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Posts posted by JB300

  1. Need an extraction/implant & would like to replace a bridge (am guessing it would need an implant/crown + a couple more crowns to replace the damage done by the bridge), anybody recommend a dentist who would do the work over a number of weekend "Fly-Ins" (working in Singapore currently).

    Any implant procedure properly done will require several visits of an hour or less each, spread over perhaps 3-6 months.

    Beware of people offering "instant" implants which, I was told by my European dentist, are not at all of the same quality.

    My personal recommendation would be for Phyathai in Si Racha though obviously their availability at weekends would need to be discussed.

    Agree completely, I'm not expecting to get the implant done over a weekend just hoping to get the work that's needed at each stage done between Friday & Monday.

    My expectations are something like 3 months between the extraction & the fitting of the implant then another 3 months until the finished crown is fitted with maybe a check-up visit 1/2 way between.

    Will check out Phyathai in Si Racha.

    One additional question, will they extract the tooth if my BP is a little high? I tried to have it extracted in Bali but because the diastolic reading was 95 they said they couldn't do it, pretty sure it's back to normal now (I'd been in holiday mode for months at that time), but keen to get the process started even if it means it bleeds a bit longer.

  2. Do you by any chance know if residents from outside Scotland can apply for a Thai visa in Glasgow? Being from Newcastle, this is probably easier for me to get to than Liverpool or Birmingham but the header of their website says 'VISA application for Scottish Visitors to Thailand'.

    Arent English and Scottish people both the same when it comes to passports and Visas?

    Unless they recently got independence, Scotland is part of the United Kingdom

    Don't show your ignorance.

    You are going to have to explain,

    Maybe I misunderstood the question .

    Was he asking whether English people can get an METV from Scotland ?

    And dont Engliah and Scots both have the same passports ?

    Yes we do (as does Wales & Northern Island) and you can bet that there would be an uproar if the London Embassy put "VISA application for English Visitors to Thailand" but it's just one of the idiosyncrasies of being from the "United" Kingdom.

    End of the day should be ok to apply in Glasgow if holding a UK passport.

  3. Watched Batman Vs Superman at the cinema in 3D, IMHO film was far too long (approx 2.5hrs) & average (at best).

    It felt like they were trying to set-up the sequel/franchise rather than having any real story, e.g. the subplot about Wonder Woman was completely irrelevant to (what little there was of a) storyline.

    Pants... Even the 5 Filipinas I took to see it thought it was rubbish & they'll watch anything.

    • Like 2
  4. I just watched a bit of something called Criminal Minds Beyond Borders which is a spin-off of Criminal Minds. The first episode is supposedly set in Bangkok although they land the plane in Krabi for scenic effect and it goes down hill from there. Its truly awful, at least the first 20mins is, i couldn't stand any more.

    For me it started off bad when the plump chick "acts" like she's just completed the assault course faster than the hunk, got worse when I saw the main dude is a guy who I don't particularly enjoy watching then turned into a complete farce with the storyline & the "Baddy".

    Can't say I'm waiting on the edge of my seat for the next one but others may well enjoy it so worth watching this one even if just for the Thailand scenes, I'll only watch further episodes if they're set somewhere that interests me (can see episodes in HK, Philippines etc would work well).

  5. The METV makes perfect sense if you're trying to increase the number of visitors/visits from "Visa on Arrival" (not the same as Visa Exempt/Waiver) countries like India & China.

    Or encourage people in surrounding countries (e.g Singapore, Malaysia) to visit more.

    Or encourage people travelling on multi-month holidays to use Thailand as their base to explore the region, going in & out as often as they like without having to mess around with re-entry permits.

    So it makes perfect sense to only allow people to get this visa from a country that they're legally resident in & at the end of the day, if they do attract the people listed above it will more than make-up for the handful of "Tourists" who won't visit because they can no longer get a Double/Triple entry Visa.

    Now the number of people who will leave Thailand because they can no longer live there on D/TETVs is a completely different question.

    • Like 1
  6. Thanks, it's actually for a mate as he believes he's covered to come & go as he pleases now he has his WP, but I believe immigration & Manpower are 2 seperate departments/concerns so his company should have got him a Non-Imm "M" and as they didn't, he should get a multi re-entry permit (3,800THB) when he leaves.

    So to confirm, he'll get 30 days (as a Brit) but still be ok to work under the cover of his WP during that time? Wouldn't immigration give him a hard time for effectively working whilst being on a visa exempt stamp?



  7. Report from Vienna embassy if there are also non-NES people curious how it works wink.png

    you need to provide all documents:

    proof of employment

    first return ticket (was enough to singapur after 2 weeks in Thailand)

    first accomodation in Thailand - copy from reservation made via booking.com was enough

    Evidence of 5000 euro on your account for 6 months - was okay to have this amount only last two months

    It felt similar as when you are applying for visa to USA - you provide all documents but dont know if you will get or will not get visa - they only give you paper with date and time when you should come for your passport and hope to hit a jackpot wink.png

    So, this being a METV thread and since you are not even mentioning which type of visa you applied for, we all assumed that you have applied for a METV and got it in Vientiane, which does not lake any sense since they are not delivered to anyone but Laotians but again you said you were 'non-nes' whatever that means.

    Sorry edit just read you are not Laotian and YET YOU GOT A METV FROM VIENTIANE.



