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Everything posted by Muhendis

  1. That does have a ring of truth to it. It's quite possible Vladimir told his pals in the Russian embassy to have a diplomatic word with the head of Thai immigration.
  2. And free too Up to a point. Then, after a time, subscriptions will be requested.
  3. I agree. Simply looking at the logistics of getting a band and their equipment into Thailand has me wondering if there is more to this story. 'course it could be they just showed up and borrowed/rented amplifiers and guitars etc. but i would imagine they had, at the very least, a few guitars with them.
  4. I'm not overly fond of overpriced anything especially beer but I must say you have an advantage over me since I've never tasted crap. My dearly belivid brought home a can of that Carabou stuff which I tasted and after the third, or it may have been the second mouthful, I suggested it should be used as the compost from which it was undoubtedly created. I would dearly love to attempt some of the other beers mentioned above like Dunkel and Cheers Riceberry but sadly Buriram is less than forward in that respect (unless you know different). So for me the least unacceptable has to be Leo. As I may have mentioned before I am a real ale man from the UK where there is a totally, made in heaven, plethorough of delicious beer.
  5. I have an HSBC UK account. When I transfer funds to my Thai bank it used to take about 4 days due to an intermediary bank. My last transfer was completed within 24 hours which surprised me. I can only guess that they did the transfer direct.
  6. Let the defamation trial begin. Nice idea but not much mileage now all the damage is done.
  7. Yeah considering the discovery of lithium bearing rock in Thailand it would make sense and also offer more employment opportunities for the population.
  8. Thanks @Hotchilli. Yeah those temperatures are really cool. "When attempting to charge a Lithium battery below 0°C / 32°F a chemical reaction referred to as “Lithium Plating” occurs. Lithium plating is caused by the charge current forcing the lithium ions to move at a faster reaction rate and accumulate on the surface of the anode." https://www.redarcelectronics.com/us/resources/chargers-isolators-faqs/do-not-charge-lithium-battery-below-32-degrees/#:~:text=Lithium battery manufacturers often state,model%2C consult your manufacturer). I had forgotten about this problem living in the tropics.
  9. She was indeed peddling the news but I bet she was simply repeating her bosses comments. Looking at her picture, I would recommend she stops wearing her pyjamas to work.
  10. This is interesting. Please can you post your link. As far as I am aware, lithium batteries are not bothered by lower temperatures and are well behaved down to +10°C. Below that temperature they will become sluggish and will not perform so powerfully. However they do warm up in use. So much So in fact that efforts to stop them getting too hot have to be included in the design of packs.
  11. This is irrelevant. What is relevant is the amount of hazardous material, how it is stored and training of staff in handling such material. There should also be prominently displayed, warnings about cigarette smoking and use of construction hand tools like angle grinders etc. These things need to be mandatory before a licence can be granted.
  12. True but if you were to decide to build a new fusion reactor same as the current model, from scratch, your financiers would have to wait billions of years for their return on investment. Like you, I'm going to stick with our shared reactor which does 100% of my domestic electricity needs and, being such a versatile reactor, it also plays an important role in growing my rice.
  13. What you say might very well be true but I don't see the connection between the company building the factory and China. I always thought Panasonic was Japanese.
  14. I am concerned about the middle one of those "must not" signs. It seems to be indicating that people must not wear bra or knickers. And is it intended for monks or tourists.
  15. You are indeed quite right, however, my line of thinking was that if I failed to comply with a court order, I would probably be in contempt of court. What would happen if the prime minister failed to comply. Would he have to go to prison?
  16. What will happen after the 90 days is up and Sretha and his government have still not complied? Nothing methinks.
  17. Catch 22 The only way to change the system is to vote for it but you can't vote for it 'till it's changed
  18. I agree entirely and would also add that the whole idea of using a proxy is totally wrong in terms of the personal and private nature of the vote. There is no reason why electronic voting should not be incorporated. Using the internet is good enough for banks so it should be plenty good enough for election voting then we could all vote whenever there is a snap election.
  19. Add to that a bit of PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) at say 1kHz, and the LED will look as though it's on full time but will only use power in accordance with the mark space ration of the PWM. In other words if the ratio is 9:1 (that's 9 "off" and 1 "on") then the LED will look like it's on but only use 10% of your 20mA power. All is explained here but you need a basic understanding of electronics to ......well.........understand it. https://www.instructables.com/PWM-pulse-Width-Modulation-Power-LED-Dimmer/
  20. Steady on. Didn't a government department recently recommend a 10 - 15 Baht rise in the minimum wage? It may improve the 2/3 a bit.
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