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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. It was suicide........what!.....oh....no wait we'll get to the bottom of it.
  2. I saw an evil spirit once but I had made the mistake of saying my ex= wife's name out loud in the dark.
  3. Obviously a Mercedes design flaw not taking a Thai driver and power poles into consideration.
  4. The British people got through it all with binge drinking and street drugs, they haven't stopped since then. No British government has ever been keen to do anything for its citizens, why start now, the EU regulations must have been a thorn in their sides.
  5. I thought my life was complicated.......no it's not, not really, not like this.
  6. My 15 year old son British/Thai born in Thailand with all the accompanying documents is on the chanod of two houses with his mothers name as co-owner.
  7. I couldn't help laughing, adding insult to injury by stealing his watch, maybe he could get fined as well for 'procurement.' No doubt he won't see the funny side of it while weeping on his curry, as far as he is concerned Pattaya is a pain in the rrrrrs
  8. I don't know if it still exists but some years ago a German citizen who commits a crime abroad and is charged for it in that country will face the same charges in a German court of law once they return home.
  9. Ah, but it is only an apparent whiskey drunk by a manifestation from nothing.....so you'll definitely need the whiskey.
  10. There is no me or you, no seeker, no enlightenment, no disciple and no guru. There is no better or worse, no path or purpose, and nothing that has to be achieved. All appearance is source. All that apparently manifests in the hypnotic dream of separation – the world, the life story, the search for home, is one appearing as two, the nothing appearing as everything, the absolute appearing as the particular. There is no separate intelligence weaving a destiny and no choice functioning at any level. Nothing is happening but this, as it is, invites the apparent seeker to rediscover that which is . . . the abiding, uncaused, unchanging, impersonal silence from which unconditional love overflows and celebrates. It is the wonderful mystery. An excerpt from 'The open Secret' by Tony Parsons who had a spontaneous revelation while walking through a London Park, he sat down in shock realizing that not only did he not really exist but that he never had done.
  11. The DOJ does the prosecuting not a political party, unless we are talking about NK or China.
  12. That might be a tad foolish since they could then demand payment for oil in say Euros instead of dollars, that would end the dollars might as a 'go to reserve currency' which considering the enormous debt that America has would lead to its collapse, China, Japan and Europe would quickly unload their dollar bonds (at a huge loss) and Americans would have to start producing things instead of being a net importer and living off debt.
  13. As Twain once said, "If voting made a difference they wouldn't let us do it"
  14. All three of them should never even have been considered for high office, especially Trump, his rise is just unexplainable. It is unfortunate that this seems the best that America can do. Obama was the last decent president since Kennedy. They seem to pull them from the psychiatric or geriatric wards these days.
  15. Weak, hypocritical, lacking true life experience but wanting to stay relevant.
  16. Since one must still go to the IO for the sticker it would be better to stick to the old procedure and do the extension in person and save yourself 500 Baht......or is the new system compulsory? It seems to complicate things as they will have two systems running side by side.
  17. Whereas the UK government is a beacon of stability, I'd take Germany any day.
  18. He was acting irrationally, he was a danger to himself and others, the police in Germany wouldn't have acted differently. The man obviously has mental issues and wasn't open to a peaceful settlement. He chose to overstay and is now suffering the consequences.
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