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Cake Monster

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Everything posted by Cake Monster

  1. Thats good ! Just a question of putting in a little effort to go there then.
  2. If you live in Pattaya, and dont want to putt in the effort of finding the best produce at the best price, then you have to expect to be shafted. Living just outside the City, Veggies are typically at least half the price of the Big C Ie Lettuce 250 G for 50 Baht ( and non Hydro ) Spring Onions 10 Baht a large bunch Bananas 40 Baht a bunch about 750 G Cucumbers 20 Baht KG Always fresh
  3. So cancel the festivities in Khao San Road, but grant a 500 M budget to Central to hold Festivities. Herd them sheeple into the Malls to get them spending Money me thinks.
  4. Who carries the rank of Colonel
  5. A very sad Day, with more Days such as this to follow.
  6. Every Year we hear the same old, same old And every Year the number of Deaths keeps on rising
  7. This is the first time I have seen some numbers regarding the impending Electric Tarff rises. 20.5 % ( and dont forget to add on the extra cost of VAT @ 7 %) is a large hike, and one that will put many Companies under. Some Nations that are Thailand's direct Competitors for Exports and Manufactured Goods have Tariffs set for a Year, that are only about Half of this cost.. The basic costs of everything is sure to rise, and add to the nations Inflation rate, which has been quoted at something like 6.5 %( among the Worlds lowest ) The Inflation rate is nothing like this number, with Food Staples rising by more than 30 %, and in many cases by as much as 75%
  8. Luckily, they are not rolling out those MIB wearing all the SWAT gear and armed to the teeth.
  9. I remember some Years ago, that Vehicle Manufacturers were actually buying their own Vehicles. They then were selling through their Dealerships Globally, and using their own Financial Arrangements to shift them to the Customers. Those Customers being mainly Lease Companies that were more or less demanding their own price for the Vehicles.
  10. I somehow think that " limited space " on Cargo Ships is not the main reason for a near 11 % drop in Exported Vehicles. The reason for the decline is probably more todo with the Global slowdown, with Dealerships rammed with Stock Vehicles, and Consumers with very little Money to spend on Big Ticket items such as Carss and Holidays.
  11. With this slew of " Gifts " for the people, and the suspension of the Electricity rises until at least April, me thinks there needs to be a whole lot more Money sloshing around the Economy than the Gov,t are letting on. I guess the " huge " influx of Tourists during the high season has not replenished the coffers as hoped, and from all the reports coming out of China, its going to be sometime before the CCP allow the people to travel in any great numbers as before. 2023 could be a very interesting Year in LOS
  12. IOP You should be aware that only a few Banks in Thailand will receive your transfers if they are over 50,000 Baht I would advise that the usage of "Wise " is your best method, and they carry an advisory notice on the Thai transferable amounts Etc
  13. No I am not Its easy enough for them to find Booze 24/7 if they so desire. What I am suggesting however, is that anybody drinking until 4 Am is a danger to themselves and others the following Day, and lets be honest here. They are pretty much useless to everybody around them..
  14. If a total disregard for Safety can be employed on a RTN Vessel, then there is no hope at all for the Safety of Tourists and Locals alike. This was already demonstrated with the loss of all those Chinese Tourists a couple of Years or so ago.
  15. Its all well and good to state that they poor Sailors had been trained to " swim from one Island to another "and how to stay afloat using a life vest, But, if the high up command do not make sure their subordinates are providing the vital amount of correct Equipment, then it basically means the Military equivalent of Corporate Manslaughter.
  16. " Shoppers rebates and Property Tax cuts as New years Gift " Read as Another stimulus package has been announced by the Government to bolster a weakening Economy
  17. At last ! Common sense prevails ! 4 AM drinking time for Tourists may good, but for the Locals it would have meant even more carnage on the Roads early in the Mornings, more accidents at Work, and a Workforce for the Employers that would have been even less productive than they are now, through absenteeism, and general poor performance.
  18. Thank God this Moron is not driving a Mini Van full of School Kids.
  19. I wonder how many of those weapons came from Military or Police Armories'.
  20. And also " whilst adding a Policy of lending to keep the Country ticking over " Which ultimately has led to this terrible mess for so many people.
  21. Wot ! No Coyote Dancers
  22. Riding one of those lethal " Automatic " Scooters probably, and not understanding that Automatic does not include Auto Pilot.
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