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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. He also predicts (in secret) that he will have a healthy bank balance in 2024.
  2. Wars result in the deaths of the innocent, a thousand years of conflict has shown this but human stupidity stops us from learning from our mistakes. When one considers that even our close cousins, the Chimpanzees, engage in war it would seem that such aggressive behaviour is built into our genes. Reprehensible as this is, there is no excuse for posting false accusations, America, like any major power, has a history of meddling in other countries affairs to the detriment of those countries citizens but there is always a selfish logic behind it, the Ukraine / Russian conflict has the hallmarks of such geopolitical logic but not the Hamas/Israel conflict, this is a war that nobody wants, the roots of which are complicated and deep. During WWII the controlling power of Palestine, Great Britain, promised Palestine to both the Palestinians and the Jews (Israel wasn't a country at that time) in order to gain their help against Germany, after the war Britain tried to halt the influx of the Jewish people from all over the world, it didn't succeed and today we have what we have.
  3. Not unlike the whole world if all the economic experts are to be believed, only the FED believes in a soft landing. The market is betting on a rate cut in the first quarter because the money tightening has been overdone, it will be too little too late, the economic damage has been done. Large rate cuts will lead to a false bull run in stocks, a last hurra before the collapse and then there will be a rate cut race to zero causing another spike (a bigger one) in inflation.
  4. Another war on top of Ukraine/Russian war must be the last thing the USA wants, any conflict with Iran is going to be a disaster for world trade on top of the world economic crisis we are heading into in 2024. Your little hate post defies all logic. The powder keg that is the middle East doesn't need any extra help from outside to explode as Iran and Russia in Syria are already joyfully meddling in affairs of destabilization.
  5. because maybe he fears his pension provider could possibly learn of the divorce from the embassy resulting in a pension reduction.
  6. He's done a runner your honour, nothing we could do to stop him as unfortunately no computer notification was sent to the immigration computers at the airport, it's a mystery.
  7. Of course they are available, I'm buying a pair, however I don't think the lenses are made in Thailand. Diamond eyes aren't a thing in my area so its a choice between two Top Charoen sites.
  8. Surely they've missed out on a free STD check up week, meet your favorite bar girl at the clinic, consolation prizes for a HIV infection.
  9. I presume his incarceration has stopped him from gathering enough money necessary to prove his innocence.
  10. Pragmatic, very sensible, why get involved with the skulduggery of either side.
  11. Same for Germans I believe, but with the bribes has the evidence also been destroyed....lost.
  12. Working out like a treat isn't it, who said Thais don't plan ahead.
  13. So would I, but would you kill him? What was the story behind the Italian's actions? probably a tit for tat situation that got out of hand but you're right, don't annoy the neighbours, you'll lose in the end.
  14. That was my bad, she was referring to the frame I picked up and showed her. I need what is called a progressive lens which has basically 3 different strengths. I don't think these lenses are made in Thailand, the best ones are made in the USA and Ireland. Cambodia has a poor health system, Cambodians come to my area even for just dental treatment, so it surprises me that you could get your eyes checked on these sophisticated machines (that my eyes were checked on anyway) in Cambodia. My case is complicated by the fact that my nose was broken some 50 years ago and the center of sight has to be somewhat offset (but I'm still a handsam man, so I'm told by the missus)
  15. I hope so, they measured my eyesight. Even the bar girls see you coming when they call you a handsome man but I don't waste my money on them or booze.
  16. Really, how much do you spend on booze over a three month period? The question was rhetorical no need to answer.
  17. You're all like dog with a bone. I can afford it and I'm looking forward to getting a quality product in a few days time.
  18. Actually I'm not so sure about that now having asked around quite a bit. obviously the frames are a fashion thing and vastly overpriced, also glass lenses are no longer glass but plastic but you get what you pay for, behind the lens industry is a vast network of digital machines and programmers and this industry sets the price to make a large profit, the outlets also need profit and are labour intensive, some outlets will be cheaper than others but the base costs will be similar. I have had my last pair from them for 10 years and I haven't been kind to them regarding usage but they are still serviceable. Compared to simple reading glasses bifocals are complicated products.
  19. I assume he was referring to the belief that there is only Brahman (consciousness in modern language) and that all manifestations are illusions (maya) of Brahman, illusions have neither free will or destiny nor can there be a creation or destruction of anything that is not material. If one believes in the power of causality as the only power in a material world then that statement is also true, causality can't be predetermined as fate nor can it be acted upon to achieve a reliable free will event as causality is unpredictable, its starting point (big bang) lies to far in the past and the variables are too many to calculate, it is only possible to have the illusion of free will or destiny. Donald Hoffman (cognitive scientist) illustrates this in his 'The end of Spacetime', which he shows is just an interface for consciousness.
  20. Regarding the ability to not give a $hit......old age can do that for you. In the words of Ramana Maharshi :- There is neither creation nor destruction, neither destiny nor free will, neither path nor achievement. This is the final truth.
  21. So is he going to get arrested and sued for damaging the cables? watch this space.
  22. Now to start with I am not sure this is correct. I believe there is a 7 year rule regarding children living permanently in your household. I have been living with my mia noi for 18 years while still married to my estranged wife. I have a 16 year old son with my mia noi and her two daughters from a previous marriage who are now adults of course, I have no children with my wife. When my step daughters were still children I used to sign various documents regarding their school, when I mentioned to their teacher, who is a family friend, that as I am not the biological father of the two girls I shouldn't be signing the documents and their mother could do it instead, the teacher said that I have the right to do so as the children had been in my household for longer than 7 years which gave me certain rights over them but also responsibilities. How far these rights extended I never asked.
  23. Nobody got out alive in Concorde, so....not funny
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