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Everything posted by Muhendis

  1. It's a male chauvinistic thing. The brainless alpha's are like that the world over. I hope the lady gets her justice.
  2. In the UK trains get stopped by leaves on the track. In Thailand, it's dirt on the track.
  3. Taxi from Don Muong to Ekamai Bus from Ekamai to Pattaya
  4. A bit of self deprecation does us good from time to time.....
  5. I had many very good experiences with Lazada up until a few years ago when they started their own delivery company. That's when it all went pear shaped for me. I would imagine all those problems are long gone by now but I'm a Shopee man now.
  6. I know someone who was in the same position of wanting to build straight away. He had piles put in and built his house on them. His house was completed in a few months from land purchase and the land was previously rice farm. The idea of using a vibrating roller may not achieve what you would expect. The road from the village to my house is testament to that.
  7. Yeah I heard they were getting the ski lifts reay at Kho Kradong in Buriram
  8. I think I mentioned that my panels are well past their prime and three are now flawed so their output is suspect. Yet I also still get power back into batteries by lunchtime. That would probably take a lot longer and indeed used to until I changed the batteries the old ones being knackered. The new batteries are, as I mentioned, lead carbon and one if their attributes is very good charge acceptance which means they will take everything I can give them even though what I give them could be a lot better. Cleaning the panels looks good but the improvements in performance are really only noticeable before and after midday when the sun is anything but perpendicular to the panels. That looks a very good bit of kit. Do you also have an oblong bucket?
  9. I have just read the full article and am satisfied that good procedures have been followed. There is now a big question mark left hanging over the general use of statins for seemingly otherwise healthy individuals. In the article, emphasis was placed on the independence of the scientists. Pharmaceutical companies go to great lengths to promote their products and I have reason to believe hospitals and doctors are far from independent from their influence. We may not be in much mortal danger from from unnecessary use of statins but the reasons for having them prescribed may probably also include financial gain.
  10. On a mountain in the forest. Another fine photo op. Well done lads
  11. Hmm. So the parents found it quite believable that the Thai police would do an extortion job on their son or anyone else for that matter. Shame on them. Never happens.
  12. That may be true, but it is also true that some brands are grossly over engineered and could be a whole lot less costly yet still perform just as well. There are plenty of less costly inverters, charge controllers and BMS's which perform just as well as the higher priced items, but I'm sure you know that already. There are also plenty of thieves out there who conceal their bad products behind false advertising claims.
  13. Those figures work out to just under 29kWh at 40% dod. Looks like you have things running at optimum best for a good long life. I use Lead Carbon 36kWh at 30% dod which in theory will give me over ten years longevity.
  14. Yes the position of the sun in the sky does vary a bit doesn't it. What chemistry batteries do you have and what is your normal nightly depth of discharge (dod)?
  15. My panels are on a flat (and leaky) carport roof so access is easy from the house balcony without a ladder. I also have a walkway between the two rows of panels. I gave them a good clean only this morning which is both good news and bad news. I noticed some flaws in three of the panels. They were cheap from China ten years ago so they're moving up my todo list for replacement next year. The good news is, they still get my 36kWh battery charged by lunchtime. Forgot to mention. I use a drop of car wash 'n wax liquid in with the water.
  16. That's an interesting statement and something to which I hadn't given any consideration. So I googled to learn more. My search parameters included IP ratings and this is what came out of the woodwork so to speak https://thedriven.io/2018/12/04/is-a-battery-electric-vehicle-safe-in-a-flood/ I often wordered how driver and passengers keep warm in an EV. Now I think I know.
  17. Visiting? Going to collect their remuneration more like.
  18. Yes that's partly true Farmer sells his paddy rice to the mill for 13B/Kg This is equivalent to 21.6B after milled. Mill packages and sends rice to export co. Export co. repackages into supermarket bags Asda in the UK sells for 154B/kg Asda makes something like 5% on food so Asda probably pays 146B/kg Packaging and shipping costs could be in the order of 20B/kg So 126B/kg is split between mill, middle men and export company The farmer could easily be paid a higher price for his rice and the mill, middle men and export company would still be wealthy
  19. There are many useful tables on the internet. https://www.rapidtables.com/calc/light/watt-to-lumen-calculator.html As people have already said there is no direct correlation between light, wattage and the amount of light you get from your light source. If you want to go a bit deeper then you could look up candelas on google. They are the earlier units of light measurement. I would start off thinking big and go for anything over 1,200 lumens that should just about be adequate for a well lit area with the light 4 metres high.
  20. And have a story ready about being incapacitated for some reason. It might work. I did something similar and mentioned a hospital problem. Fine 200 Baht No receipt.
  21. Entertainment value 100% (not sure if that's a plus or minus) Factual accuracy 20% I don't enjoy reading their posts but they do serve to remind me that education worldwide is in need of improvement.
  22. That is so cheap. My system was installed over ten years ago and is of suspect quality. It's tempting me to go for replacements in the new year. When does your crystal ball predict the price to start rising again?
  23. AAC blocks, being much lighter, are a lot bigger than "normal" blocks. Fixing things to them like shelves requires a bit more thought and anchors designed for the purpose. I went for pillars with double skin walls and polystyrene insulation in the 50mm gap. The walls are clay bricks and really cool inside. The whole thing is marginally more expensive than AAC. I also built a small external room for my solar inverter and batteries using AAC blocks. That's cool too. Builder skills are readily available for AAC blocks where I am. Double walls and ants is an old wives tail. The humidity is also a non-issue.
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