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Posts posted by A1Str8

  1. The only case you don't stay out of it is if he is a close friend of yours. If that's the case then you have to let him know that he is being played by that woman. However, for the reasons you have mentioned do not tell him that you called the resort and checked it out behind him. It doesn't matter anyway. What matters is that you need to let him know that you got the impression that this woman is not honest with him. Tell him that you say it with the best intentions and you do not accuse her of any wrongdoing neither suggesting anything similar. But you care about him and don't want to see him to be somebody's fool and because this whole thing just sounds strange and not right he could ask someone to call the resort and make an enquiry(tell him to ask someone to do the same for him what you have done already but dont tell him that you did it) that would just cause an unnecessary argument.

    This way he is going to see it clearly that he is getting played but you remain in a neutral position when nobody will get angry at you as you didn't do anything or accused anybody of any wrongdoing.

    But do this if he is a good friend otherwise it can still backfire.

    • Like 2
  2. What's up with this beer sh_t? I have never understood this obsession with beer. Why everybody drinks beer? I do not mean to offend those who like it but why is that that most adults, especially males like beer and consume it quite regularly? And don't come with the health benefits of it. If they are so health conscious then why the vast majority of them don't lead a healthy lifestyle and follow a proper diet.

    • Like 1
  3. In CM

    I met an American female missionary (25ish) with a hill tribe Thai fiance.

    She complained that his family expected her to pay for everything.

    That's interesting. They always find a way to ridicule themselves. I mean thais always say that the man is the provider and is supposed to act accordingly. Now in this case have they mistaken the American girl for a male or is it just the Thai ingenuity at its finest?

  4. Most of these are not "Thai/English," they are specifically BAR GIRL English.


    I think you like  bar girls since you are saying they are specifically from a bar girl. How uniformed you really are


    Although my girlfriend ( who is a Thai actress)  is pretty good in English and was never a "bar girl" she does use a few of  those mentioned phrases


    So I am just going to assume you are the typical  beer drinking, bar hoping, pot belly  bar girl wolf .not knowing that most woman are not bar girls

    Is this for real?? Just because he said most of those are bargirl english(which is CORRECT) it doesn't mean he likes bargirls!!

    But let's say he does. So then what? Does that make you feel superior?

    • Like 1
    Foreigner can't buy a house in Thailand.

    Entire discussion pointless.

    They were either laughing at your stupidity, or your gullibility.

    He knows he can't own the crib that's why he plans to buy it in the joint company's name. Talk about pointless.




    Has no one informed you all that a foreigner can buy a house in Thailand no problem?   Can't buy the land but the house is no problem.


    Land. Whatever. The house is on the land, man.



    No one informed you that you can get a legal contract on the use of the house man?


    I don't get it. You can buy the house. So you can be the owner of the house. And as an owner you can get a legal contract to use the house that you already own? Sounds good, I might give it a try. But still no land whatsoever because that you cannot own.


    Foreigner can't buy a house in Thailand.

    Entire discussion pointless.

    They were either laughing at your stupidity, or your gullibility.

    He knows he can't own the crib that's why he plans to buy it in the joint company's name. Talk about pointless.



    Has no one informed you all that a foreigner can buy a house in Thailand no problem?   Can't buy the land but the house is no problem.

    Land. Whatever. The house is on the land, man.

  7. Yeah, talk about a protein fix. I consume such shakes from time to time but I am pretty sure that most of you are going to be disgusted just like my girl, if I explain what it is.

    When you are into hard training and weightlifting you must feed your body with high amounts of quality nutrients so it can keep up with the intense workouts and stay healthy. But sometimes it's hard to eat all that food to meet your macronutrient needs..sometimes you dont have time for a big meal..sometimes you get sick and don't have appetite but still need to feed the machine. Then you have these shakes that save the day. You take a blender and get the main ingredient: chicken(pre cooked) or tuna. Then you put all kinds of things in it like some vegetables, some fruit, some honey and nuts...pour some water in it and blend it.

    At the end I get some real thick, strange looking shake that doesn't taste good at all. But so what? It is real food not processed, it helps to maintain a healthy body and put on that muscle mass.

    Just wanted to share this recipe with you because I know you are going to run to the kitchen and try it right now.

  8. Wow I am in the ladies forum again. It's such a relief to read it. Excuse me for being off topic but you ladies rule. Whenever I read your forum I always find the same thing. No constant personal attacks are present, no endless flaming. You talk to each other intelligently and show respect. I admire that.

    • Like 2
  9. I have 2 for sale...

    1 is here... 1 will be here in 1 month....

    Going to cost 500 baht each if you take both (ie: 1000 baht),,,, 700 baht if you only take one..


    Dont bother PMing me if you dont accept... I know they cost 1000 baht to send in...

    Also.... Thailand has many Fake-Parrots. A lot of people will dye birds to sell as parrots... Only after a few days does the new owner find it has died, and dyed....

    Dude who posted above works for bikies... I would ask you get a different 'expert' . He was very known in the Phuket-Info forums as a Bikie Restorer and expert.... 

    I do assume he is playing it down because he wants to buy it... Luckily, I am not silly enough to use the same nick here as there....

    Nicke would turn in his grave reading Kribs shit,.

    I thought parrots were more expensive. I might buy a few and prepare it for dinner.

  10. Planes are definitely safer than vans so book a flight if you want. But I say, take a f.... chance once in a while. Pay the ticket, get in that van and see where it takes you. I do the same..so far no problems. I mean go for it, man. You never know. You might arrive without any trouble. As ladyboys say: you dont try, you dont know.

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