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Posts posted by cmsally

  1. 3 minutes ago, GarryP said:

    Section 39. Any person who is an insured person under section 33, has paid contribution for a period of not less than twelve months and, subsequently ceases to be insured person in pursuance of section 38(2)*, if such person wishes to continually be insured person, he or she shall, within six months from the date of his or her termination to be insured person, notify his or her statement to the Office according to the regulations prescribed by the Secretary – General.


    *38 (2) cessation of being an employee.


    Whatever you do, always check the the Social Security Office first as new subordinate regulations are issued from time to time. 

    I remember an American friend being rejected and told she needed 13 months instead of the 12 months paid for on her year contract!

  2. Can't say I miss the fire lanterns. This year has been the first in many that I haven't had to sprint down the soi with a very heavy fire extinguisher.

    Don't advise a hose and water as most of the fires they start involve some kind of electrics.

    • Like 2
  3. 55 minutes ago, Nicknoodle said:

    I don't live in Chiang Mai but I have spent a considerable amount of time there in the last 7 years. I have only seen a minimal increase in hotels, but as earlier mentioned on this thread, the increase in numbers is only attributed to "guesthouses" now being licenced. In regard to numbers, you can ask any hotel, any bar, any travel agent, they will all say the same thing, numbers of tourists is well down year on year. But one thing I have personally noticed is that there are many more independent Chinese tourists booking cheaper hotels instead of being on tours and paying through the nose. This has in turn has caused the cheaper end hotels to increase in price. If, as per this article states, the number of hotels was up, but the number of guests was pretty much the same then I have no doubt that the hotel prices would have dropped, but they haven't! Always gotta love the Thai statements that are so obviously false. 555

    If places at the lower end got licensed, then it would have cost them a considerable amount . Impossible to drop rates or keep them the same if you have to fork out that amount of cash. There is also the phenomena of thinking that a vast upgrade and entry into more middle market would make it much more profitable. Not necessarily the case as CM has a vast glut in the middle market.

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  4. 38 minutes ago, 0815 said:

    ... and owned by Chinese companies.

    Would be nice to see some statistics of how many of the new places are built on 30 year leases held by Chinese are by proxy companies funded by Chinese. I think it is quite  a few.

    For some reason I awoke with thoughts of the Great Leap Forward which of course was followed by the great famine/crash. Except this time we will probably all be going along for the ride!

  5. 8 minutes ago, LomSak27 said:


    I worked in both Korea and Japan and still have passable Korean. Hey Don't believe me, get your hiney out there to both walking streets next week and see if I'm wrong. Check out out Airport and Festival malls while you're at it. Don't just sit at the keyboard, cyber whinge-ing & reading footie scores. Get out there, do some first hand reconnaissance. Make us proud!!






    I would agree with that , have heard a lot of Japanese and Korean being spoken. Also Chinese around, but not so noticeably skewed towards Chinese as in the last few years.

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  6. Definitely lanterns being let off from Ping River area but probably only a few locations. Much less in the way of noise and fireworks. Seemed pretty quiet compared to previous years, but then downtown in previous years has often resembled a warzone. Accommodation at the lower end has been booked out for the Loy Kratong days but after is anyones guess. Anyone in business for many years in CM might be thinking about the old tale of the hare and the tortoise. Hares are mostly toast.

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