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Old Croc

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Everything posted by Old Croc

  1. "Chalong law enforcement is reportedly looking further into the cause of the crash and why the buggy was being utilized in this particular area, which was also unknown." They could begin their investigation at the secretive hire place on the main road to Phuket's major tourist attraction, Big Buddha' These middle east tourists managed to get about 500 meters up the road before turning left into a lamp post.
  2. There's no excuse for a foreigner to be riding like a d..head on public roads. There's no excuse for anyone to be doing it, although far too many do so. There is a reason - a lack of police enforcement for traffic laws in Thailand allowing free reign to all idiots who have nil regard for their own safety or that of others. There's no reason for all media to report sensationally about one idiot based on nationality when they should be highlighting the big picture!
  3. I saw one of his videos a while back where he blocked cars with his bicycle when they tried to take a short cut on the wrong side of the divider. Gandolph corner, London? He made some people very angry, several exited their cars and looked like they were going for him. Doing this to the wrong person could be dangerous.
  4. Not incorrect. I've seen it happen. Not scaremongering - information.
  5. Very argumentative. She is Australian entering for 3 weeks. (Father is Australian) She would not be "passing off" anything! Absolutely no reason to be monstered by Thai officials at a major airport that handles millions of arrivals every year. More likely your problems were related to your own behavior. Before coming here to live, I entered and departed Thailand over 20 times without overstaying, or the sky falling in. If the worst happens such as illness or accident preventing a scheduled return, extensions are easily available. Many have been living here for years on Covid extensions because of border closures. Visa exempt entry stamp takes up virtually no space in a passport - silly point!
  6. My experience was over a decade ago so perhaps outdated. I drove over the border in my own vehicle to get my second 12 months stay on my A-O visa. There were signs in no-man's-land stating I couldn't drive more than 60kms into Malaysia (from memory). No problems entering there apart from a cursory check of my car's boot/trunk for contraband. I drove down the main street of the dreary little Malaysian town, turned around and went back into Thailand. It took more than an hour to convince the 3 Immigration officials there to give me 12 months not the 30 days they initially stamped in my Passport.
  7. Further to my post: The airline may then decide to board the pax as an Australian citizen which could cause complications with Thai Immigration at departure.
  8. As an Australian citizen it is legislatively impossible to get a visa for Australia. If leaving Thailand with a Thai passport It's possible the airline check-in staff may ask to see proof that she can enter Australia. She would then have to show them her Australian passport. As others have said, if just a short trip into Thailand, it would be simpler to use the Australian Passport for the entire travel.
  9. In 20 years or so the Fast and Furious studio can expect a bill to repair local Krabi roads.
  10. There's a character on YouTube who has visited and reviewed all Provinces travelling on a small scooter. He has also ventured into neighboring SEA countries. Obviously, his visits are somewhat fleeting in many of the places but do provide an insight into the main towns and their attractions. His vids may be of interest to some here. Paddy Doyle - YouTube
  11. Perhaps you should complain, it was your main system of comment. It's a lot more work if you have to come up with some original thoughts of your own, not just quote others, spellcheck, whine or hit the "sad" button. t
  12. How could you possibly know that. I read it was something to do with her kids. Harry's kids are still at their home in the US.,
  13. I thought they already removed themselves. They just expected to be able to say goodbye to their grandmother on her death bed, but apparently that wouldn't have been appropriate, just like when Dianna died, and they wanted to pretend it didn't happen. Harry wasn't even allowed on the plane with his brother so arrived too late.
  14. Just for Transom. His god is now on the Iron Throne. Hope he's practicing his curtseys in case King Charles and the lovely consort Camilla happen to pass by.
  15. Suggesting the only choice is monarchists or murderous dictators Is a bit inane. Actually, thinking back through history, there's not much difference.
  16. Racist and petty even in the gravest times for this family. I'm hoping the passing of this gracious lady will mark the beginning of the end of this anachronistic monarchy. At the very least I can now hope that my country will become a republic without the new entitled toff remaining as our head of state. I can't think about this lot without remembering how they became what they are, nor wonder why people in this modern world still kowtow to this hybrid German-Anglo bunch.
  17. I once saw a documentary where they successfully repelled elephants by putting beehives on posts around the boundary of a field. It seems they are terrified of these creatures. I don't remember which country.
  18. I recently ordered a small light fitting and specifically went for a local supplier despite the overseas (China) distributor being significantly cheaper. I wanted it quickly. Three weekdays after ordering it was still marked "to be packed". A warning sign that they were sourcing it from China themselves and I was likely to have both the long wait and higher price. I cancelled and ordered elsewhere. I'll see how long it takes for the refund. There is no compulsory truth in advertising in Thailand and seemingly no consumer protection.
  19. I use the Chaindrite spray to kill the little Bs. The wife sprinkles dog flea powder on the nests which seems to work and is cheaper than the toxic chemical.
  20. The very cheap Thai health system is based around the hospitals. In most western countries people would visit their local doctor's clinic for minor ailments. Here, that's incorporated into the hospitals. The fear of Covid probably causes bigger crowds in waiting rooms these days. From my observations the few clinics seem to be more about follow-up treatment such as changing bandages or checking blood sugar levels.
  21. Do you refuse to consume cream, yogurt, butter, cheese, ice cream, etc.? I have a friend who claims he won't eat pig, because they're dirty animals. (Not religious reasons). However, he brags about his special butcher who makes the best pork sausages in town, and like most of us won't pass up a serving of bacon. "That's different!". My mother never drank milk and was calcium deficient to the point where she accumulated over 20 broken bones.
  22. I'm not the first to say it, but the smartest country on earth also has millions of the stupidest people on the planet.
  23. They were too clever for their own good. By being pardoned before trial and conviction they thought he would not even have a conviction on his record. (Nor be forced to testify against any silent partners in the fraud?) However, double jeopardy can't apply thus allowing the state charges to proceed.
  24. Former FBI assistant director says Trump could have kept hold of a foreign country's nuclear secrets because it had 'the highest price tag' for classified info (msn.com)
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