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Posts posted by JB300

  1. Northern Ireland it's already on the way out from Britain, the same it's true for Scotland which made no mystery of their wish to remain part of the EU, even London want to leave England now!laugh.png

    Last time I checked, NI rejected joining ROI so if they do want to stay in the EU, I suspect they'll want to do it on their own 2 feet rather than an Ireland reunification.

  2. What comes next is a mountain of laws to review/revive, dozens of trade agreements to be negotiated, at least 2 years in limbo (part of the EU but no say on its policies)

    But turmoil in the markets is always a good opportunity to make some £££s so I'm sure the Bankers/Traders PNW will increase because of it, meanwhile the people who voted for it will find theirs goes down (for the 'foreseeable future.

    As one poster has said, if you're happy to give up 30% of your PNW it's a good day, if you're a struggling retiree it may not be so good

    Thankfully, there are still people who don't value their freedom in dollars and cents...or pounds and pence.
    If that's the message you took from my post then obviously it didn't come across as intended.

    It was meant to be a comment on the issues that the UK now faces & the fact that the majority of the pain will be felt by the people who voted to Leave (tended to be the less affluent areas) rather than the ones who wanted to Remain.

  3. No, the Chancellor made policy on the basis of 2.5% and he in reality he met his targets in real terms, but you probably wouldn't understand that - here, rad this: http://www.publicfinance.co.uk/news/2016/03/osborne-misses-two-fiscal-targets-obr-reveals

    As for GBP/THB, I sent you the link if only you'd open it, the average rate across al banks in Thailand right now is 48.07 but since it's Friday dealers will be squaring their positions so not truly representative. And again, because I seem to have tell you the same things several times before you understand, BOE is supporting Sterling in the markets hence you'll probably have to wait for a week or more for the dust to truly settle.

    BOE is supporting Sterling in the markets

    Coincidentally, I mentioned the same thing in another thread. Personally I wouldn't mind if this was the case and that the BOE subsequently lets the pound slide gradually on it's own accord. I can then buy back some of what I sold and average out my position.

    www.xe.com seems to have gone into meltdown (not been able to get an updated price since 2pm) but managed to get an effective rate of 1.922 SGD to 1GBP (includes fees both sides) for same day transfer Citi-Barclays so not too bad.

  4. What comes next is a mountain of laws to review/revive, dozens of trade agreements to be negotiated, at least 2 years in limbo (part of the EU but no say on its policies)

    But turmoil in the markets is always a good opportunity to make some £££s so I'm sure the Bankers/Traders PNW will increase because of it, meanwhile the people who voted for it will find theirs goes down (for the 'foreseeable future.

    As one poster has said, if you're happy to give up 30% of your PNW it's a good day, if you're a struggling retiree it may not be so good

  5. Cameron announces he will resign as prime minister before the autumn

    He has gone. Can't say I will be crying any tears over my celebrations tonight. Next Osborne!

    Where are the dancing and party smileys.biggrin.png

    Dancing and party smileys would be childish. In my eyes he had no option, it appears that he also accepted that and acted accordingly.

    I take pleasure in the absence of a few extremely nasty posters from the thread, who are probably hiding their heads in shame.

    On the bright side £ - Baht is now 1 - 52.04

    48.20 from Super Ric ( which usually have better rates than most)...


  6. If we are going to leave the EU (& it is an "IF" as Parliament needs to ratify the decision & as less than 37% (52% of the 72% that voted) of the electorate voted for it, it's under no obligation to do so) then let's hope the EU implodes sooner rather rather than later as that should make negotiating individual trade treaties more urgent for all.

    Doubt if parliament has the balls to pull a coup. The people of the UK spoke, politicians better start listening.

    They wouldnt dare...democracy has spoken

    Didn't exactly that happen (twice?) in Ireland?

    The "Neverendum" they call it...

  7. If we are going to leave the EU (& it is an "IF" as Parliament needs to ratify the decision & as less than 37% (52% of the 72% that voted) of the electorate voted for it, it's under no obligation to do so) then let's hope the EU implodes sooner rather rather than later as that should make negotiating individual trade treaties more urgent for all.

  8. Its a bit depressing though for those of us living in Thailand, as the exchange rate has gone from 51 (point something) first thing this a.m., to 47 (point something) now.

    It ain't going to stay like that forever
    Just the next 2-20 years (or until the THB takes a battering),

    We will see, but I doubt it, I have some rope for all the doom and gloom mongers thumbsup.gif

    Not doom & gloom (in fact it presents some good opportunities to make money in the markets) just the way I see it.

  9. Talk (rumor) has it that since Scotland seems to lean Remain by a good margin that if the UK votes to exit, then Scotland may want to have another referendum to leave the UK in order to rejoin the EU. Is that true?

    Think it's almost a certainty that in the event of Brexit, the Scotts will have a 2nd referendum & probably vote for Sexit (sorry couldn't resist) which would be another blow to the English economy.

  10. Looking at the vote there are no surprises with Scotland. Personally I would give them independence but if they are after another referendum then the leave campaign will have just as much claim to another one, with this been so close too. Whatever the outcome the EU and its membership will not end here today.

    If you think about it, if the vote is Leave then Scotland have done the right thing by overwhelmingly voting for what they want (to stay in the EU) as they couldn't very well vote "Leave" then complain afterwards that they wanted to "Remain" so now want their independence.

    I think a Leave vote will lead to a 2nd Scottish referendum & the Scottish leaving the Union.

  11. I hope to be at the proper topic I am coming back to Thailand leaving Canada on September and want to return on April of 2017. Now does the multi entry would allow a visa for that period of time.

    Thank you

    The METV is a way of achieving what you want. Each entry is for only 60 days, so border hops (and optionally extensions) will be required yo stay 7 months.

    Will give you almost 9 months if you time your last entry right

    • Like 1
  12. Question.... If Scotland sway the balance of the vote in favour of remain and England are massively in favour of Leaving... will that not cause even greater divide in the U.K.?

    Who knows.

    But this has just been tweeted.

    Earlier, Sky's Isabel Webster in Cardiff reported concerns among Remain supporters that the majority of Wales would vote Out.

    Wales gains more from the EU than any other country in the United Kingdom.

    If the UK should leave the EU it would have an extra 10 billion pounds to spend each year....they can still get their grants.

    None of that post were my words.

    I think the point of it was that the remain camp made a big declaration of financial armaggedon. I continually made reference throughout the thread that the financial aspect was not really that high on peoples concerns.

    Why would you care about financials if you are scraping a living on minimum wage or a zero hours contract.

    Unfortunately Financials play a major part in a country's wellbeing so I can't see how hurting it when it's still down (from the GFC) is going to improve things for people on minimum wage/zero hour contracts.

    Which ever way it goes the people that have money will make more money from the result & the people who don't have money will be worse off.

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