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Old Croc

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Everything posted by Old Croc

  1. Scrolling through the forum looking for, and failing to find, stimulating, interesting or informative threads to try to revive my mental fatigue. All I'm finding is cut meats from an English teacher with bad grammar.
  2. I think we've hit a new low on inane subject matter.
  3. I had to sign some documents for a company in Australia recently. It was done electronically using a system called DocuSign. (.com) It was legally binding, and may be another way to have your signature accepted without finding someone in Thailand to notarize it.
  4. Except at the Immigration Offices that will want it!
  5. There are always those who oppose inevitable progress:
  6. Is my 10 year ban from that World Cup comp still ongoing?
  7. I gave up explanations for the terminally confused on this forum years ago.
  8. If you were coming monthly it could be different.
  9. They exist everywhere and are for wheelchair access and similar.
  10. unblocktheplane t Amazing how a misplaced t can change the message.
  11. If you Got to take a sword to a nightclub it's Odd's job to to bowl you over.
  12. My German Shepherd cross doesn't understand a word of German, but does sit when told in English or Thai. He is friendly with a neighbor's dog, who visits often, a Thai Ridgeback. He's friendly to me, but has no interest in any commands I give him in English.
  13. Yes, lucky there are so many homicide detectives and coroners available on the scene.
  14. That's what Trump is doing: Trump defends hosting Saudi-backed LIV Golf tour amid backlash from 9/11 families - CBS News
  15. Facts (alternates?) are not a strong point for some. Apart from not knowing what a recession is, you don't seem to know the difference between an arms dealer and a drug dealer/user. The irony with the Bout case is that the US convicted him on charges related to conspiracy to provide war weapons to a neighboring country that could be used to kill Americans in that country. (DEA agents). He's been in prison for ten years, you would think the US would be happen to be rid of him to free their own. The basketball player should feel fortunate she is so tall. If she had to rely on her brains to make a living she would come up well short.
  16. In December, when the sun is positioned somewhere over Australia, for me the sun sets closer to the south-west rather than directly west. Distance, the changes in it's axis and curvature of the earth make a little difference to the hard and fast rule of East and West. My advice, considering It's going to be hot for long periods where ever you live in Thailand, is to plant grass and shade trees around the house and build large eaves in the areas you have most windows and doors. Mine are 2 meters wide on the sides closest to North and South.
  17. Of course the client, the agent and the officer involved are outside the strict parameters of the law and could be successfully prosecuted in most countries. However, this is Thailand, that's how a lot business is conducted. Nobody will be prosecuted/punished unless there is a breakdown in the financial trail. The dangers for the client, as I see it, is that they can be locked into the system for the duration and it is difficult to go back. It's also possible that one day a crusading politician may change the system.
  18. It's not as simple as East-West. Learn about the solstices.
  19. Phew! So glad to see you found my post amusing Doctor. I was sure I had made your ignore list this time.
  20. Further to my post above, the fact that someone decided to put an overstay stamp in his passport is relevant, and may cause closer inspection. You never know what notes are written in the immigration computer about the pax.
  21. I can see a lot of posters here going on ignore for daring to post opinions other than that expressed by certain egos. First line Immigration officers world wide can, and often do, examine a travelers history of entry and stay in their country to decide if entry will again be allowed. Countries like Canada, US, Australia and Britain are particularly wary of people using tourist visas for long stay. Of course entry to Thailand is much easier than to those first world countries and the likelihood of a close examination is minimal.
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