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Cake Monster

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Everything posted by Cake Monster

  1. There is one way only to overhaul the " Gun Welfare Scheme ", and that's to completely close it down. Its full of Corruption, incompetence, and greed, and should a Police Officer require a Firearm in his duties, it should be drawn from an Armoury, and be checked out and in with full accountability. There should be no need at all for a Policeman to buy his own firearms, as these should be provided by the RTP in the course of his duties.
  2. So what is the point of filing online exactly ? when you still need to get your butt down the IO for a " sticker " 3 mins online and 4 Hours to get the sticker What a nonsense.
  3. If I see this guy, I will have no hesitation in ratting him out. Sounds like low life
  4. There may not be any at all I dont really know as I haven't had the water analyzed I always think there could possibly be Industrial type Chemicals in the Water, as I live only a few KM away fro some really large Industrial Estates, and this being Thailand, there are all kinds of recycle type business's that have sprung up around the main Industrial Estates also. Can the water be tested for Paint thinners , Acids, Toxic Cadmium Etc Etc Etc Etc . They probably could test for any and all of this stuff that could maybe have leeched down through the rock, but what do you tell them to test for ? There is so much of this stuff used , and the costs to process test all the water for everything would be horrendous.
  5. I know that I am getting old, but when I was a Kid, the Teacher or helper on the Bus simply counted Heads on, and Heads off the Bus. No AI or modern tech involved and simples.
  6. But even if they did, there would be next to nothing done.
  7. I also had a Deep Well drilled about 6 Years ago now. This method was chosen over Rainwater due to collection issues with the storage of the Water and Bacterial contamination, causing poor quality, among other downside issues. My contractor negotiated the price prior to work @ 300K. He drilled the first hole to a depth of 300 M without a really strong water find before he lost the drill head There was a slight ingress of water at a depth of 150 M , so he then drilled bore 2 with no water at all to a depth of 200 M All I paid for him was the costs of Diesel and labour, as the agreement he made was " Water or no pay " We store the water from the well in food grade Plastic Tanks, and it seems very good, although I havent had it tested, and would certainly not drink it. I was really glad I chose a deep well over Rain water, as over the previous couple of Years there has been a drought, and even during that period I noticed a significant downturn in the wells production as the water table dropped. One thing that is always in the back of my mind is whether there is any ingress from Chemical contamination in water from that depth I am talking Industrial Chemicals as opposed to the Agri stuff that is tested for. How can you even test for all of that Industrial type C22p, there is so much used of so many different types.
  8. Dont expect these Business people to help you too much. IOts probably because of their Business's that the Taxis are there in the first place.
  9. More smoke and mirrors from the Gov,t The true rate of Inflation, as everybody knows , is close to 10 % Thailand is struggling to attract ( read as lure ) Investors and their Money. The US Fed raising the Interest rates has left Thailand up S22t Creek with no paddle, and the capital outflows are increasing rapidly every Day due to the difference in those Interest rates between Thailand and the US Government policy during Covid to help the Economy was to lend ridiculous amounts of Money at very low interest rate and long repayment terms. Because of this policy, so many people are now either due to be NPL or are living on borrowed time. If the Govt puts up the Interest Rates here, thee will be massive amounts of NPL, so they have to try and bluff a way out of the hole they are in.
  10. I buy on the Shopping Platforms for mainly 2 reasons. The first is that I have a choice of Platform, and therefore supplier Etc. Secondly is that when I purchase, because of the platforms product detailing and my own research, I know what I am buying, and have to rely less and less on so called Thai " Experts " in a bricks and Mortar store or a Mall Etc. I have found that by not relying on these Experts, I can usually get the correct result, or very close to it at the first bite. Of course I am capable of making mistakes, and I have made them , but I have not been blindsided into making them by somebody else giving me spurious information most of the time.
  11. Too much like hard work for the Authorities to keep the Foundation open and running in the manner in which it should be to provide shelter and Education to Kids. Another shameful story of Thai Authorities attitude toward Social responsibility.
  12. The difference being that the Animals you have quoted on all live in the Wild Not among Humans as so called " Pets "
  13. What a load of old Tosh How is it possible to place the words " legal responsibly, Dog owners, restraint and control ", all in the same sentence when the reference is aimed at Thai Dog Owners. As with all warnings, advice and Laws in Thailand, they will be for somebody else, why me ?
