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Posts posted by northernjohn

  1. It's on Ratwithi Road. Here: https://www.google.co.th/maps/@18.790515,98.99158,3a,49.5y,325.26h,94.37t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1s2FavZAQfXboHp2R8-Qsf4g!2e0

    On the food, I think most things are okay, like the sandwiches, and burgers. Pizza also okay.

    Don't ever order steak though, unless you bring a chainsaw to cut it. wink.png

    The breakfast is good also. A bit pricy but a good meal.

    Winnie great picture of the Irish Yoga. I think it was poses for the people advanced in it.cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    • Like 1
  2. Wow, thanks for the great info

    Good luck.

    If you've been vomiting and had the runs for 4 days you could be on the verge of serious dehydration,

    Perhaps you should consider popping into one of the hospitals to speed things up.

    If not plenty of fluids with re hydration salts, even if it goes in one end and comes out the other.

    Something like Imodium might help, but it sounds as if a sample should be tested, you never know what it's possible to ingest over here.

    I had diarrhea and coming from the west went to the pharmacy and asked for some. The Pharmacist asked what kind I had and suggested I also take another pill with it. Worked like magic. One more similar experience with another pharmacist same answer same result. I do not know what the other pill was but it seems to me that many of the pharmacists here are well informed. My son came to visit with a stop in Pattaya first. told me he was not feeling well and I told him to go to a pharmacist and describe the symptoms to them. Cleared the problem right up and he was able to not enjoy his last four days in Pattaya feeling healthy.cheesy.gif

    I myself have a family doctor now and would consult her. She is on the pinned list Dr. Morgan.

    Kind of nice to have an old fashioned doctor. She has all my health records. Word is she has even made house calls.wai.gif

    Just returned from her office, I really think she's good and will point someone in the right direction.

    Good point I am glad you mentioned it.

    She has no problem sending some one to a specialist.

    She even laughed when I suggested I try acupuncture for a pain I have that is basically for ever and can only be treated with pain killers which I prefer to use very sparingly. She said well go ahead.

  3. its just really really embarrassing

    Almost as embarrassing as the glee with which it has been seized upon on this forum, and the relish with which people are queuing up to suggest, no demand, that she gives up.

    She was elected, may well have been elected again, (the reluctance to complete the election suggests to me that the establishment realise that is the case), and faces threats to her physical safety and some pretty foul abuse.

    I'm not surprised that she cries.

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Well your post might make sense if she was in the South.

  4. I honestly believe if all Shins and their cronies all disappeared from Thailand the country could actually be repaired. As long as they are here this hatred will continue forever.

    If it was not the Shinawatra's, then it would be other corrupt politicians and their families that would do the same. So, the hate would still be there, just directed at someone else. Corruption is too embedded in Thai culture.

    Where have you been. Have you had your head in the sand.

    The anti government protestors are calling for a reform in the government to prevent that. There are 101 less corrupt countries in the world so it is obvious even to a red shirt (well maybe) that it can be done. Yingluck is not only fighting to hang on to power for the Shinawatra clan she is fighting to maintain a system that allows it.

  5. I do not think that that sort of questioning is reasonable, the Shinawatra family are an established good family and I have no argument with any of them and I do not wish to see them kicked out of Thailand, the current caretaker P.M. Yingluck is way in over her head, taken for granted by not only her ministers but also her brother and should never have consented to such a stupid idea,, Yingluck' duty is to herself and her family first , to do the dirty work for her brother was a big mistake , Yingluck must make a call , if the present circumstances are not to her liking she must decide, her brother or Thailand, she can never have both, Thaskin has not only screwed Thailand big time he has done other damage as well within the family unit.

    I find it hard to agree with you about the Shinawatra's being an established good family.

    That may have been true until Thaksin came along and through nepotism spread the sickness through out the family. I do how ever agree that they should not be kicked out of Thailand. Some of them jailed but most of them ignored the same as most other big time business people in Thailand are.

