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Posts posted by northernjohn

  1. Bangkok Hospital is going to finish up A White Elephant

    I don't know how you can say that Bangkok Hospital is "going to finish up a White Elephant"? I was there today for my quarterly visit with Dr. Apichart (reitred cardiology professor from CMU) to review my various cardiac related issues. Every time I go, the place is a little busier, but yet it's not "too busy". As always, I was seen promptly at my appointed time and wasn't rushed during my consultation.

    None of this nonsense about coming at the time of your appointment and then being handed a queue number like is happening at CM Ram these days -- and has always been standard practice at Sripat.

    Bangkok Hospital is running a "special" now on their health check-up packages. For example, their Advanced Male Checkup that's normally 30,500 baht is on sale for 10,900 baht


    You have to purchase a voucher before April 8th, but you can wait to use the service until the end of July. Many other services are on special offer, too.

    The desk in the lobby where they explain and sell the various packages on special looked fairly busy this morning.

    A friend of mine went there and had all kinds of exams. What you say is true. But to get good results he had to go to the Ram. He won't go back to the Bangkok again. He is more interested in his health than in looks.


    I looked on their site and could not find any thing for my ear. So I called them and got transferred from operator to operator.

    On the other hand a friend died there from Cancer and they took care of every thing. They arranged the cremation and transported the body to the crematorium. His wife didn't have to do a thing except go with a group of us to the hospital and follow the body to the crematorium where we all said goodby. No religious ceramonies they are atheists.

  2. I just inquired at Star Visa (west of the US Consulate), and they quoted their rates as:

    • Retirement extension - Fee at Immigration of 1,900 plus Star service charge of 4,500 = 6,400 baht
    • 90 day report = 800 baht
    • Re-entry permit - Fee at Immigration of 1,000 (single entry) plus Star service charge of 2,500 = 3,500 baht

    These rates appear to be quite a bit higher than I've paid at other places, so I will be returning to my old visa service.


    On another note, however, does anyone know the rate of exchange that Immigration is using to convert US dollars to baht these days? Thanks.

    Star visa does not really want the Farong business. They specialize in Visas for Thais to other countries. I used them to get my wife a Visa to the states. They said they could get me a single entry and never bothered to call me on it. I will be using them again for Visa for the wife to go to Canada.

    I believe they also do translation work there.

    The retirement extension price you quoted is correct. I had a friend use them once. He didn't say why but he is not going to use them again.

    Forgot to mention their rate for the retirement extension is also cheaper that the other two agents that people recommend.

    As MrBrad said the other rates are very high.

  3. How much does it cost to use an agency?


    One I believe is 5,000 baht and the other 5,500 baht. These two agencies have other deals that they do for you like the 90 day report for a cheaper price if you use them to renew . I am sure some one will be here to tell you the prices and correct me if I am wrong on the extension prices. I could be 500 baht off.

    There is an agency two doors down from immigration that costs 3,000 baht. In between it and immigration there is a shop that will photocopy any information you need out of your passport and take your picture. This agency charges 300 baht for the 90 day reports.

    There will maybe be some along to tell you not to use the cheap one.

    Personally wouldn't use the agency by the Promenada on principle; has been explained on this forum multiple times previously regards to this.

    Always have found Assist to be reasonable with regards what they charge. Willing to pay to save time/energy; which for me is more important than paying a small fee.

    The question was how much not what your principals are.

    Would you pay the 200 baht on the spot bribe for not wearing a helmet or insist on the 400 baht ticket so you can go out of your way and go to the police station which you might not know the location of.

    I only quoted three of them there are others. I have heard of two that do it but only charged 3,000 baht. The people who used them gave me no details. One did say it involved a marriage and a working permit for 3,000 baht.

  4. How much does it cost to use an agency?


    One I believe is 5,000 baht and the other 5,500 baht. These two agencies have other deals that they do for you like the 90 day report for a cheaper price if you use them to renew . I am sure some one will be here to tell you the prices and correct me if I am wrong on the extension prices. I could be 500 baht off.

    There is an agency two doors down from immigration that costs 3,000 baht. In between it and immigration there is a shop that will photocopy any information you need out of your passport and take your picture. This agency charges 300 baht for the 90 day reports.

    There will maybe be some along to tell you not to use the cheap one.

