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Cake Monster

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Everything posted by Cake Monster

  1. Couldn,t happen to a nicer Chap Even after a gazillion Vaccinations. I guess not wearing a Mask has finally caught up with him ????
  2. A target range of 1 - 3 % !!!! I guess these people been smoking the same pipe as TAT Inflation is already at 7.1 % if these people are to be believed, but many believe it to be much higher. More is to come for sure AIMO, Inflation will be nearer to 9 - 11 % by Year end possibly more. Sounding optimistic is good, but sounding ignorant is very bad especially from such an Organization.
  3. Could Thailand be the place to book a Holiday ? Yes it is ! Along with Hundreds, if not thousands, of other attractive destinations. To win an actual Booking, the Holiday destination has to offer more, and better for the Tourist to part with their Money. Does Thailand offer these things, - its debatable
  4. The record amount of Household Debt is the major reason for no Interest Rate rises within the Country to help control Inflation. Raising the Interest Rates would tip many Business and Private Households into Debt default, causing a rethink from the Credit Agencies about the Countries stability. Any lowering of the credit ratings would incur higher borrowing costs for the Government on such things as Submarines and Aircraft. and would throw the Property Market into a Tail Spin. Stagflation is a very real risk for the Kingdom now.
  5. Today, the price of Rice has risen by over 10 % Last time we bought 15 Kg Rice, the Missus paid 500 Baht Today the same Rice is 565 Baht. There are gonna be some protests soon for sure if this kind of Inflation continues with little will by the Government to help bring it under control.
  6. There is also a small independent Optician on the corner directly opposite the Fish Market in Nakjlua
  7. Something costing Billions of Baht will not just be for show and Face. This thing will have a purpose, and I very much doubt it will be a Weather Satellite, as its sponsored by a Military Gov,t.
  8. But blaming people that neither have the knowledge or willingness to control the Animal they pretend to " Love " is Right whether they be Thais or Farang or Eskimos,
  9. The main issue here is when are the Authorities going to actin an appropriate manner and come down hard on all these Feral Dogs and their owners. There are simply just too many Dogs wandering the streets, and they are all out of control. The time really has come to have all dogs registered and Collared. No register or Collar, then its destroyed and used as Fertiliser. I really hope the Parents of this Infant take this " Owner " of the Dog through the Courts and screw every Baht they are able too out of him to pay for all the Plastic Surgery which will be needed over many Years to come for the poor Child.
  10. About 6 Million benefited from the Student Loan Fund. Thats nearly 8 % of the entire population The mind doth boggle.
  11. Yet again we have more Xenophobia targeting Foreign Tourists. The very people that Thailand wants and needs to attract for Vacations. Maybe this is the official way of displaying the law, but where are the heavily armed SWAT Teams that are so proudly lauded at every opportunity. Is there any end to the Insanity that is Thailand
  12. And the entire Country would be so much better off in terms of people who are actually qualified being placed in positions of higher Authority.
  13. It is my opinion, that Thailand has not, and will not raise Interest rates any time soon. They will just let the people suffer with the increased Inflation. The Government essentially is terrified of the backlash that this would cause throughout Thai Society. House prices / Building costs are set to rise by some 5 % or so ( more like 10 % ), and this means Developers will incur additional charges on any Money borrowed from the Banks Etc, along with being burdened with Property they have less chance of selling due to increased Mortgage Rates and diminished demand. The property Market has been on its rear end now for some Years, and any increase in Interest Rates would be a major issue in the loss of Revenue stream for the Government, and with Household Debt at record levels of near 100 % of GDP, any increase would push many more people over the edge into default on their Loans. Either way the Government play the issue of inflation, they are running the risk of riots on the streets again, and this is something they desperately have to avoid to help the Tourism sector recover.
  14. Its not the Grease and general waste from Restaurants thats the main problem. Its all the <deleted> thrown down the drains by the Street vendors. Most of these sellers just empty the Oil and Noodle Soup Etc down the drains
  15. I guess that making Cannabis legal, has led to some people being a little over enthusiastic with the stuff. Since legalisation, we are now subjected to so many of these kind of ludicrous statements. Never mind ! The World needs to laugh more.
  16. I always take my Moggy along with me as well when I visit the Doctor. Can you believe this load of tosh
  17. And even when there are dedicated Cycle Ways for the riders to enjoy, I very often see them on the Roadways right next to the Cycle Way. Why invite potential trouble for yourself doing this. Insane ? Yes, very much so.
  18. The EU must has overlooked the " Factory Prisons " that were evident during Covid.
  19. As sure as Eggs are Eggs, Thailands economy is going to be dragged down by the fact that many other Economies around the World are experiencing some major issues with inflation and growth, many Countries of which are on the cusp of tipping into Recession. Thailand is reliant upon these Economies for their Export Markets and Tourism, and both of these will see a marked downward curve over the next few Months 3.1 % is at the very top of the optimism curve IMO, and a figure nearer to 1 % is realistic.
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