    • Like 1
  6. Went there the other day and found the place and the food pretty good. As a long time reader here of this site I finally have to put in my 2 cents about this place and in general what makes me kind of ticked off and I will make it short and right to the point thank you.

    As a resident and small business partner with my better half tell me why I should not make a phone call to the appropriate authorities about this guy working behind the counter. I have understood since day one that without a work order any type of work I do at my partners business is considered against the law and puts me at risk of being shut down, finned or even being deported if they really wanted to. So the bottom line is that I do not cook, clean or do the dishes or whatever. Please tell my why I should have to compete with all these new guys showing up here and just doing whatever at there "wives" business. Please tell me why I should not pick up the phone tomorrow and start making phone calls.


    Id be really interested to know how you know how their business is set up and who has what work permits and who doesn't. I'm guessing you don't know any of that and are just talking out of your ass.

    I believe in order for a foreigner to get a work permit there must be the owner and four other Thai employees. Possibly in these small business there is not that many people.

    Just to point out, cook, waitress and cleaner are prohibited jobs for foreigners.

    You can't get a work permit to do this, no matter how many you employ.

    (Celebrity chefs in the more expensive hotels work under a different WP heading)

    I believe according to a previous poster there are different requirements for Thai wife owners husbands. that would explain a lot.

    Might try the place out but it is a bit out of my way. Then again a Great Burger is always an attraction. Particularly if it is the main attraction. The potatoes did not look that appetizing to me. But the burgers looked good. Be worth seeing where they fall in my rating for burgers. As I have said in a previous thread to me not all burgers are in the same class and each class can have some excellent burgers. Even the cheap ones that I used to get at the Burger Queen where out standing for a cheap burger. I miss them.

  7. Wow, thanks for the great info

    Good luck.

    If you've been vomiting and had the runs for 4 days you could be on the verge of serious dehydration,

    Perhaps you should consider popping into one of the hospitals to speed things up.

    If not plenty of fluids with re hydration salts, even if it goes in one end and comes out the other.

    Something like Imodium might help, but it sounds as if a sample should be tested, you never know what it's possible to ingest over here.

    I had diarrhea and coming from the west went to the pharmacy and asked for some. The Pharmacist asked what kind I had and suggested I also take another pill with it. Worked like magic. One more similar experience with another pharmacist same answer same result. I do not know what the other pill was but it seems to me that many of the pharmacists here are well informed. My son came to visit with a stop in Pattaya first. told me he was not feeling well and I told him to go to a pharmacist and describe the symptoms to them. Cleared the problem right up and he was able to not enjoy his last four days in Pattaya feeling healthy.cheesy.gif

    I myself have a family doctor now and would consult her. She is on the pinned list Dr. Morgan.

    Kind of nice to have an old fashioned doctor. She has all my health records. Word is she has even made house calls.wai.gif

  8. The PROBLEM is that she is carrying the sins of her brother, and the other BIG PROBLEM is that she is being forced to live and work with many absolutely corrupt and lying government officials, and the other BIGGER PROBLEM is that during the first few months of her term she was preoccupied with other things rather than being available in parliament, and the other EVEN BIGGER PROBLEM is that she intrusted many of her duties to the corrupt members of her team, and believed all their lies, and now she is carrying the brunt of everything, and what she and other people may not realise, is that she is perhaps going to be used as the ‘sacrificial lamb’ to insure the continuation of the rape of the Kingdom.

    What is actually needed is a complete re-vamp of her members to insure that the corrupt, lying, members that also come to work intoxicated, or just sit and play Facebook, watch pornographic movies, or sometimes don’t even bother to come to work when an important sessions are in progress, and replace them with solid, publically elected members that carry the interest of the Kingdom at heart.

    I actually have wondered how she would do if she was on her own. With all her prepared-canned answers and her lack of command of the English language it is difficult to say IMO. Being a long time guest here I do not care who the government is but would like to see a bipartisan one in power that would take care of the Thai people and this wonderful country. For the first six months when TS first came to power I really had a good feeling about the government. After about one year he became scary.

