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Posts posted by cmsally

  1. OK another call to PayPal Thailand! This time I took the Thai language option as yesterday I took the English language option.

    It was the same as yesterday. Personal Paypal you can only use for paying (linked to credit card). Business PayPal you will need to re-verify. I did get one extra piece of info. which was that to verify for business you will need a "tabien panit"  commercial license which has 13 numbers . It will only be possible to re-verify if you have the 13 number registration.

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  2. 8 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    Ok, after an 11m 22s conversation with PayPal, Thailand, it has, once again, been confirmed to me, by a second PP representative (Adrian), that, as an existing personal account holder since before March '21, there will be no alterations to my personal account after February '22, as some people are falsely reporting will be a general invalidation. 


    Bear in mind that I am posting what has been confirmed will happen to my personal account (nothing), which to use their words, is "in goodstanding", not anyone else's account but I see no reason for there to be any differential.


    The PP rep also stated that any personal account holders whose accounts will be affected will receive notification from PayPal.  Those whose personal accounts will not be affected will not receive that notification.


    It is time for members to refrain from posting alarming information as a general warning about all personal PayPal accounts when their generalisations are inapplicable to all PP personal accounts.  Perhaps those who are concerned should do the really easy exercise of calling PP to ask!  02 787 3409.


    I am not commenting about business accounts which may be different but, as a personal account holder, I have no idea about, nor interest in, that area.

    Interesting thank you for that , it seems we are all getting different information!

  3. 9 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    So, in that event, what exactly, if anything, could a Paypal personal account in Thailand be used for?


    --Can receive funds, but can't withdraw them.


    --can't hold a balance, so does that really mean you can't receive funds either?


    --doesn't say you can't make a payment, but if you can't have a balance, the payment couldn't come from your balance. Perhaps the payment could still be made via Paypal TH from a linked Thai bank account?



    As far as I understand, it could only be used for purchases and you would have to link it to a credit card (not debit). If this is the case Thailand joins a list of "esteemed" countries such as Sudan, Zimbabwe, North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Cambodia, Laos and a few more ????

    There are mixed messages coming from PayPal so not exactly sure at the moment.

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  4. 32 minutes ago, Isan Farang said:

    I told her i do not want or need a buisness account and it was clear that we were talking about a personal account. She told me i will receive a mail and it will explain how to process the two step verification. As you will know performing any task in Thailand is never simple with different versions.


    The verification for a business account is a lot more complex for someone going that route

    Seems like we got different info. then !!

  5. 3 minutes ago, Isan Farang said:

    I also called PP this morning and the lady i talked with told me a different version. I told her i required information on what was going on in Thailand regarding this new system. I informed her i have a personal account and she asked some info so she could check my account. I then told her i need to know if my account will be restricted after 18th Feb, her answer was if i do not complete the two step verification before the cut off date what funds i have will be sent to my BB account and i need to start the whole process from scratch. If my verification is accepted my account will opperate same as before. Now we have two different versions by PP so i am not sure which one of us was given the wrong information

    It's possible they maybe giving the personal accounts a chance at upgrading to business accounts by doing the verification?

    Did she give you the details of the verification process?

  6. 2 hours ago, Adumbration said:

    This is a kick in the nuts.  In the wake of discussions with Simon, I was contemplating trying to generate a little income by teaching on italki.  However that requires payment to Paypal.  I have a paypal account back in Australia however they lock it everytime I try to log in from here.  Paypal is an absolutely grotesque organisation, but there are so many freelancers dependent on it.


    Simon.  Have you communicated with italki.  Surely they must be working on some alternative solution.

    I think Italki also pays out to Payoneer. I haven't heard any news about Payoneer being affected.

  7. 3 hours ago, internationalism said:

    1st headache on the 5th day

    2nd not well since the 5th day, now almost a month. Temperature, sweating, headaches, gastric problems

    Almost the same as you , except I was violently vomiting straight after the jab (started about 3hrs after and lasted for about 12hrs). Next 2 days felt fine and then digestive issues starting day 3. Seemed to be a gut issue with fungus so went on appropriate diet and seemed to clear up. After feeling OK for a few days felt sick again, this time headache/sinus/general malaise. Went for health check and got the OK. 

    It's now 5 weeks since the jab and feel OK on some days but ill on others. As far as I can fathom it is a general high level of inflammation in my system. I am not experienced in biochemistry but I can get to grip with most of the articles I can find.

    Looking at how the vaccine works / possible side effects/ etc. , I think it might be something to do with cytokines.

    A lot of things point to this especially the fact that I often feel far worse at night.


    I should point out that I am otherwise a healthy person.

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  8. 5 hours ago, daveAustin said:

    John B. Corn, methinks one is suffering from a bit of cabin fever. Understandable, as, even in paradise, it is never nice having to be someplace. Posit doing the extended visit thing when conditions permit. You guys are lucky with tons of options as the US has some choice spots to hang one's hat as, often not realised by Yankies even. I'd have to get around the Rocky's states and may even give my left nut to have a nice log cabin up in Wyoming.


    Anyway, regards the cabin fever, do have a read of Tolle's Power of Now, or re-read. :wink:

    My best friend has a log cabin in Wyoming and I must admit if I had a US passport I would spend a portion of the year there. I may even look into getting some kind of visa so I can spend some time there every year. Miles and miles of hiking, nice neighbours who aren't exactly neighbours because they live a hike away. The view from her house is meadow then mountains. I don't know if I would survive the winter though!

    • Like 1
  9. 46 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    The first one. Harrow is only 450 years old.


    My old neighbour (in the UK and now deceased) had a brother that went to Harrow. Apparently in the 1920's the brother's best friend would come and stay almost every holiday. Apparently that best friend was a Thai prince (no idea which one because no way could she remember the name!)!

    My uncle was a good friend of Bobby Robson, very nice bloke, came to Sunday lunch at their house a number of times.

    One of my very best friends was a very famous mountain climber from the US - he hated being well known. Not going to print his name here just because he wasn't really comfortable with being famous (he is now deceased). The only clue I will give is that one of his best buddies went on to create Patagonia clothing.

    Went to Uni at the same time as Lembit Opik (politician) ; he was still a real nutcase back then. One of my best friends was very good friends with Anita Roddick (Body Shop). Unfortunately never got to meet her.

    Met Bill Oddie a couple of times - turns out he was an avid birdwatcher , so would literally pop up in the middle of nowhere!

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  10. It goes without saying you should never give out your pin number ! You now need to go and change it asap.

    On my last trip to Rimping the sales girl was happily ringing through our items that were continually showing up "error" on the screen. (She didn't bother to look) We handed back at least 6 items that had not shown up on the bill. If we had said nothing we would have had many free groceries. Maybe obtaining your PIN number is a way of balancing her books! Who knows!

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