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Posts posted by A1Str8

  1. I don't like these miserable retards that hurt animals. There's really no need to poison the dogs. The world needs dogs but definitely doesn't need good for nothing idiots so with all due respect he could have just used the poison on himself. 

    It reminds me of these wannabe foreign criminals in Chiang mai, at one of the gates communities, the guy had a gun, for a second he thought he was tough and shot one of the stray dogs. A Chinese dude, belonging to a gang. I always wondered why didn't he just leave the dog alone and shoot himself. I mean we all know that the world is in no need of sweethearts like these. 

  2. Why would these chicks be unattainable? They are actually the most attainable. That's what I've found.

    But what's the definition of a hot chick anyway? I don't even think that there's such a thing. 

    I can't think of any so called hot girl I have ever been with, girls that were called hot by everyone who saw them, that was actually hot without the filtered photos on their facebook, photos from the right angle that resemble the typical magazine look on their instagram, and without the makeup etc they all look like the girl next door. A dime a dozen, really. 

    Wake up in the morning next to her and what you have is an average girl. 


  3. 7 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

    No one will be arrested for the rice scam (not scheme)

    Like Microsoft and Google will be forced to pay some taxes eventually.

    Like the Don will be forced to show his tax returns.

    Many people in many countries are above the law. Try prosecuting Raz Putin for instance. Not going to happen.

    So many drug pushers near my village. Headman says confusion between police and military is the cause. Asked me to be careful about saying this.

    Why are you so pent up about the internal affairs of Thailand now. Let Thailand run its own affairs. Rant about all the corruption, cronyism and holier than thou attitudes of your own government.  

    Okay you are right. I know they won't be punished but then don't make me laugh with this - we are after the criminals- stuff. No they aren't. And it's not about Thailand's affairs. Nobody cares about them. The same happens all over the world and I simply find fake idiots amusing!!! I don't support the phony. I support the real. That's why I said what I said. 

    And it's scheme or scandal but definitely not scam. 

  4. On 4/21/2017 at 10:07 AM, elgordo38 said:

    Make the punishment fit the crime. Put a bag with a big strap around their neck and give em a 1 block tug. Punishment has to become more ingrained than merely fines and jail time. Let them pick the stones out of their worthless carcasses. 

    I agree. No jail time needed. Just strap them behind a motorbike and wipe the main street with them. 


    They will never do it again guaranteed. 

  5. Any gap is acceptable! Anybody tells you otherwise, run!

    I am young. I have always been a womanizer and even in my case, every time I am with someone who's younger than me, there are always some know it alls, including family members, that try to tell me how I should live my life and she's too young etc. 

    First of all, age literally doesn't matter. It's not just a nice saying, it's a fact. If you love each other and enjoy each other's company, who the hell cares what year you were born in. 

    I remember this chick who was a few years younger than me and someone close to me, a relative noticed how we stared at each other then said something off putting regarding the age difference. This relative has a husband, who's like 20 years older than she is. When people talk bad and have a negative opinion, it is only because their own pain, their own low self esteem comes to the surface. Later I went to talk to this young girl and we got into the best and craziest relationship I have ever been in. Had I listened to this insecure person who was trying to put her own negativity on me, I could have never had that amazing experience!  Don't listen to people! 

  6. A handing back ceremony. These people need Jesus. Why not simply give it back because you are kind hearted and that's it. 

    There's no need to advertise it. 

    Like the politicians that are on the front page, handing food to those in need. Why take pictures and advertise it?

    Are you giving it because you are a good person or because you look to gain something from it?


    And they even tell him what to say: 'Thais are so kind'. <deleted>


    Do the authorities actually think that someone believe this staged nonsense or is it just for laughs?


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