    Vienna is in Austria & (as he's from Slovenia & it seems there's not a Thai Embassy there) is his "local" Thai Embassy.

  8. Are people experiencing the same stringent requirements with the single-entry visas? Or are those still as easy to get as ever?

    Stringent how? Because they would prefer people who have a job and a little money in the bank?

    It's stringent in that the Liverpool, UK Consulate require six months consecutive statements (nor printouts) where I've binned mine for years.

    It's stringent in that at 62 I can't comply with the requirement to supply a letter from my employer (I've been "lucky" to be medically retired)

    It's stringent in that they require a photocopy of the hotel booking - not a printout of the email, or if I owned a condo!

    It's stringent in that you have to comply with ALL of their requirements.


    You appear to have confused the single-entry tourist visa which JepSoDii was referring to with the multi-entry tourist visa whose conditions you seem to be referring to.

    You may need to go back and look again at the application process.

    I also thought JepSoDii was referring to the Multi-Entry as he mentioned funds & a job, proof of which are only required for the METV.

  9. Are people experiencing the same stringent requirements with the single-entry visas? Or are those still as easy to get as ever?

    Stringent how? Because they would prefer people who have a job and a little money in the bank?

    Um, yes. "How" should be obvious. By every definition, the new requirements are stringent compared to the old requirements. And as for people who have jobs to which they would return, well, most of those are presumably people would be best served by SETVs. So it's pretty obvious to most people the METV is not desired by only those who have a job and money in the bank, and the new rules are indeed more stringent to anyone who wants the METV.

    Not sure if it was earlier in this thread or an earlier one, but somebody posted about the METV being of great value to people from countries like India & China that need to get a Visa on Arrival (I.e. Pay the 1000b & get a sticker in their passport) & could have been conceived to encourage them to visit more/for longer (maybe using Thailand as a base to visit other countries in the region) though it seems at the same time they're doubling the VOA to 2000b (maybe to encourage a "Better Class of Tourist" from these countries).

    I do know that if I accept a new project in Singapore & so get a new Long Term Pass, I'll pick one of these up from the Embassy there (no problem with the funds in the bank there) as I do visit Thailand for a few days around 8-10 times a year & hopefully this will enable me to open a Bank account so I can seed the money for the Non-O retirement).

  10. Apologies if this has been posted/asked before (I did do a couple of searches & couldn't find anything) but noticed this in Stickman's 31st January piece & wondered if it had been confirmed/refuted by any other source...

    "Finally, there is some clarification on why some people are getting challenged at Immigration after visiting the country a number of times on visa waiver stamps. There had been much confusion because some people reported being asked questions after x number of visits while others claimed to have visited just as many times without so much as a word said. A visa run company advises that the Immigration computer system has a system alert feature which flags any traveller who has spent 90 days or more in Thailand in a calendar year on visa waiver stamps. It would seem that the number of entries someone makes to Thailand on such stamps is not relevant - but the total period of time spent in country is. If a flag comes up it seems the Immigration officer must ascertain your reasons for visiting and then has to make the decision whether to allow you entry or not. It seems that generally they will tell you that this time it's ok but next time you enter you must have a visa. I am not aware of anything official being announced by Immigration nor does there appear to be anything in the Immigration Act about it - but then there needn't be. Anyone who spends so much time in a country other than their own should expect to be asked about their travel plans. This applies only for time spent in Thailand on visa waiver stamps i.e. those who arrive without a visa. If you have a visa in your passport this does not count towards the 90 days in a calendar year and there won't be an alert".

    (I'm one of those people who have entered 8 or 9 times in one year, once for 4 weeks, once for 10 days but the rest mainly 2 or 3 days & so total comfortably less than 90 days & never been questioned of had the IO look particularly closely at my Passport).

    • Like 1
  11. NBTC confident to receive first instalment payment for 900 MHz spectrum from two bidders...

    BANGKOK: -- The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) is confident that the two winners of 900 MHz spectrum will not default their first instalment payment amounting to 8,040 million baht as widely speculated, said NBTC secretary-general Thakorn Tanthasit on Monday.

    True Corporation and Jasmine International won the bids for 900 MHz spectrum by offering a total of 151.95 billion baht – 76.3 billion baht for True and 75.67 billion baht for Jasmine.

    Mr Thakorn said that the bidding conditions are very stringent that it is very difficult or almost impossible for the winners of the bid to miss their obligation of instalment payment.

    In case of a default, he explained that each of the successful bidders would have its 644 million baht money posted as guarantee for the bidding confiscated and and would have to bear the damages caused to NBTC for the default and expenses to incur in case new bid is to be staged by the NBTC.

    Moreover, he warned that the two winners might be disqualified and lose their existing operating licenses.

    Both True and Jasmine International have enough time until March 21 to come up with the first instalment payment


  12. Don't need to sign up for Alluc, just search the streams for the programme you want to watch then filter on the best provider (I tend to use thevideo.me, bestreams.net, allmyvideos.net).

    E.g. This search "gold rush s06e15 host:allmyvideos.net" will bring you episode 15 of series 6 for Gold Rush.

    Can be a little tricky closing the adverts but you soon get used to it, e.g. In the above example, if you click on http://www.alluc.ee/l/gold-rush-s06e15-dead-even-hdtv-mp4/w10h2i5z link, you need to click on the small black "X" before clicking on the red play button.

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