    I to had high hopes for her even though I knew Abhist was the most qualified for the post. Even after the fiasco she made on the 2011 flood handling I had hopes but she never lived up to them and I now see why. She is just not mentally built to handle the job.

    • Like 2
  9. The PDRC have never had the upper hand, what they have shown is that a lot of people do not like either the PTP or the Shinawatra family, there are also the silent ones who don't wish to be shot , blown up or bashed , that sit a home and say nothing,as that could lead to repercussions , , the PTP track record indicates that they will dig their own grave eventually and become a spent force within Thailand , there followers just have to wake up , people do get pissed off eventually at being ripped of, including Rice Farmers.coffee1.gif

    Yes, there's a lot of people who don't like the Thaksin party and don't like Thaksin, but a lot of those very people don't actually love or like Abhisit and the Democrats !

    And this is democracy, you've got to vote for one of the parties that exists, and that party has to actually be there at the next election. All of us bang on about democracy, but some people (I'm not saying you're one of them) don't want to accept that the number of Thais who love Thaksin is greater than the number of Thais who love Abhisit and the Democrats. That's why, I reckon, Thaksin will be in power for as long as we see elections in Thailand.

    You are over looking the fact that Suthep is proposing a government reform. This would include reform of the election process. No more vote buying no more supervised voting no more ballot box's being left over night where any one could get to them and change the votes. In short as honest an election as possible. There of course would be the false election promises from all parties. That is some thing that each and every party would have to consider them selves. They could look at the miserable failures the PTP has had and consider more deeply what they are going to promise.

  10. As distasteful as it might be to both tribes the sooner they talk face to face without inflammatory rhetoric the sooner the present impasse will be resolved. The real challenge will be finding people from each side who aren't going to reduce a meeting to a petty slanging match.

    But the Caretaker PM does not want to talk to Suthep unless the electorate cannot see/hear what she says. He asked. She said NO! The electorate after all this mutual name calling wants to hear for themselves what the truth is, and I do not blame them This is the digital democratic age. Something this important to Thailand should NOT be behind closed doors. 3 x 1.5 hour debated between the two of them Monday Weds & Friday nites 8pm next week on National TV. And if either of them is asked for information they do not have with them, that nite, they have 48 hours to produce it on Weds or Fri or the electorate will draw it's own conclusions.

    Oh. I just answered my own conundrum. That is why she won't do it!

    She has not and will not do any thing with out word from Dubai. If she was to agree to this I would have her searched for communication devices.

  11. Amazing! The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

    A rare factually correct piece of journalism from The Nation!

    That it is but a very poor true representation of the existing situation.

    Once Yingluck is gone the public displeasure will defiantly bring about a change in the people. They will insist on a new council to take over the reins of government in addition to reforming it so as the country can never again be raped such as the present government is doing.

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  12. Interesting that the EC's ruling that there might be cause to think that possibly Democrat party members were involved in allegedly trying to smear the opponents, is seen as obviously the Democrat candidate was wrong and therefor the Democrat party shouldn't defend him.

    "The EC decision would need to be endorsed by a Court of Appeals ruling before a re-election, which Sukhumbhand could contest, EC chairman Somchai Srisuthiyakorn said. He explained that Sukhumbhand had not been disqualified, or red-carded, because there wasn't sufficient evidence against him for violation of the 2002 local electoral law."

    Out of my league on this one.

    Are you saying that a Thaksin inspired law is possibly going to save a Democrat.

    Thaksin must be kicking him self over that one.

  13. Strange how the name Suthep keeps coming up in these threads. This time, the EC itself has stated that Suthep was responsible for "Three out of four speeches made by Suthep Thaugsuban - then a Democrat MP for Surat Thani - on the party's election campaign stages could be considered slanderous against a Pheu Thai Party candidate". And this is the man named as the new Mesiah by his admirers

    Even by his non admirers.

