her progress.

    I have heard on Thai Visa that they only approve at the most 100 citizenships a year and have been known to go through some years with out giving any out. Also I have heard that it involves a great deal of money.

  18. People married to Thai spouses can simply get retirement visas, you know. There's no rule that says they HAVE

    to get a marriage visa.

    There are rules for applying for a retirement extension.

    Have to be 50 or over and 800000 baht in a Thai bank or the equivalent pension income of 65000 baht a month or a bit of both. You will be surprise the amount of 50s and overs that don`t have the 800000 baht.


    Surprise us and tell us how many.

  19. So there we have it folks. No answer to the original question.

    The original question was are there any agents? The second question was how much?

    The first response was a yes along with a picture of the building and the address.

    So there we have it folks a Troll post.

    The second question did not get answered because most didn't care they wanted to put their little nonsense in. One poster did give a price that he paid that included more than the extension. He was unable to break it down.

    Maybe you would like to have some one come pick you up and hold your hand as you go through the process of supplying the information the agent would need then take you home and tuck you in.

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