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Posts posted by kingalfred

  1. So much for the "reforms" I have read about in the last year. And I see how Uber, which operates in other parts of Thailand was ruled illegal in Phuket. So the Mafia Dons are in control!

  2. Thais overspending and in debt. It aint on necessities. Their addiction to luxury goods and the credit to get the items "in their face at Malls and in the media" is irresistible.Thailand has got itself in the "western trap". The only money being spent by the non wealthy is borrowed money and with its fake property price boom it can only lead to disaster

  3. Sounds like the owner of the guest house is more interested in trying to protect the "good" name of his business rather then protecting his guests.

    Dismissing a complaint of an(other) alleged rape by saying she probably just fell over is disgusting.

    This article should be shared widely on social media so any female tourists can boycott this business.

    what you F*** talking about? The video proved she lied about an injury. Get it ? jeeez
  4. Saw a doctor at a hospital in Bkk today just to get psuedoephredrine (500baht visit) and he agreed with the stupid situation of having to go to hospital for this,whereas more damaging is the widespread abuse of using OTC antibiotics in Thailand and the long term effects that will have in being ineffective against Bacterial infections.

  5. I know this has been discussed before but anyone have an equivalent to Pseudoephradrine strength in tablet form. I went to pharmacies today and it was either Anti Histamines (Phenyline based) or liquid form. I do recall there was a strong tablet available in Thailand that would do the job for a blocked nose ,but cant recall the name

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