    He is the only one who has been able to keep the spot light on the depth of the PTP corruption.

    Your admiration is not needed he will continue to do the job in spite of your feeble attempt to detract the spot light from the corrupt Thaksinite's.

  14. "How would the Democrats be responsible for [defending Sukhumbhand in] this case?" Because it is Suthep's Rule of Law that applies and not the Court's Rule of Law. For someone who strongly supports the Courts' rulings when they go against the PTP and labels PTP as "corrupt", he doesn't agree when ruling go against the Democrats. Suthep's own corruption is deeper and darker than anyone can know.

    Not sure what you are getting at here. For that matter I am wondering why the PTP is not trying to get the EC decision changed they have enough problems of their own.

    It will be the court's rule of law that applies and every defendant has the right to have a defense council. The court of appeals is where the rule of law will be discovered.

    At which point the Democrat party will accept it. Unlike the current government who sets them selves above the court decisions when it best suits their interests.

  15. "The government wants to lead the country to a better future, especially by creating opportunities and jobs, and improving quality of life," Mr. Prompong said, "So we can compete with other civilised nations".

    By competing with 'other' civilized nations, first you must be 'civilized' yourself.... Bring jobs?... It would end up being built by migrant workers on the cheap... Thais don't really like physical work too much. New flash trains won't improve the life of an ordinary Thai, it will be out of their price range. Also, it will only be a matter of time before the derailments start and at 145 KM/H would obliterate the train stock and kill all on board. I certainly wouldn't step onto one.... The people are better off with the slower but free/cheap old ones.

    Nevertheless, Pheu Thai Party will not contest the ruling, he said, adding that he hoped the anti-government protesters and Democrat Party will not use the issue to criticise or manipulate it to depose the government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.

    "Please let this issue end," Mr. Prompong pleaded.


    What would the PTP be doing right now if the circumstances were reversed?.... Possibly 'criticizing and manipulating' the issue, to depose the Dems perhaps??

    I don't think the courts are actually going to let the issue end here, this plea is simply because they know that the C Court now has the power to chop heads, and to be quite frank, I don't know why they have not taken this opportunity already.... we are waiting.

    It warms my heart to think of all that land that Thksin/Shins/PTP MPs/Cronies have probably bought where the tracks would have ran through allowing them to buy cheap land at about 40K/rai and sell it to the government for 1 million a rai in order to skim off the first half trillion for themselves.... Now they are likely sat on hundreds of thousands of rai worth about 40K/rai....... hahahaha

    Yes and the sooner we can get this band of crooks out of government it will give the crooks less of a chance to recoup their loss through some other scheme.


    "Nevertheless, Pheu Thai Party will not contest the ruling, he said, adding that he hoped the anti-government protesters and Democrat Party will not use the issue to criticise or manipulate it to depose the government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra."

    "Please let this issue end," Mr. Prompong pleaded.

    piece was an open admission of knowing they were doing wrong and a plea to forget it.

    No sir Mr. Prompong the people are not going to forget it. Suthep will make sure they remember your attempt to enriche your selves at the cost of the peoples grand children's expense.

    "Suthep will make sure they remember your attempt to enriche your selves at the cost of the peoples grand children's expense."

    Well, if Suthep and his goons, the EC and the Constitution Court allow them, the people will be able to demonstrate that in an election.

    That is exactly what Suthep wants to do. Reform the government so it can have a honest election.

    Do you find fault with having an honest election?

  16. They would be lying if they said they were surprised. They new it was against the law when they did it so could never be surprised. That much at least is the truth!!!

    When they did it they were still under the impression that the silent majority would accept any thing they did just like the lunkhead red shirts did.


  17. Nevertheless, Pheu Thai Party will not contest the ruling, he said, adding that he hoped the anti-government protesters and Democrat Party will not use the issue to criticise or manipulate it to depose the government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.

