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Everything posted by Muhendis

  1. Yeah. The worrying thing is there are enough people of similar intellect to put Trump back in the White House.
  2. So if you're feeding solar back into the grid you could well be a beneficiary of this price clamp.
  3. That's been tried already. Some time ago the rice growers in one province got together and refused to sell at the low prices offered. In response the Mills/middle men initially agreed to pay more but they also became more critical of crop condition. The result was the growers ended up no better off.
  4. I find the reporting gaffs more interesting than the substance of the story. The Jurassic period ended about 145.5 million years ago. Of course the reptile's extinct.
  5. We will never know because defamation law always takes precedence which precludes the reporting of any outcome.
  6. Turkish embassy has slowed down a lot. A few years ago when my wife needed to get a visa from them it only took about 4 hours.
  7. You could divert to the Surin Elephant village for a few hours. https://www.tourismthailand.org/Attraction/surin-elephant-village
  8. Good idea but it will never happen and the reason? If you are not Thai, They don't want you. In other words, Xenophobia.
  9. Just for the confused among us Loy Krathong, or the Festival of Lights, is one of the most popular festivals in Thailand. Originally a ritual to honor and seek forgiveness from the Goddess of Water, https://www.thailandnow.in.th/event/loy-krathong-festival/
  10. Yeah. OK. That's good although it seems entirely strange to me. I wonder what the water god thinks of it.
  11. Please can someone enlighten me. What is digital about a krathong?
  12. That won't work unless you can find a market for whisky scented jasmine rice.
  13. All of the above is true. Just don't get stopped by police. That's a 200 Baht on the spot fine
  14. They use their own special Thai designed calculator which is clearly the best in the world.
  15. I entirely agree. The tourism industry represents something like 20% of Thailand's income. There is no enthusiasm to improve general education because it will mean spending money with no immediate return. Meanwhile The Thai government is pushing to become an AI hub (what a worn out word that is) and is also trying to attract car companies for assembly work etc. Thailand would be better off getting out of the tourism rut and improving it's engineering skills base.
  16. I agree no hose = no good but I thought it was clear from my description that there is a hose/pipe which goes to the window. Just in case there is still room for doubt in my explanation please have a look at the drawing attached. Drawing A is how it is and drawing B is how it should be. Portable air con.pdf
  17. These portable AC units are not really much good. They cool the space well enough but they are power hungry. I have a 6,000 BTU one and never use it. What happens is, the air in the room is circulated through the AC in at the top then out of the bottom after passing through the cooling fins. Well that's fine but the exhaust air which is supposed to go out the window also comes from inside the room. So on the one hand the AC unit is cooling the air in the room and on the other hand it is exhausting some of that cooled air out through the window. It is an unsplit unit with both the outdoor section and the indoor section in the same box. I keep telling myself I will modify it to get the incoming air to enter from the outside but that's a project which is filed in the "I will do it tomorrow" folder. Better to get a split system.
  18. I also have starting problems with my drill press and with my lathe. The lathe will start in the lower gears which suggests it's not a capacitor problem. Maybe it could do with a strip down and clean problem is it worked fine in UK Could be an environment problem? The drill press rarely starts unaided but, once again, it was fine in the UK. Perhaps an air conditioner?
  19. Just one small point. Internet plus telephone landline is all fibre-optics these days. Glass is worthless. Because of this it's possible she was targeted for some reason. Who else lost their connection?
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