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Cake Monster

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Everything posted by Cake Monster

  1. Wow ! Not too many Financial issue going on in Thailand right now. Any 2 or 3 issues as stated above would put many Banks into some kind of panic, but Thailand has a full House and there is little reaction to the issues. I guess " responsible Financial Innovations " means the Banks can carry on lending ridiculous amount of Money to people that have little or no way of paying it back, only to lend it to them for longer payback periods. Already its 99 Baht Deposit for a Car and pay back over 7 Years 99 Baht Deposit for a House and payback for 40 Years Amazing Thailand
  2. " official arrangement " Read as Get them all to pay the same amount of Dash.
  3. Didn't I read in another source of News from out of BKK, that there was also a Police Lt Colonel involved in this scam as well. If I am correct, this small fact seems to have been omitted from this News source. Cant think why !
  4. And that the 1 Ton overload was probably well above the center of gravity.
  5. So with a total of 3,186,186 being made up from only 5 Nations ( Malaysia, India, Lao PDR, Cambodia, and Singapore ), that means Thailand managed to attract ( read as Lure ) a Whopping 4,163,657 Tourists from the whole rest of the World. Very impressive, so much so, they even have to count out UN Officials
  6. Original price on an over inflated one is still too expensive. Why not advertise it as a Fire Sale, because thats what this seems like.
  7. It will be held on with the Thai fix-all..... A piece of Wire Its hardly likely to be blown down by the wind
  8. If the Roller has been updated and accessorized with a full blown powerful Karaoke System , then it will be Chinese. Yes ! There was actually one ordered from China a few Years back that had all this C22p fitted inside. Loadsa Money - Zero taste.
  9. If there is one thing that is as certain as the Tide, its that a Chinese Business Person will flaunt any wealth they have at every opportunity Follow the Bling
  10. They could have practiced the real thing a few weeks ago when one of their own ran amok and murdered so many defenseless children. But No ! They were busy at the time with something which was obviously more important, and couldn't attend fast enough, so they had to wait for a Commando Unit to arrive. The word yellow springs to mind.
  11. A couple of things spring to mind about these " Tourists ' It was reported through another source, that a large number of Luxury Cars , including a Roller were seized during the Raid. Where do these " Tourists " manage to rent such vehicles in Thailand. And secondly Why ban them ?, or Deport them ? Do as they would do to a Thai being caught with Drugs or even a White Falang Throw them in the Bangkok Hilton for a few Years.
  12. And for sure, there will be many Thousands of potential Tourists around the Globe that will be feeling a very tight squeeze due to Inflationary costs and Fuel costs soaring. Not just in the UK, but Globally, the pool of Tourists will be shrinking dramatically for the foreseeable future, and this is why Thailand has missed the Boat, due to lack of Infrastructure and Investment in their Tourism Industry. There is an old saying among Business people. " Invest in a downturn to reap the rewards when better times come along "
  13. Thailand always has a " Master Plan" of some kind for every situation that comes their way. However ! What they dont possess, is the cognitive thinking required to actually make their Plans work.
  14. There was also the statement from Prawit back about a Month ago to preserve the Foreign Exchange reserves after there was a huge deficit in one month alone. I am fairly sure the Foreign Exchange Account carried a balance of over $ 235 Billion back about 5 Years ago, but since the ravages of Covid, and the decimated Tourist Industry, I am wondering how much is in the Account now. All these noises being made from many different sources sort of makes me believe the Account is now near empty.
  15. I think the Airport Security need as much help, if not more than the Lady Another prime example of " not my Job "
  16. Maybe they all went the route of one or two major dealers Plod seems confident ( as usual ) so maybe they know exactly were all the Guns went already
  17. For Police that are armed to wait for Cammando as was demonstrated in the recent tragic events, is a total nonsense. Much earlier reaction would probably saved some lives. Words such as liver and Yellow spring to mind.
  18. I, for one, hope that every Day there are News stories like this one in the headlines. It could possibly mean that something is at last being done to wheedle out the Cancer within the RTP. God knows !, its not before time.
  19. Rotten to the very Core
  20. ....and especially to keep what little Cash Money is circulating, doing just that.
  21. At least if this toxic little man stays in his own Country, there is less risk to him from a " Day of the Jackal " attack, or an Excocet Missile hitting him in the rear end as he as sits on the throne.
  22. That photo of the little pairs of Shoes all lined up - what a choker And it was this tragic Incident in Dunblane that was the final thing in cementing really tight Gun Control in the UK. The other Sad Incident was of course Hungerford. I think that School should be demolished, and a Memorial garden with loads of Trees that will grow as the Children should have grown, of would be a very fitting memorial to make. Also to employ a full time Gardner to keep the memorial spotless clean and tidy paid for by the Gov,t.
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