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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. Well the engine isn't going around for a start but the tik tok's cash flow certainly is.
  2. Possibly blinded by the sun? The man was crouching down and when hit was knocked into a prone position so if a heavy vehicle rolled over him with two side wheels it could have felt like a bump in the road.
  3. It's called style, the love of beautiful things......if you can afford it and have good taste why not. It doesn't surprise me that a farmer would wear a Timex, wealthy or not.
  4. Because he is a rich Thai.......probably the real reason he gave for not blowing.
  5. So she is obviously innocent and it was all a terrible misunderstanding
  6. I can explain this officer......I think, I'm a little confused at the moment though, is that you mother?
  7. Wont happen, this sort of occurrence is classed as an unavoidable accident in LOS.
  8. Yes, you are right of course. The question that should be asked though is why, having reached France, do they undertake the dangerous Journey to reach the UK ? From what I have read they aren't living the life of Reilly once they reach the UK, in fact their situation here is quite desperate, especially these days.
  9. Why aren't they being sent back to France? It's a safe country and their point of departure.
  10. Purposely ignored.....for a fee, not overlooked. Chuwit must have decided to get all precious about it in his dotage.
  11. At least he will have to pay an extortionate repair bill for his damaged rental bike, 2,000 Baht a scratch.
  12. Got to be better than the English teacher I met in Chiang Mai......he was from Birmingham, even I couldn't understand him.
  13. Now that it has been proven effective it will become a must have item among the young men and youths of Thailand.....and possibly beyond, Knives are so 2021.
  14. Depends on the humidity. In Bavaria I could go outside comfortably wearing a jacket at minus 15 C, in Surin I'm freezing wearing an overcoat at plus 15 C.
  15. That will teach them not to shoot arrows at motorists, "I acted in self defense your honour"
  16. The pig is desperately writing numbers with its front hooves on the pig pen floor as a counter measure, if it's a winner the farmer gets decapitated.
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