    The court just told the Prime Minister that she couldn't spend USD 60,000,000,000 (60 billion) without transparency and budgeting and PT asks the Dems not to criticize the Prime Minister for trying to mislead the taxpayers. Unbelievable.

    Well it's the same old problem, hypocrisy. The Democrats themselves borrowed 400 Billion baht off budget for their 1.43 Trillion baht Thai Kem Kaeng infrastructure project

    In the end, the Abhisit government didn’t go through with all the projects, but it did borrow 400 Billion baht off-budget for spending over multiple years. How is this conceptually different from the 2 trillion baht infrastructure project?

    Sure, it is more money and over a longer time, but conceptually it is the same. On this, Appointed Senator Khamnoon Sithisamarn on Kom Chad Luek TV show on September 19, 2013 on the government’s 2 trillion baht infrastructure project pointed this out that the Democrats did exactly the same thing with the Thai Kem Kaeng- around the 14-15 minute mark….

    BP was a little surprised – based on the Bangkok Post op-ed and the above audio excerpt – on how far Korn has tried to shift the goalposts and how little he has been called out on this. Off-budget borrowing is common in Thailand because of the difficulties in spending money quickly and all the hurdles and bureaucracy. It is not something new…..


    So let us assume you are rite which knowing you is probably a wrong assumption.

    That would make it OK for the PTP to borrow 2.2 trillion baht with no plan for it other than a vague improve infrastructure no budget and no research on it.

    Truly you are grasping at straws best not to post unless you can defend it. Which you cant as it was a ill conceived not thought out unresearched attempt at putting more money into the trough that they had already emptied and now found them selves unable to explain or justify it.wai.gif

  18. "The government wants to lead the country to a better future, especially by creating opportunities and jobs, and improving quality of life," Mr. Prompong said, "So we can compete with other civilised nations".

    By competing with 'other' civilized nations, first you must be 'civilized' yourself.... Bring jobs?... It would end up being built by migrant workers on the cheap... Thais don't really like physical work too much. New flash trains won't improve the life of an ordinary Thai, it will be out of their price range. Also, it will only be a matter of time before the derailments start and at 145 KM/H would obliterate the train stock and kill all on board. I certainly wouldn't step onto one.... The people are better off with the slower but free/cheap old ones.

    Nevertheless, Pheu Thai Party will not contest the ruling, he said, adding that he hoped the anti-government protesters and Democrat Party will not use the issue to criticise or manipulate it to depose the government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.

    "Please let this issue end," Mr. Prompong pleaded.


    What would the PTP be doing right now if the circumstances were reversed?.... Possibly 'criticizing and manipulating' the issue, to depose the Dems perhaps??

    I don't think the courts are actually going to let the issue end here, this plea is simply because they know that the C Court now has the power to chop heads, and to be quite frank, I don't know why they have not taken this opportunity already.... we are waiting.

    It warms my heart to think of all that land that Thksin/Shins/PTP MPs/Cronies have probably bought where the tracks would have ran through allowing them to buy cheap land at about 40K/rai and sell it to the government for 1 million a rai in order to skim off the first half trillion for themselves.... Now they are likely sat on hundreds of thousands of rai worth about 40K/rai....... hahahaha

    Yes and the sooner we can get this band of crooks out of government it will give the crooks less of a chance to recoup their loss through some other scheme.


    "Nevertheless, Pheu Thai Party will not contest the ruling, he said, adding that he hoped the anti-government protesters and Democrat Party will not use the issue to criticise or manipulate it to depose the government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra."

    "Please let this issue end," Mr. Prompong pleaded.

    piece was an open admission of knowing they were doing wrong and a plea to forget it.

    No sir Mr. Prompong the people are not going to forget it. Suthep will make sure they remember your attempt to enriche your selves at the cost of the peoples grand children's expense.

  19. I was totally surprised that Krabi was not near the beach.

    Had to go to Ao Nang for the beach. Was not impressed with the beach there. Took a couple of nice tours but that was it. Won't be going back.

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