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Posts posted by cmsally

  1. On 11/10/2019 at 9:29 AM, faraday said:

    Yes, I'd like to experience snow one last time: Magical.

    I still remember the time in junior school when my friend saw snow for the first time. She was born and brought up in Kenya. Snow started to fall in the early afternoon in the middle of class. She just got up and walked over to the window like a zombie , stood there and stared, totally silent. It took a while for us to process what was going on!

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  2. 9 hours ago, IraqRon said:

    Do the French tourist have insurance to cover their hosp. bills or will they be unpaid and the amount added to the baht that they say expats owe???


    This is an example of why I support the idea of charging all tourist some small amount upon entry to cover such incidences.

    If they took a trip with a registered TAT licensed tour company they would be covered for hospital bills, as it is a type of accident.

  3. 22 minutes ago, kamahele said:

    Is this different than the "royal bees" which are aggressive but are supposed to bring good luck? Had to live with one of their nests in the yard for 6 months until they moved away to avoid bad luck lol. Couldn't keep the outside lights on at night as they swarm at the light.

    If you are in the North of Thailand , the ones that most people regard as lucky and won't move the nests are called "min".

    Not too sure what the proper name for these are but they are very dark and can build some huge nests. Luckily they mostly like to build nests high in trees (but not always). They don't seem very aggressive though.

    • Like 1
  4. When it comes to present day Thai officialdom runaround/ridiculousness , I think I may have discovered the "piece de la resistance".

    A close friend (Thai) needed to remove his tour van from the yellow plate system and convert it to a private vehicle. The whole debacle took 4 months ! I kid you not , 4 months. He had to put together a file of endless photos, bank statements, land titles, literally an essay on why he didn't want to use the vehicle for business any more. At one stage where it looked a sure fire success they said it wouldn't pass because his van picture was parked at his "rural place". So he ended up moving his house registration for a week just to satisfy their requirements!

    Then again looked sure success, but the woman at the desk sent him back because his file wasn't as "big and beautiful" as the others - stressing how thick the other files in the pile were! Like some kind of Prathom 3 paper glut project!

    Then when the file was accepted he naively thought that was the end. NO!!!! They took off his yellow plate and told him he would have to wait to see if his application was successful! So now basically it was an illegal vehicle with no registration that he had to keep off the road and just park. Then he waited about 6 weeks for them to have their meeting and decide. Lucky for him he was one of only 3 to pass from of a whole stack of he estimated to be around 30.

    Then he still had to wait a couple of weeks before ordinary book and plate could be issued. This is to get out of the system and not in! The others that failed would have to have gone through I guess double the trouble to get back into the system!!! What a mess !!!!

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 6 hours ago, banagan said:

    Thanks, but I'm not getting a pin, just an area, and when I try to click the pic it says server error. 
    Is one of those 2 buildings in the pic the shop?

    Screen Shot 2019-10-27 at 1.28.03 AM.jpg

    The same on my desktop , no pin. But if you press the search icon on the top left where the coordinates are, the pin will then show up. The granite store is about opposite to that building in the photo (NW of traffic lights).

  6. 16 minutes ago, neilrob said:

    Details were announced at the recent meeting with the new US Consul. It looks much larger, and will be between the Superhighway and the middle ring, near Payap. The present consulate will probably be retained as the residence of the consul, but there is still some doubt of this.

    I hope they don't flog it off, as most other countries have done. It would then probably be ripped down and turned into a shopping mall!

    • Haha 1
  7. Try this in places that you think they may have congregated. If they can't get on the dogs they will soon disappear and they seem to hate this powder so it keeps them out of the places they might hide. You can just clean up the powder after a few weeks.



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  8. 10 minutes ago, elektrified said:

    I was about to post "what an idiot" the Italian is - until I read and considered your post. I would have to agree. It would be very easy to set anyone up. Often we are quick to judge when we should consider all angles first.

    I don't see how they could charge him for possession as it seems to have never reached him. Proof of purchase? No mention made of credit card payments etc. There was a small amount of something found at his home but personally I would have an open mind on that issue.

    The majority of posters seem to have found him guilty because of his appearance, so god forbid that any of us looks like we might be that way inclined. The whole concept is something that does seem a little troubling especially for those with a few enemies.

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