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Posts posted by A1Str8



    I know people think that riding a bike with manual transmission, equipped with a powerful engine adds inches to their penises(unfortunately it doesn't) so to give you a reason to talk sh_t and say ahhh that ain't a real motorcycle, here is what I ride other than the cbr250r which I love: Honda nc700x.

    I didn't know anyone had more than one penis, but haven't been in Thailand that long.Posted Image  


    Thank you for pointing out the grammar mistake and also for staying away.


    You are welcome........it's just that this thread was going so well, blokes talking about their very different bikes and then your contribution Sarah-Jane.


    It is a bit girly in this day and age, the penis size analogy.


    Just tell us what you ride.Posted Image



    Girly. Sarah Jane. What are you talking about mom?

    Besides I already stated what I ride.

  2. I know people think that riding a bike with manual transmission, equipped with a powerful engine adds inches to their penises(unfortunately it doesn't) so to give you a reason to talk sh_t and say ahhh that ain't a real motorcycle, here is what I ride other than the cbr250r which I love: Honda nc700x.

    I didn't know anyone had more than one penis, but haven't been in Thailand that long.Posted Image  

    Thank you for pointing out the grammar mistake and also for staying away.

  3. I know people think that riding a bike with manual transmission, equipped with a powerful engine adds inches to their penises(unfortunately it doesn't) so to give you a reason to talk sh_t and say ahhh that ain't a real motorcycle, here is what I ride other than the cbr250r which I love: Honda nc700x.

  4. Ice is evil.


    My ex got hooked.




    Marriage destroyed, two kids with no parents.

    She is selling herself in Singapore.

    She lost 10 million baht worth of houses that were owned outright. They were bringing in 70,000THB per month rental income.

    A 1.3 million baht Toyota gone.


    I can't visit my kids because I don't trust I will remain alive. I know, dramatic but after 7 years of separation I still get constant death threats "you come thailand you die" "you gib me money or you die" "I cant take care of the kids, please come and take the kids" 5 mins later "You come thai you die" "F*&^k you" "I already pay man for you die if you come thailand"


    Ice turned her into a raving lunatic and she has sunk to become the lowest form of life.


    It happened slowly at first, she would go out and come back late. Then she stopped coming home for days and when she did get home she looked like she had spent the last week in a brothel.

    She became violent. I dodged knife attacks, hurled objects, vuccuum cleaner pipes and so on.


    I had no choice but to leave (I needed work, and I got work in Indonesia). Leaving was more an escape. A fellow TV member answered my call for help one night and come to pick me up. Only I was being held against my will by the Father and the Uncle. The ex was hitting me with a chair.

    I managed to shake myself free and dived into my mates car as he was driving off.


    I know, people will call BS on this story. I dont mind.


    Ice is the devil MrWW. The devil.


    (I just know I will regret posting this)



    That's a sad story. I wish you the best in the future.

    ...if it was me I would come back for sure and make it painfully clear to her that she is not going to threaten me once again or tell me not to come back. She would get it.

    • Like 2
  5. Yeah sandwich is gooood!

    But it always makes me laugh how here in LOS thais have realized that foreigners like sandwich and so they have come up with their own horrible idea on how to make it: put a slice of tasteless cheap ham along with a piece of lettuce and a slice of tomato between two slices of 7/11 white bread. Sell it for at least 100thb. Don't be ashamed. It's a sandwich. As one, its farang food. So jack that price up and smile.

  6. She said she will instruct legal experts to find ways to take legal action against people who don't pay taxes.

    Makes me wonder if she called the same legal experts to take action against her and those who ruin the country.

    Then she goes on and says if people stop working and paying taxes the country will come to a hault and the economy will be damaged.

    I have fallen off the chair already, and am thinking: has she not realized that its her so called government that made the country come to a hault and damaged the economy?

    But she doesn't stop there. She says people should give the government a chance to do its work.

    This government has gotten so many chances already. What does she want now? I don't know if it's her period or what but I am still trying to figure out how one single person is capable of talking so much nonsense.

  7. First of all no matter what they say the shitty bank is responsible for such losses and they are not supposed to deal with it they way they did in your case!! I mean, <deleted> is that seriously?!

    Your best bet is to go to the police and talk to a senior cop, a higher ranking one and ask for his help. They are going to investigate if you can convince him that it is important to both of you because if you get it back you are going to put a smile on his face too. The police can track such transactions in a matter of hours. Go ahead do it. Don't let that Kash_tkorn fool you.

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