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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. It will be paid in dollars which will make it too expensive for the average household now anyway. What a dipstick to so naively, openly, make such an announcement,normally such things are kept quiet and hope nobody notices.
  2. I doubt that would happen but they may have trouble finding a carrier or cargo insurance, Merk for instance is considering refusal to ship goods to Russia, other shipping companies may follow suite. It may be enough for America or the EU to issue a stern rebuke as in "we will buy our rice elsewhere in future" indeed the large importers themselves in the West may change their rice suppliers. All this won't help the poor rice farmer who has never heard of the Ukraine.
  3. That is good so if they can easily afford it, remember all situations are temporary, nothing lasts, and when the dust settles, as it will, it may be advantageous to have been seen walking a tightrope between fences, especially if you are little.
  4. It isn't in their backyard is it. Wait and see how long these sanctions last, compassion usually ends at the wallet.
  5. There will be pain but this has obviously been planned and sanctions taken into account. I imagine that Putin thought this was going to be a quick occupation after which things would quickly return to normal. That hasn't quite worked out, in the short term things will be manageable but the long term will be a different matter, not just for Putin, the pain will be felt in the West as well especially in Europe as far as energy is concerned, it will be a case of who blinks first.
  6. I don't know about storming,there appears to be a lack of cash in the general Western populations pockets, rent increases, petrol, gas and electricity all cost more, taxation etc. wouldn't tempt me to take a long flight to Asia if I was living say in London, maybe no holiday at all would be on the cards.
  7. I see, don't you have an anti-virus program ? Anyway, nobody would want to know the size of my wife's nickers, it frightens even me.
  8. What data are we talking about here, Income, health records, age, place of employment etc. or just where you intend to stay in Thailand ? If you are worried about spam just give them a throw away email address.
  9. We don't celebrate thanks giving and yet I had a payment delayed by one day because of it.
  10. So why would a US public holiday affect payment?
  11. It is only my opinion but I think that the policeman is personally responsible not the force as an institution, whether he was on duty or not he can be expected to drive with due care and attention.
  12. No, it actually does come via America, never understood that. My pension arrived today so delay was due to the holiday on the 16th.
  13. "One night in Krung Thep Maha Nakhon and the worlds your oyster" nah, just doesn't work somehow
  14. Thanks, I presume it's due to the Thai bank holiday or covid whatever. I sent the dwp an email anyway although usually one doesn't get a reply until its been sorted by itself.
  15. Just binge watched a UK series, 'Killer in our village' same sort of thing happens. It is amazing to what lengths the police go to solve these crimes and their technology is impressive. In the UK at least one has almost zero chance of getting away with murder although one case took 40 years before an arrest, most arrests were done and dusted after 18 months.
  16. Apart from my German pension I receive a small British pension which is paid into my Bangkok bank account every 28 days, it should have arrived today but didn't, has anyone had similar problems lately?
  17. I think it looks like 6 to 1 and half a dozen to the other situation, they should both be locked up and castrated.
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