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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. I doubt that, long haul holidays require some planning in advance not a few weeks before the Christmas season, if they haven't got their <deleted> together now then the main holiday season is dead already. Add to that that the financial situation of many westerners (especially the Brits with higher taxation and higher mortgages and rents in the offing) will deter many from taking a winter holiday at all.
  2. The panels will get nicked like the batteries on the floating tsunami warning stations.
  3. Despite everything I still feel that Thailand hasn't lost it's Teflon coating.
  4. Actually it probably is, a lot of things get misinterpreted these days. In Tesco my, not yet, 2 year old step granddaughter Jackie kissed me on the lips through my mask, she then thought about it for a few seconds then pulled my mask down and kissed me full on the lips, nobody batted an eye lid. As for the nipple thing, young kids who have been breast fed a long time seem fascinated by them, early in the morning Jackie bangs on our bedroom door and wants to play with me in bed (I'm her favorite person apparently) occasionally she has put her lips on my nipple only to burst out laughing afterwards, she does the same thing with my wife's mother. I play with both my step granddaughters (the oldest is 5) when they are naked and it's hot outside and spray them with water from the hose pipe, it's all very innocent but I suppose somebody with a dirty mind could make something of it if they wanted to.
  5. Laws, laws, as Stalin once said, it isn't necessary to control the voters, just the people counting the votes. You can have laws but if they aren't acted upon (see Thailand) they are of no use.
  6. Thailand seems unaware that a reputation is like virginity, once lost it can't be retrieved. You have the image you have, yes it's sleazy but it brings in money, be content with what you have. You will never be a high class destination for rich families or a center for trusted business enterprises because your courts of law cant be trusted. You are trying to enter the first world with a third world mind set, your politicians are no different from those of the first world, power hungry, greedy and self serving but unlike the first world your citizens have been taught through example to be corrupt and void of moral considerations which leaves you with a civil service which is fearful and immoral and so cant act as an unbiased counterweight to the self serving desires of your political masters. You aren't lost my dear Thailand, you just have to realize what you really are and face the world unashamedly, your amorality can be quite charming in fact, holding out one hand for the bribe and then the other one saying OK that was the bribe now where is the the baksheesh, you will always keep us smiling but don't expect us to take you seriously.
  7. I understand what you are saying and I agree with you but we are in a transitional stage, the past social frame work hasn't yet collapsed and the new frame work has only its foundations, the walls and girders have yet to be erected, these days things happen quickly and speed isn't without consequences, there will be upheavals and the nashing of gums before a new social order has been built and many will at first be left behind. Life isn't fair but it wan't meant to be. At a certain age it doesn't matter what will happen in the future, it doesn't belong to us. The trials and tribulations of the human race, all the way back to the Paleolithic, show us that we are a persistent, long lasting, awesome animal bound for the stars.
  8. Hope they were well insured ????. Such a shame just as things are picking up.
  9. The working generation now are worse off than their parents and due to demographics they will retire later and with a smaller pension. I worked in Germany most of my life and get a German pension, I was able to take early retirement at 57 and it is far more than my 34 year old German daughter earns and more than her architect husband takes home as I don't have to pay tax, so yes we are the golden generation.
  10. Yes, the French, Swiss and German embassies look after their people, you can still get the embassy letter and a Passport at the German embassy, even a lost Passport is no problem, I witnessed a young woman get an emergency passport at the German embassy because she was travelling on to Australia in a few days time and had lost her passport, all she had was her German driving license, they just connected to her home town and got all the info needed with a picture sent and she had her passport within 3 days.
  11. You are mistaken if you thought that HM government ever had an interest in its citizens. In my youth as a lowly apprentice an old man said to me, "If there is a war you will be called up and stuck in a uniform, if there is an economic turn down you will be unemployed, when the economy is thriving you will be forced to do all the overtime going and when you are old you will be pushed into a corner and forgotten", encouraging words for a 17 year old.....but he was right.
  12. Must be something wrong with me or I have become too acclimatized, I have the air con on at night even in the cold season.
  13. I only use my German account for online banking but never for online purchasing, I refused a credit card that they offered me and refused to have my ATM card turned into a touchless debit card, cash is king as far as I am concerned, old fashioned but safe.
  14. Not dead, just hibernating. When the punters return they will blossom again like the flowers in spring.
  15. ditto.....the police told her it was her fault and I was left with 80,000 Baht's worth of damage to my car.
  16. You can't trust a copper like an old time copper when you can't find your way home
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