  5. 12000 BTU'S would be okay for your room, I am about to buy the Mitsubishi Mr Slim

    Model MSY-GM12VF,12000BTU's COST APPROX 24,000 Baht

    I already have one in another bedroom, they are very quiet

    Well I am not rushing into this today but I did stop in at Siam and they had an 18 BTU with invertor at about 26,000 baht. I told him I had about 30 sq. Meters and 2 1/2 meters high and he tried to tell me I needed a 35,000 BTU. Now I have read a lot of different posts from the ones recommended and have yet to find one that can say this is what you need per cubic meter in one room. One I followed to the last page where it gave the sizes and al of a sudden it changed to Thai.

    I noticed about a 7,000 baht difference in the convertor and non convertor. Not in the least interested in heating with it.

    The closest I have been able to figure is 18,000 BTU


    It was a Mitsubishi I was looking at.

    Another topic - http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/706053-what-size-ac-for-50-sq-mts-and-15-sq-mts/

    600BTU/sqm is often a quoted rough gauge which would be 18,000 for your room size. So many other variables such as how much glass is facing the sun, insulation, etc. From my personal experience I feel 18k BTU will be fine.

    35,000 BTU? Fine if you want a walk in refrigerator. biggrin.png

    Thanks for that. I face east and in a condo so insulation is OK. I should have mentioned that earlier. Me badsad.png

  6. 12000 BTU'S would be okay for your room, I am about to buy the Mitsubishi Mr Slim

    Model MSY-GM12VF,12000BTU's COST APPROX 24,000 Baht

    I already have one in another bedroom, they are very quiet

    Well I am not rushing into this today but I did stop in at Siam and they had an 18 BTU with invertor at about 26,000 baht. I told him I had about 30 sq. Meters and 2 1/2 meters high and he tried to tell me I needed a 35,000 BTU. Now I have read a lot of different posts from the ones recommended and have yet to find one that can say this is what you need per cubic meter in one room. One I followed to the last page where it gave the sizes and al of a sudden it changed to Thai.

    I noticed about a 7,000 baht difference in the convertor and non convertor. Not in the least interested in heating with it.

    The closest I have been able to figure is 18,000 BTU


    It was a Mitsubishi I was looking at.

  7. Hey but gecko caters to western palettes...but a cool liitle vibe in the vines nevertheless

    They have a complete Thai menu also. It is kitty corner from the Imperial Ping. On the South side of the road as you are heading away from the South East corner of the moat towards the river. One block before you hit the Night Bazaar.

  8. Nancy has the right of this; it took a tourist visa, a rental contract and a nice Thai co-signatory to open my account in Bangkok Bank. No other documentation required; which is as it should be according to their internal processes.

    I didn't even need some one to vouch for me. Maybe if the wife hadn't been with me they would have asked for some one. But just seeing her with me was all they needed they didn't even ask her any thing. I also did not have a rtental contract with me. Mine was the bank of Siam.

    Personally I think banks have certain things they are supposed to do but different branches will often vary from them

  9. Thank you for all the suggestions it narrows the field down.

    Mitsubishi, Daikin, Panasonic. and Saijo Denki seem to be the most recomended

    It would seem the Daiken invertor is the quietest followed closely by the Mitsubishi.

    Can some one explain the invertor thing to me.

    As I said the room I am going to put it in is only 32 sq. meters. Not sure how big I will need to get it. Hopefully I can find it in Google. Don't want one that is just barely adequate.

    Thanks a lot guys any further suggestions are welcome.

  10. A friend of mine introduced me to an ice cream vendor in the food court on the ground floor at the airport mall by the fish tank I was shocked at the price 25 baht and three flavors. Not a connoisseur of fine ice cream but I thought it was really good.

  11. Try Johoney, just round the corner from Love at First Bite. Haven't been for quite a while but hope the young couple owners are still making their own ice cream. Google the name to find their Facebook page for more info and example flavours. Not expensive, I seem to remember.

    Many thanks for that. Just back from my first visit to Love at First Bite.

    We liked their food although mostly western but very good, and priced at about 150 for a main so not cheap by Chiang Mai standards. But their garden is a very tranquil oasis and a great place to while away some time flicking through their many mags.

    AND they make home made ice cream! Great flavours-my coffee ice cream very good and my gf's Passion Fruit ice cream was very tasty. They let me try the salted caramel(!) didnt taste salt but good flavour, and the Ma Kiang that was a bit like raspberry. Marked at 70 for a big scoop, but only charged 60.

    Didnt want a coffee but they have a very big coffee machine, and it smelled very good, so next time.....

    Not so far from where we live and good to add to our 'GoTo' list. Near Rimping Village/Iron Bridge if that helps others to track it down.

    Directions are easy.