  14. Its good to know that Thai GISTDA know exactly ( roughly ) where this piece o Junk that weighs as much as a large Truck is going to impact. Very scientific from those that are proposing to launch Satellites.
  15. Only a few more to go and the Ball Bearing gets a freebie every Day of the year
  16. Again, and again TAT dream of the Chinese rescue. IMO, there is very little hope of that happening anytime in 2023, because of XiPings mandate over Covid, and the fact that as China,s economy slows the masses will not be allowed to travel and therefore keep Money in the Country Next Year is going to be tough on all Countries that have a large percentage of GDP linked to Tourism. With ever increasing fuel costs to many for Household Heating Etc, and high Inflation of near 10 % in most of the Western World, there is going to be very little Tourism money in the pot for any Country. Added to which are the expensive flights due to Aviation Fuel price rises. Some people may be travelling now before the reality of living their lives back home hits them, and for sure it is not a sustainable situation, and the only Countries that will see some kind of substantial Tourism resurgence , will be those that have made wise and visionary commitment to their Tourism Sectors through investment over the last few years during the Covid downturn.
  17. Moving of the concrete Chanot land pegs seems to be a given for any purchaser of Land adjacent. Similar to @soi3eddie, we also had our posts removed by a Farmer who tried to steal our land as addition land on which they could grow their crops. Ok, it was only a couple of meters or so, but along the entire length of the property this added up to quite a few TW. We had to pay the LO a sum of 7000 Baht for them to reinstate the posts correctly. This was about 6 Years ago now. Now a developer has built some Houses adjacent to our property, and as far as I am able to see, has used some of the Land on the other side away from ours as land for an access Roadway. How do I know this?, I have a copy of the Chanot for that land as at one time, I considered purchasing it, and the Plot now does not resemble the Dimensions or shape on the Chanot. OK ! Maybe he has stuck a deal with the Land owner, and I would like to think he has. But here also, all the original Chanot posts were all removed including the ones for our Boundary, therefore even more hassle with the LO, but this time the Developer had to pay to reinstate our posts. The others are still missing.
  18. There is not really too much to defend. This latest attempt to lure wealthy Foreigners to the shores of Thailand will be a no brainer to those that have this kind of Money.
  19. Ermmm ! A certain incident over a face Mask at the Airport springs to mind Only one of his howling goofs This man tried to kill the Tourist Industry in a single Day.
  20. Tourism Globally is on its A$$e With many Countries close too, or even in recession now due to ever increasing Fuel costs and rising Inflation, the pot from where Thailand will get its Tourists is ever shrinking with less Tourists and more Countries vying for there Money. Many potential Tourists have now found out they can Holiday in their own Countries as cheaply as coming to Thailand or going elsewhere abroad, or in many cases now due to high Air Fares , even cheaper, and with a very good holiday experience also. All the eggs in Thailands basket were put firmly in one place, but with the slowdown in Global Trade and Covid Lockdowns, China is not going to come galloping over the Hill with Millions of Tourists any time soon to save Thailands Economy. With an Economy so heavily reliant upon Tourism ( 20 % of GDP ), the Thai Government and especial the Tourism sector have all made a huge Faux Pas by not investing in the sector during Covid, with each and every one of them saying and Praying " China will be back before the end of 2021 " How wrong they have all been !
  21. Apparently, this was a scheme whereby Police Officers who were on low pay, would be able to buy their own Firearms at discounted rates and on the knock. This was always going to be open to abuse from the minute the decision was made Years ago. Now the real work should begin to retrieve those weapons and prosecute those Officers who are in effect nothing but Arms Dealers in Uniform. Makes me wonder how many people have been killed, maimed and threatened by these guns, which have been supplied by the Police.
  22. Very difficult to find a good, reliable " Expert Tradesman " in Thailand. Even sometimes a recommendation is for a Guy that will pay a kickback to the person that recommended him. And once you make your choice, and they have your upfront Money for the work, its potentially open season.
  23. How on Earth did this Idiot manage to get through departure Security before even boarding the Plane.
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