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Posts posted by A1Str8

  1. Going to the cops is useless. They wouldn't bother with this. Knowing her facebook, skype etc is also useless..I am pretty sure she wasn't that dumb to give away her real info and photos. I mean just think about it, that's what she does for a living, she doesn't wanna get caught so she needs to be careful. Unless she is stupid, she must have used a fake name and somebody else's pictures. That's what they always do. She is probably not even attractive. I picture her as a fatso in her late thirties sitting in her room before the computer and scamming people. However, the bank account must be a real one even if it's not under her name. Report that to the police and tell them you have been scammed. You aren't going to get your money back but they will track the account so you can help others not to get scammed by .....s like this.

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  2. Taught which one? I have taught several things like: how to cook western food. How to ride a manual bike. I love chicks on big bikes. How to knock someone out. How to open a beer with anything..lighter, etc. How to read people. How to stay calm under any circumstances. How to root android. How to empty your mind and focus on the inside. How to drive defensive. How to download movies. How to invest intelligently. How not to give a sh.t what other people think or say. And how to stay quiet when I say quiet.

  3. Many reasons:Posted Image

    The climate.

    The women!Posted Image

    It is cheap. I know some posters will not agree. But I think it is cheap!

    The smiles. 90% fake or for money, But I still enjoy it.

    Easy the get permission to stay long time.

    The food. Both the streetfood and all the good restaurants.

    Thai politics!! You couldn't make it up. Super entertainment.Posted Image

    I became hansum without plastic surgery!

    The very colourful everyday life.


    Been here 10 years. My only regret is, that I didn't come earlier.

    Agreed. I like your comments. I would add another reason to be here: when I get my drink in a plastic bag, they gimme a straw. I didn't get one while in Africa. I had to drink from the bag, so Thailand ain't so 3rd world.

  4. I once had a friend who thought he was BIG...showed it to a girl in Nana Plaza...he said "how do you fancy this for dinner"...she replied..." I want a 3 course meal..not a quick snack"...was he gutted or what

    She meant that during all those years working at Nana her p.ssy has become so huge and stretched that now she gets satisfied by being with a horse only.



    I dont know but it's annoying. It's like talking to a kid who hasn't learned to speak properly.

    have you learned to speak thai 100% properly??


    It's not about learning a foreign language. Thais for example often fail to pronounce the R in their own language.


    news for ya pal! they dont HAVE R in their language!! unfrickinbelievable!!!!!

    They do.

  6. I've stopped to help a few times, no problem, at least, not for me. (Once I did not, there were lots of people around, and the "victim" was stupid.)


    On the other hand, just came up to my room after having a conversation with a Thai friend whose "farang" friend had court today.


    Seems he was scootering along on Koh Chang, sometime back. Minding his own business. A Thai on a scooter whizzed by, rear-ended a pickup. Go boom. Pickup keeps going. Kind farang stops to lend aid, but guy is toast.


    Long story short, mother of DOA demands 200k. Cheap son.


    Cops arrest farang. Farang says no. Today in court, mom says, okay, I'll walk away for 25,000. Farang pays.


    Moral of story: well, you decide for yourself. 

    If it was me, dear mom would run away for free.

    • Like 1
  7. Very sad indeed. They only thing they could think in the presence of a corpse was to show that annoying two finger sign and take a photo hoping that they could show it to their friends later and post it on facebook.

    Also, they needed others to point it out how inappropriate what they did was because they couldn't figure it out on their own.

    • Like 1
  8. Yeah good. Let him come back. That man walks the talk and gets things done. He is a good leader and knows his shit. They say he is corrupt as f..k. Indeed. Which politician isn't? They say he has done bad things. Indeed. Which one of us or one of those fake f...ks has not? People need men like him so they have someone to point a finger at and say he is the bad guy. But at the end of the day this guy is still someone who at least did something valuable and who did what he said. While he was in position, the crime rate declined, less people were in prison, the health care improved, the poor regions made significant progress, the education got better, the economy got stronger etc..etc. What the hell all those people have done who point a finger at him and blame him for everything? What? Nothing..that's what I thought. As far as I am concerned, he is the man who has an entire section dedicated to the overall benefits of his decisions and policies while in power, on his Wikipedia page. Those who say he is evil and criticize him..what have they done besides talking shit. Nothing. So why do they feel the need to talk in the first place?

    I know you all agree with me sweeties.

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