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Cake Monster

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Everything posted by Cake Monster

  1. I have little sympathy for these Soldiers, that are employed by Putin. Russias history in the most recent past with its War crimes and interference in many conflicts around the Globe , _ Afghanistan, Syria Etc , and now the unprovoked Invasion of a European Country has won them very few friends.
  2. Its a brave or desperate Russian that flies on an Aircraft out of Russia today. With all the Sanctions, there will be a severe lack of spare parts, maintenance and Computer Navigation Etc on the Aircraft Maybe they are flying old School with a Compass and a prayer. As long as they get to Thailand, and keep their " Business Earnings " coming in, they wont bother about a return flight of any sort.
  3. The Chinese dream bubble is bursting The dream of all Chinese having a house, good Job etc seems to be sliding away with the Covid lockdowns This is probably the very worst thing that could be happening within the Country for the CCP. With the Manufacturing Engine of the World starting to go into revolt, and the increasing threat of India stealing much of the Market, China has some very serious issues to contend with.
  4. With all the sanctions, I wonder who is facilitating the Money made available to the Rusky Tourists for their Vacation The mind doth boggle
  5. And almost definitely, the need to speak correct English is essential when doing Business in almost all the World Markets. Not just in large Business's , but also in smaller ones.
  6. I read an article in a newspaper out of BKK a short while ago that a bank had just announced they had lent Via Loans to people with" NO Banking History or inadequate Banking History ", a total of 2,900 Million Million ( whatever that equates too ) . That sum sounds like a lot of money to me They quoted such people as being street vendors Etc, who had showed a determination and willingness to repay the Loans !!!! Are these Banks so desperate to lend Money, they have to lend on these kind of criteria Its Insane, and cannot possibly have a good outcome
  7. There is no need for them to donate any new "illness " to the Population of the Planet. They have more than enough of Covid now within the Country
  8. Oooppps !-Sorry ! It was an accident caused by Brake Failure.
  9. A noble thought, but TIT, and it wont happen here. - ever
  10. I am sure that the Dl, PC, and Visa are enough and also the colour copy of PP However, if you get a Plod that hasnt got his end away the night before and is in a sour mood, he has the legal right to arrest you under Immigration Law. Just saying
  11. And for sure, this guy is only one of many.
  12. I personally would think that these Folk will never " cope " with the enormity of the killings within their Community. Why is the question even being asked ? " Thai PBS World " should just do the honourable thing, and leave these poor Folk alone to grieve in their own way.
  13. The price of the Plot now has to reach what is called " ransom land " prices. 5 M , take it or leave it
  14. And the Officer would have every right to march you off down to the nick. Thai Law states that all Foreigners must carry their Passport at all times.
  15. Its an absolute condemnation of the Authorities to allow another venture of the same kind to be opened on the exact same site. And so quickly after the terrible event that claimed so many lives, and ruined so many others. Its only been 3 Months or so since the fire, and the ground has hardly cooled down yet. Some really big D###ks are involved with this money grab venture for sure.
  16. Thailand generates 60 % of its Electricity using LNG This is the reason that the Electricity will rise by a massive amount in January ( not sure how much yet - some are saying between 30 and 60 % ) EGAT have subsidised the Gas prices thus far and are now looking to reclaim back some 120 Billion Baht from consumers of lost revenue. Being so heavily reliant upon LNG is going to be a big headache for the Thai Export Market, and manufacturing also. for sure.
  17. Urm ! Forgot to mention all the massive Road improvement schemes to move the Military hardware around easier in the event of an Invasion.
  18. I have no problem at all with going cashless in theory. I do however, have a real issue with the infrastructure and Cyber Safety behind such a scheme. Hear a lot of Gov,t " we , we and us ", but as usual not a great deal of " You , you and yours " Where are the fail safe guarantees ?
  19. The FT ( Fuel Tax ) portion of your Electricity Bill will rise during Jan - April. As yet it has not been announces exactly by how much these increases will be. It all has to do with how fast the EGAT want to claw back the money they have lost subsidizing the Electricity thus far during the rises in Gas prices 3 different scenarios have been tabled to reclaim this money - some 120 Billion thus far. The first is to have it repaid by consumers in the first 12 Months, and will see the FT raise to 224.98 Satang per unit which will take the cost for 1 unit to 6.03 Baht The second option is for the repayment to take 2 Years and the FT will rise to 191.64 Satang per unit and the cost of 1 unit will rise to 5.70 Baht per unit Thirdly the Unit cost will rise to 5.37 Baht per Unit ( NO FT given but a rough guess would be about 155 Baht per Unit ) Source = Thai PBS News The current FT value stands at 0.9343 Baht per unit It must also be remembered that VAT of 7 % is also added to these values in the end cost to the Consumer, and rough estimates are saying about 30 - 40 % increase That will be between 65 % and 75 % increase since Year start. Kiss the Export Market farewell.
  20. With Electricity prices due to rise by these very large amounts, Thailand can expect its Export Market and Manufacturing to plummet. There will also be lay-offs in the Factories Etc. Inflation will get another shot in the arm, and rise by at least another 2 % Welcome to the real World that the reliance on Soviet Gas has generated. With the abundance of a Natural resource called the Sun, Thailand has been very lax in Solar generation, and now the Consumers have to pay the price
  21. Yup ! Dont you go squandering it all at once now.
  22. Phipat could chip in with a load of his own Money.
  23. Further to my post of Yesterday. Maybe , just maybe, the onus is now being placed upon the Banks to sell Houses to those that already cannot really afford to own one, in order to swing the 34 % of secure Loan figure against Property higher, and reduce the 66 % of unsecured Loans . To be really cynical, maybe the outstanding Debts of these people have been placed under Debt Management, and linked to their Mortgage repayments IE payback over X number of Years . Houses now being sold with 99 Baht deposit , and 35 or 40 Year paybacks on a 2.5 M Loan are now not uncommon. So when a consumer owns a property, they then have the Security for additional Loans - right ? What could possibly go wrong with a strategy such as this ?, when buyers will struggle to even meet their Mortgage payments. I really hope this is not the situation, but it would suit the Gov,t strategy nicely
  24. There also seems to be a massive shift by the banks to offer Loans against property, in order that potential investors in the Country have the rosy picture. In my location, the Builders cannot build fast enough, and I have personally witnessed 4 Houses occupied in the last week alone in a small development. Its almost as if the banks with lined up buyers, are buying the properties from Developers, and giving them a modest profit on their builds, and then become the seller. Even pre Covid and the massive Chinese invasion, I have never witnessed property selling like this before. I dont know !, it all seems a bit " artificial " With only 34 % of the huge Thai household debt of over 90 % of GDP, attributed to property Loans , and the remaining 66 % assigned to Credit Card, Personal and Vehicle loans, the country is heading toward a massive default of some kind. Property Loans are a good asset Loan for the Banks to hold,( if the asset is correctly valued ) whereas the others are all bad asset Loans, and this will weigh upon the Country heavily going into next Year, when so many Countries are facing Recession and shrinking Economies. Economies upon which Thailand is dependent for Exports and Tourism, both of which IMHO will both see sharp declines in 2023/24
  25. The biggest mistake ever made in history was to go for " Brexit ' 500+ Million potential customers just cut off because of a emotional Nation whipped up into a froth instead of a clinical and rational decision being taken to remain There should be a reversal referendum
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