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Posts posted by A1Str8

  1. More sophisticated families/people tend to have no problem at all with such relationships. It is as you said the not entirely socially secure of themselves middle class that pushes this nonsense. Besides it depends on the person not the class. If you are an intelligent person with wide perspective than you are going to understand that there is nothing wrong with marrying a foreigner. If you are dumb and have your head stuck in your ass then you are going to think that its low class..without realizing that its you who is way low.

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  2. Word of advice: think about that girl for one last time. Something like this should be on your mind..it was a good time, I had fun but it's clear that she is not honest. She is just one of the gold digging Pattaya whores who try to take advantage of gullible men like me. From time to time she told you, you dont understand lady in Pattaya. Well I think she was right so let me enlighten you: she is a b*tch who have sex with men to get paid. That's what she does for a living. Now approach the closest mirror and look at yourself. Is this how much you are worth? To believe all the BS that a woman like this tells you, get into a relationship with her and maintain the pathetic illusion that she loves you..just to get ripped off eventually? Or be a man, go out and find a decent lady who truly loves you as this one showed you already that she has no respect for you and doesn't care about you.

  3. Hurrah! Finally Thailand will soon be officially colonised by the Chinese. Though in actual fact, the Chinese already colonised Thailand decades ago and that is why the whole country is run by the Thai-Chinese while the Thais are "indirectly groomed thru poverty and lack of education and opportunities" to be the supporting menial classes to serve their colonisers and while the Chinese colonisation brought with it drugs,organised mafia, prostitution and corruption(tea money) into the Thai Culture, Thailand will soon be officially colonised by the Chinese.


    All businesses, land etc will be under the control of the Chinese while there will be greater emphasis on the development of Chinese Cuture here , already we have top echelons of the country frequently visiting China and promoting Chinese Musical Instruments instead of Traditional Thai Musical Instruments.Even fair yellow skin is being promoted as the criteria for being rewarded a status in society here.


    And we have thousand of overstays here of Chinese origin who blend in without the authorities checking on them.


    To all you Thais on non-Chinese origin here, your days are numbered. You and all your offsprings and future generations will be condemmened to serve your new masters for generations unless you do something about it now to seize back your land and businesses.

    You didnt know? Thais solved this problem a long time ago. They sticked their heads into the sand and ignored it. As a result, it ceased existing.

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  4. According to its owners it is. But I am wondering why they don't eat that shit if it's so healthy. They should stop advertising it and start eating it. 10 years later I am going to get back to them to see if they are doing alright.

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