    Once you cross the Narrowt bridge coming from the old city turn right and take the first left. Love at First Bite.is down towards there on the right hand side. It even has a parking lot next door. Great pastries there. I am going to have to make a trip over there to check out the ice cream shop.

  12. I don't think many people understand the word nostalgia.

    I feel it would be nice but is beyond my means as I live in a condo and have no desire to live in a house.

    But it would be nice. One winter we heated are whole house with one and a lot of trees that we had to get rid off.

    I even enjoyed the cutting and splitting of the wood.

  13. I would definably check at city hall to see if there is a health department that would come out and look it over.

    I lived in the third biggest city in British Columbia Canada. The water system we were on looked dirty and the city checked it out and said it was OK as it was something that was picked up by the creek it passed through. We used it for every thing except drinking. It didn't feel good looking at it and then drinking it. It did not leave a stain on the toilets or bathtubs or any sediment.

    If it is leaving sediment I am sure if there is a health department they could force some action.

  14. Definitely worth upgrading. The slightly higher electric bill is more or less offset by gas savings (less shopping excursions). I upgraded to a bigger fridge with a bigger freezer and with inverter technology, and am very happy with it, will save me time and money in the long run. I don't know exactly how much more I'm paying for electricity but I don't lose any sleep over it.

    Good points. I upgraded to a full size fridge (around 19cubic feet) with a big freezer compartment. It allows me to buy stuff and store that I would not have the room for in the smaller one.

    As CMKiwi pointed out if you keep it full it will help hold the cost of running the motor down. We buy two cases of water a week and always put in enough water to keep it full. I have room for several different condiments that I would not be able to keep in a smaller fridge.

    As for the cost of running it I can't say as I noticed any change. I am sure it was more but I use so much power with several other items that it was not noticeable. Currently on another thread looking to saving money on a new air con.

  15. the thai'er than thai brigade think that if they refuse to accept any criticism of thailand (even if its valid) just like native thais, perhaps they will get the acceptance of the native thais that they so desperately crave but will never never ever get

    I agree but the native Thais I know accept criticism, as long as it's reasonable.

    and presented in a polite way. Not the Farong accusation they don't do it that way in my country way. I find when approaching them that way they are much more open to listening to you.

  16. As I've said several times now, I've HAD a Kindle. I've used a Kindle. I've also had and used Kobo and Sony e-book readers. Lots of experience with them. AND, experience with the iPad Mini. I find it to be every bit as good an e-reader (or better!) than all of the dedicated e-readers. This statement is based on several years of experience with both styles, not on advertising copy. Please stick with your Kindle if you wish to. But when you want to read Time magazine, or a science book with color diagrams, let us know and we'll lend you our iPads.

    To be honest with you I think very few people buy books on any device that have colored pictures. For that matter go into a book store and look for books that have colored pictures in them. Many on the cover but not in the book.

    For science and advertising copy I agree get an Ipad or what ever else you want because chances are you will be looking into other sources of information any how.

    If you are like me and just want to read books without having to go through various process and are not interested in any thing else get a kindle. It is the best choice I can see based on what has been said here.

    Just out of curiosity how long did your Kobo and Sony e-book reader last? Could you read them with out a light in the middle of the night? Could you read them in bright sun light?

  17. I saw the Paperwhite in B2S today (not sure what B2K is but I could only see one shop selling them in Central - B2S). As has been said, price I think is the problem. As with many things here: Electronics + Import = Mega Bucks. Double the price compared to the USA - 7,990 baht. Bargain. Not!!!

    I only find Kindles useful for novels and I don't read enough of those to have a device dedicated to it. Unless you want to faff around with EBay I'd much rather pay the 5,000 more for an iPad Mini 4 that can do all the things that it can do BESIDES being an e-reader AND display books reliant on graphics and / or colour MUCH better than an Kindle. That's just my circs though, if I wanted something JUST for novels or B&W text a Kindle would be fine, but definitely not at double the price.

    Sorry about the B2S screw up. One of many senior moments. I was wondering if the Ipad mini4 will store all the books as well as open them to where I left off. Or any of the other devices that people use. I do read a lot and have an extensive library. Also do all the other devices have a list I can just go to and click on the book. Sorry for the questions but I really am not tech savvy at all.

  18. Sorry what does CTH mean?


    CTH = Cable Thai Holding (PCL). Wikipedia is an internet source for much information like this. Why not give it a try?

    Why not make a post that tells you what you are talking about instead of having to search for it?

    This is a forum to share not send people on searching engines.

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