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Posts posted by sawadee1947

  1. 5 minutes ago, PJPom said:

    May I ask the level of your education regarding economic history, I researched the subject and came to a rational conclusion that in some instances the long term benefits outweighed the short term losses.

    I do not excuse the numerous wrongs but we live in a world shaped by events that happened centuries ago, some require change , others should be regarded as lessons.

    I'm with you in an extent to learn from the past and avoid mistakes. 

    There is no time again for hate or racism. And no time to glorify history 

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  2. 5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Where do you guys get these strange ideas from? If Trump loses he has no authority to give orders as POTUS once the legitimate POTUS is sworn in. The only way he could remain as president would be if the military carried out a coup, and how likely is that? No man ever in the history of humanity has become a dictator without support of influential people and the military/ secret police.

    He would not accept to lose next election. He would call it a fake election and call the High Court in order to stay in power by help of his cronies in court (see Hillary, see Bush) 

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  3. 1 hour ago, evadgib said:

    I suspect history will show that the original herd immunity was all that was actually needed, and that Boris & Co (along with others elsewhere) buckled to the globalist agenda despite knowing full well what was going on & not being able to stop it at the time.


    Pope Gregory faced similar probs several centuries ago when he shaved several days off the calendar for scientific purposes which lead to unrest among the sort that thought their lives had been shortened. All we're witnessing today is the 21st Century equivalent of such stupidity.

    I know you're just joking because nobody would take this nonsense as serious. ????

    • Haha 1
  4. 1 hour ago, billd766 said:


    Please enlighten me as to where did that come from, if it didn't come from you?


    quote "If you call this Govt idiotic..... How you would name those in UK or US??? 

    Even Prawit got more brain than Bojo or Donald together." 



    Maybe you should follow JHU statistics? 

    Watch corona cases rising in UK and compare Thailand. 

    Almost same number of people. 

    But UK got an idiot as PM and adviser whereas Thailand.....made the right steps at the right time.


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  5. 1 hour ago, billd766 said:

    But what you are saying has to do with Boris or Trump at all, and nothing to do with the thread at all. The thread is all about hotels on Koh Samui. 



    That is not quite right. 

    It's about hotels on Samui which suffer from Corona because of "no customers ".

    And it is about to open bars and restaurants again. 

    And it has to do with tackling the crisis in a way so that tourists come back. 

    Obviously you were in another thread. Start again. ????

  6. 5 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    Many of their customers are close to begging the government to let them reopen too. With no local transmissions in a couple of weeks now, there is essentially no one out there right now for people to catch covid from, so further continued closure makes very little sense. They have zero chance of getting tourists in all the time this continues and now would seem the perfect time to allow them to open so the situation can be assessed and protocol addressed before people come back in numbers.

    There are a lot of people employed by these places who need to get back to earning a living.

    No, nonsense! 

    If you open too early and there would be some new cases, there would be no customers at all anymore. 

    Also if you are self employed you take risks of less income. 

    Save in good times.....! 

    Thailand acts not as stupid in UK or US. 

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