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Posts posted by A1Str8

  1. I would need the opinion of those who are knowledgeable in this area. I would like to have my car converted to be able to run on gasoline and natural gas CNG, LNG as well.

    My questions are: can you recommend any reliable shops here in Cm that would do a good job?

    Any thoughts regarding to the costs of the refitting?

    Which gas stations have NG too?

    Is it overall a good idea to do such thing or you wouldn't recommend it?

    Thank you in advance

  2. In the past I have had several thai girlfriends but the last two were Thai Chinese. I actually like those chicks. First of all, in my opinion mixed race is always better for several reasons. For example, they tend to look better. But that's just one thing. I wouldn't stay with a girl just because she looks good. But on the other side and I am not saying it in a disrespectful way, I believe that in general they are more intelligent, have a wider perspective and more goal oriented. These traits might not be those that someone else looks for but I consider it important. The things that many of us in my opinion are well aware of: their career is important to them, you can call them anything but lazy, and instead of waiting for a man to come along and take care of them, they grab the wheel and take control..along other traits make them attractive to me. I know that a lot of guys like it when the gf/wife stays home all day, cooks, cleans and what not. And they enjoy it that the woman is with them most of the time and they do most things together. I could not do that. Matter of fact I hated that when I had a thai gf. And I am not saying that all thai girls are like that but most are.

    The girl I date now is Thai Chinese too. She is fluent in 4 languages, well educated, has a good job with high salary. She works five days a week and that means we get to see each other every day but we don't get the chance to spend almost the entire day together which in my opinion after a while would kill the relationship.

    But anyway, it's just the way I see it and that's my experience. I like the way they are and am curious what you think of them and what's your experience of being in a relationship with a Thai Chinese.

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  3. It's a very sad thing but it does exist and you cannot do much. In your case you could have tried to do something but at the end there is a very good chance that you would end up in big trouble and those would get away.

  4. riding with a brain full of emotions - call it anger, hate or love-  is the worst way to spoil your concentration.

    you must be in a state on a bike like you are doing meditation.


    Agreed. But in this case do not close your eyes.

    Or close them for three seconds and convince yourself mentally: by the time I open my eyes, I am going to be in 6th gear.

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