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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. Offer a reward of 100,000 Baht for the return of the cylinder, no questions asked
  2. No need to be quite so aggressive (the need to be right is strong in this noodle). I have just read the Thai version and it seems that this charming young lady has done the unthinkable for a Thai Buddhist woman but why the immigration should be involved is beyond me, perhaps, like me, they thought that only a foreigner could do such a thing.
  3. No passport, so how did he get to China? After 15 years he probably spoke better Chinese than Thai and he must have been working and living somewhere.
  4. Well, she has let herself in for a world of pain, no Thai court is going to let her off with a hand slap for this insult, I don't know what country this self indulgent Karen comes from but she may not recognize it again after a lengthy stay in a Thai prison full of angry warders and inmates.
  5. Perhaps a reason for Thailand to be worried about onerous demands from the EU....like abiding by the law and court decisions.
  6. Defamation laws won't apply in this case.....Your name, address, and car registration however will be noted in case further information is required.
  7. He's definitely learnt a lesson about fairness, the rigged system, racism and never believing in the government systems and certainly never help the police whatever happens. What goes around comes around.
  8. Hardly that, there is nothing more stupid than fighting in a war. One rarely knows why its being fought, every country's propaganda covers up the truth, there is a special club that makes a lot of money out of it but soldiers can't join, afterwards you are either maimed and/or unemployed, your country is in debt and its citizens spend the next 30 years paying it off (but not if you are in the club, they make even more money). soldiers are just tools to be used but the most pathetic thing is that they are proud of it.
  9. Yes but I wouldn't have the courage. I rather think that the Russians are experts at seeing through their propaganda, better than we are at seeing through ours.
  10. Easy to say when you wouldn't have to suffer the consequences.
  11. Where do these Russian refugees get the money to stay indefinitely in a foreign country
  12. They should have a band outside playing some 'Monty-Python music.
  13. While others in the ring can now say, "Hands off, do you know who our boss is" ? Rather strange that it got this far, does this, 'issuing of a warrant', mean the investigating officers couldn't be bought off?
  14. Someone has left a can of worms open, they seem to be breeding all over the place.
  15. The name, 'Really Cool Air' doesn't 'sound' very professional, almost like say 'Spliff air', confidence just wont arise.
  16. Yes, as the old British PM McMillan said when asked ''what could go wrong?" He answered "Events old boy, events"
  17. The best laid plans of mice and men........One can have power, control and reason and then causality raises its head. The ancient Britons who took on Roman ways and culture and acquired great wealth and status by working with them, were on town councils and lived in villas and dressed as Romans were left desolate when, due to the dissolution of the empire, the Romans left Briton, CAUSALITY, unforeseen events a 1,000 miles away brought about the unimaginable. There is no absolute power or control.
  18. Thanathorn appears to be a decent person, as yet not corrupted by politics, which is why he doesn't stand a chance.
  19. Even a lion has to submit to changing realities in the jungle.
  20. The Thai people have allowed this to happen and their working class sons in uniform are the tools that make it possible, they, the majority, could, for instance, point their guns away from their folk in the opposite direction.
  21. People get the government they deserve, making rules to distance the military from politics wont help. Democracy (if there really is such a thing) is organic, it grows slowly until its roots are deep. Thai soldiers are citizens in uniform and yet they allow themselves to be used as an instrument for their corrupt superiors, no deep roots there, can you imagine any Northern European country in today's world where soldiers would obey an illegal order to stage a coup? No, it would be nipped in the bud and the generals arrested but not in Thailand, the subservient nature of the Thais to the hierarchy actually invites a coup. The move is the right one however, it's a start, drawing lines in the sand but the citizens themselves must build a wall on the line themselves.
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