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Old Croc

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Everything posted by Old Croc

  1. Thai tax -Despite some head in the sand commentators refusing to entertain any possibility that it will affect expats, the statements released by the govt can't be totally ignored. Until they give some clear legislated guidelines anything could happen. Hopefully they will realise the implications and backpedal. Residential pensions - As much as some governments resent citizens spending their money in other countries, a law to restrict people to that extent would be a huge social upheaval and impossible to implement.
  2. I think the plan is to live out their days in the bunker, not roam the earth with barbed wire baseball bats looking for food.
  3. And buy a super yacht. The disgusting part is that too many have so much wealth that they have trouble working out how to spend it. Few of that personality type are altruistic.
  4. All of the above. I had a love/hate relationship with the game. I once won a nearest the pin trophy on a long par 3, once hit the pin with my tee shot on another, then three putted. Most of my walks on courses were spent literally bush bashing rather than strolling down a grassy field. My game was a mixture of mercurial and ugly with the emphasis on the latter. I scored under 90 only a couple of times. I never once beat my regular playing partner who was only slightly better than me. The last time we played we were even on the last, I was on the green he behind a grass tree about 60 meters away. He put his in the hole, I missed the putt.
  5. If Zukerberg was so smart he would be building his bunker in NZ like many other billionaires, not Hawaii.
  6. Anyone remember this lady and her tv series? She went on to star in classic films like "Beach Blanket Bingo".
  7. My contribution, at the risk of further fueling the ageism of a member who recently insulted me by stating I was in my dotage among other childish, derogatory analogies. Months before broadcasts actually commenced in Perth, my parents were the first in our street, and among the first in the district, to buy a tv. The only thing on it was a test pattern but, after school, there was always a lineup of kids from my school sitting, staring, at the screen. The numbers grew enormously when the channel started broadcasting a cartoon series called Crusader Rabbit.
  8. The hospital has been named a couple of times in this thread. Also, the hit and run driver has been located and charged. That he was Intoxicated should be a surprise for no one.
  9. I read elsewhere that a nurse was the night supervisor.
  10. The story initially gives the impression that the deceased was spotted just off Karon Beach. Then it transpires that the body was seen 16 nautical miles offshore. Probably out of sight of land. The person could have entered the water almost anywhere in the region or even from a vessel. The accompanying pic appears to be Patong Bay. If found again it may be difficult to identify.
  11. More likely yaba consumption than Cain Mutiny.
  12. Give it a rest little boy, you're just proving my first assessment of you. You even quoted my words "Small query" before turning it into the biggest thing in your little life. Your personal attacks about age indicate your immaturity. For information, I'm not English and detest tea, I have my own expresso machine. I don't use AC at all, only fans, but will admit to the occasional afternoon nap. Again projection. Your lengthy rant including quoting everything along the way proves it. Pathetic. Feel free to keep going, I won't waste time responding to your rubbish again.
  13. Can't say he wasn't warned of probable outcomes. Have to laugh at his choice to pitch his tent on Patong Beach after seeking advice on a quiet place to go. Seems to be towards the north end of the beach. Of course toilets are available on such a major tourist beach. It's a bit like camping on Bondi. Complaints most likely came from beach venders or resorts, not many residents living there.
  14. Were you taking photos in the arrival hall? That could set them off. Were you disrespectful when questioned, many have a fragile ego. I'm not right up on procedures, but I think you have an appeal right, others may know more. To refuse for lack of funds without checking would be grounds.
  15. No surprises that you didn't understand the humor of my post, Louisiana Lou.
  16. Obviously, you are free and entitled to quote anyone anytime. However, when you make an argumentative comment to me alone, despite other earlier posts in similar vein, I will question your motives. Regarding the guy's occupation, I don't agree that my "correct response" to your post is to simply agree or "explain why" just because your ego thinks you get set the agenda. Calling me antagonistic and a crybaby is classic projection.
  17. The difference between a Marine and a soldier (starspangledflags.com)
  18. If you have a thing about the use of a subject's former occupation by news outlets, including AseanNow, in articles and headlines, take it up with them. Don't quote me nor seek my assent for your views. It could lead to me incorrectly assessing your motives.
  19. Why quote me to make your point? Perhaps my sensitivities stem from others who do stalk my posts and attack my opinions because of personal dislike.
  20. Perhaps you should address your feelings on that issue towards the people who placed that fact in the OP and the topic title, or the members who felt the need to so describe him in their posts. I'm sure there's no personal rancor in singling me out for petty censure.
  21. In the OP he was described as a soldier. This is why I wondered why posters here referred to him as a marine.
  22. Others here have hinted at it, but there could be a racist element in the assault or also likely, jealousy regarding a female. Small query - is a US soldier a marine, I understand marines hate being described as a soldier. They are part of the navy.
  23. I'm genuinely interested in what your version of "fully open up to the world" is, and what other countries fit that description. As far as I'm aware, most countries have immigration legislation that covers visas and rules for the entry and stay of aliens which addresses work rights among other matters.
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