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Cake Monster

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Everything posted by Cake Monster

  1. I cannot make a comment upon the Stimulus package Money that has been issued to the poor of the Country, but a large Commercial Bank recently announced they had lent to " people with no Bank Accounts or History, or a poor Banking Record ) the total of 2,900 Million, Million ( whatever that amount comes too ) Its a large sum for sure. All the money was lent on the promises that they would be repaid in full ! by the borrowers. I dont know if this is the Stimulus Package, or a reckless lending Policy by the Bank to continue the Policy of spend and be Deviled
  2. But Google Etc, has only really been in Thailand for the last 12 Years or so. Before that the locals sat at the lights squeezing out their Blackheads, and rode with both hands in control, cos their was nothing else to do
  3. Thailands Electricity tariff has already risen by 25% this Year, and with a proposed massive hike to come in 2023 ( delayed from the original hike, which was to take place Dec 2022 to April 2023 ) of around another ???? maybe 25 -40 % . The Inflation rate in the Country has been published at about 6.5 %, which is total rubbish, as prices for many staples have risen by over 25 %, and many rising by as much as 60 %. This makes the Inflation rate among the lowest in the World. Most, if not all Counties around the Globe have already factored in their Massive Energy hikes, and have this already within their published Inflation rates Thailand has not, and this will hit Exports and Tourism and all other Manufacturing very hard, when reality sets in.
  4. I firmly believe, that the use Automatic / semi Auto Gears has added sharply to the sad demise of many people on the Roads. Not just for Bikes, but for Cars and other Vehicles as well. The last option of the census really says it all. With free hands, its all too easy to Google Etc while on the move = Lazy and Dangerous.
  5. You are of course correct My bad Forgot the word " energy " - something that sometimes , at my age, I lack But for sure there will be an impact on Manufacturing costs, and as more and more Industry relies upon Machines rather than people, the cost of Electricity ( and Gas ) to many Companies will be significant
  6. A 20 % rise in the cost of Manufacturing, is going to certainly add to the Inflationary pressures in Thailand. Inflation has ben reported at just over 6. % ( among the Worlds lowest ) which, as many will say is nowhere near the true figure, which IMO is closer to 10 % Food Inflation seems to keep rising on an almost daily basis and many items are now well over 30 % higher than 12 Months ago for staples such as Pork, Chicken, Veggies Cooking Oil Etc.
  7. If you have a large number of these Holes, maybe a Company with a Laser or Plasma cutter is your best option Possibly even water Jet You really have not given too much info
  8. Is there anybody out there that is surprised by this statement ?
  9. I kind of believe the issue stems from Years of watching the parents or Grand Parents from up Country just throwing everything onto a pile. and when it starts to stink too much they burn it. This ultimately plays onto the rebellious and arrogant attitude that seems to be rife in the Country IE, Laws and Rules are for other lowly people - not me Well ! Its the young people that will be leaving a Toxic dump to their Kids and Grand Kids if they do not change - and quickly. Its not about complying, its all about Moral and Social responsibility
  10. Thai people have little or no concept of RRR They appear to be among some of the most wasteful and apathetic people on the Planet. My Wife has a few Dormitory Apartments that she rents to Factory Workers, and the amount of waste that I witness on a Daily basis is outstanding. These are mainly Young people, that really should know better regarding the state of the Planet, and what should be done to try and slow down the destruction, that we, as Humans have caused. My Wife provided Bags for their recyclable stuff ( Bottles, Plastic, Paper Etc ) to be place in , and yet they will still continue to throw it into the general Trash Bins. Water Taps are just left to run for ages, and even when used, are used poorly, resulting in large amounts of wastage. Electricity is wasted in the same way Yet, they will all moan and whinge about their Electric and Water bills at the end of the Month. The people of Thailand really have to start waking up to the fact that they are one of the worst polluters on the Planet, and to deal with the issues. I wonder how they would cope if they were forced to recycle as the People in the UK do
  11. If they can fake Honey, anything is possible.
  12. Maybe being sponsored by the same " facilitators " that are providing the spending money for the Russian s Holidays.
  13. No mention of the alleged cheating from all the Years past then.
  14. Maybe it will meet the ones that I have flying around my place. These ones are very tame, and often sit on my shoulder ( I did say SIT ). They belong to a Lady down the Hill, and fly free every Day to return at night.
  15. Why is this Animal still alive ? Its tasted Human Blood now with no consequences, so its only a matter of time before it will savage another. Any person wanting this creature must be bordering on insane.
  16. I did read that the Husband has " plenty of funds available " However, I also read that the Wife cannot demonstrate to the Home Office any Bank Balances, No joint accounts, Lives off transfers from the Husband Etc. No proof of Home ownership Starting to get iffy right there. The Lady may be very rich indeed, but for an Immigration Officer to see the above, what is he to think ?
  17. And right there, in that very statement, is one of the main reasons that Thailand is losing Export Business, and FDI. Its not about the numbers, but the thinking behind them.
  18. All salaries have to be linked to productivity. This is a concept that really is not palatable in Thailand, as the workers are not productive enough to be driven in this manner. The Boss,s have to Invest in more modern and efficient Machinery, which makes this policy even more unpalatable to them, over and above paying extra Salaries for the same productivity., so the lay offs will start.
  19. The reason that I recommended a UK based company , is that the mans wife has no proof of income or wealth. The Home office will need to see a " willingness " to return back to Thailand This is usually in the form of Land deeds and/or bank Accounts, so the lady does not do a runner as soon as she alights the plane . A UK agent will help with this issue, and an Agent in Thailand is a total waste of both time and money Maybe the Immigration laws have been relaxed since I last used them many Years ago, but back then the Visas were more about Financials than any other issue. Both Partners financials
  20. I thoroughly recommend a Visa service in the UK called " Orchid of Siam " They are one of only 2 recognized Visa agents in the UK o deal directly with the Home office, and will be able to give you the latest and correct information or your needs. Its been some years now since I used their services, and I hope Tony and Lek, and their Beautiful Family are all well, Lovely people, and a great service.
  21. Sofa,s here are manufactured with NO posture springing in them. I have yet to see one that has this feature to prevent the Cushion Seating from collapsing. The Cushion seating is just stuffed full of fiber, and tends to sag and collapse. Beware also the poor manufacturing of the support under the seating Nothing like a good quality Sofa, but the pricing does not reflect this.
  22. Chuwit is probably going to need more than just a Tin Hat after this one.
  23. Spending is down to the individual Tourist. Quite a shock to many of them i suspect , to see the huge price rises in Thailand, when Inflation is reported to be only 6.14 % ( among the Worlds lowest ) There is only so much that is loose change in a Tourists pocket, and Thailand has started to price themselves away from that kind of money in pursuit of the " Dream " arrivals that have money bursting out of every pocket. Old saying in Business Its better to have 100 small customers, than just one large one.
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