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Posts posted by A1Str8

  1. 1 minute ago, mommysboy said:

    In the UK and some other places.


    But the fact is they are illegal in Thailand and you could end up in very hot water with that stance!


    It's unfortunate, and illogical, and poorly communicated, as well as punishments out of all proportion.


    But, you know, 'This is Thailand' as the saying goes.


    We all know how breathtakingly wrong Thailand can be.  That's the way it is.



    I still think it's legal. 

  2. 1 minute ago, KasperC said:

    Even if the origin of the money is Thai based?

    Someone else brought up bitcoin, but I heard it would be difficult to exchange that amount from crypto currency to US dollar and how do I explain that to the US government.

    Anyway they will ask for proof regardless of whether it's Thai based or whatever based. Obviously you don't have proof otherwise we wouldn't be having this convo. So you gotta move it in another way. 

    It would be easy to exchange it back to USD. And why would you need to explain it to anyone. 

    Digital currencies allow you to move it anonymously, given that you do your research and you use scramblers to make tracing it almost impossible. 

    But obviously you cannot do it all at once. You have to do it in parts. 

    You can also buy diamonds with a certificate and then sell it over there. 

    There are so many ways to do it. 

  3. I've always found it amazing that you can basically open ANY kind of business and make it a huge success. 

    Honestly, I don't even understand how people fail with businesses. 

    It can be anything, as long as it is stupid and useless, there will be a need for it. When it comes to food, it doesn't matter if it's garbage, just make it taste good and they'll come. If it's a coffee shop, it doesn't matter if the coffee resembles horse urine, just make the place comfy, put a lot of sugar in the drinks and they'll come. If it's a gadget, it doesn't matter if it's like all the others. Just make it shiny and they'll come. I like people. I really do. It's like the only incentive they have is to make me richer. 

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